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This is a chapter excerpt from Guilford Publications.

The Human Frontal Lobes, Second Edition: Functions and Disorders

Edited by Bruce L. Miller and Jeffrey L. Cummings. Copyright © 2007

Conceptual and Clinical Aspects
of the Frontal Lobes

Jeffrey L. Cummings
Bruce L. Miller

The human frontal lobes mediate the behaviors FRONTAL LOBE FUNCTIONS
that most distinguish man from animals. Even
higher nonhuman primates lack the empathy, Several major categories of function are medi-
regret, sarcasm, social awareness, planning, and ated by the frontal lobes. Elemental neurologi-
judgment characteristic of human behavior. cal functions, speech and language abilities,
These frontally mediated behaviors define the volitional eye movements, motivational behav-
highest level of human culture and achievement. iors, social competency, and executive abilities
Frontal executive functions are also among the are mediated by discrete regions within the
most vulnerable of all human capabilities and frontal lobe.
are compromised by a variety of neurological
illnesses, including stroke, demyelinating disor-
Elemental Neurological Functions
ders, neurodegenerative diseases, traumatic
brain injury, and neoplasms. Developmental Basic neurological functions mediated by the
disorders frequently find their most severe ex- frontal lobes include pyramidal motor func-
pressions in frontal executive dysfunction. tions, control of continence, and olfaction.
Disorders of frontal lobe function and exec- Olfaction depends on the integrity of the olfac-
utive abilities are commonly encountered in tory bulb, olfactory nerve, and olfactory tract.
clinical circumstances. The assessment and in- The olfactory bulbs and nerves lie on the infe-
terpretation of frontal executive skills are com- rior surface of the orbitofrontal cortex, where
plex and require substantial clinical expertise. they are vulnerable to damage by orbitofrontal
Neuropsychological measures have evolved injury. Traumatic contusions and subfrontal
that capture aspects of frontal executive behav- neoplasms (e.g., meningiomas) are not infre-
ior, and advances are being made in developing quent causes of acquired olfactory dysfunction.
bedside tests that provide insight into frontal The medial olfactory track projects into the
executive abnormalities. In this brief chapter, septal region of the basal forebrain within the
an overview of frontal executive dysfunction is inferior medial frontal lobe.
provided, methods of assessment are described, The pyramidal motor tract begins in the mo-
and disorders commonly affecting these func- tor strip and projects through the internal cap-
tions are discussed. The anatomical underpin- sule and peduncle to the basis pontis and the
nings of distinct aspects of frontal executive medullary decussations before descending to
functions are correlated with clinical and func- the anterior horn cells. Pyramidal lesions cause
tional descriptions. a characteristic posture featuring extension of

Conceptual and Clinical Aspects 13

the lower limb and flexion of the upper limb. The palmomental reflex can occur in normal
This posture is the typical hanging posture of individuals but may occur asymmetrically or be
the nonhuman primate and reflects the evolu- elicitable after multiple stimulations in individ-
tionary history of the nonpyramidal motor sys- uals with frontal dysfunction. It has been hy-
tem. There is concomitant spasticity of the in- pothesized that the palmomental reflex repre-
volved limbs, with a gradual crescendo of tone, sents a primitive growl response associated
culminating in sudden cessation of resistance as with upper limb simulation.
Golgi tendon organs release the spastic resis-
tance. The pyramidal motor system mediates
Sphincter Control
fine finger and lip movements, as well as upper
limb reach into the environment. This upper The urethral and anal sphincters are repre-
limb reach, and hand and lip dexterity allow sented anatomically in the medial inferior fron-
for fine motor control of writing and speech, tal cortex, inferior to the leg area of the medial
which contribute importantly to human enter- primary motor cortex. Involvement of this re-
prise and culture. gion through anterior cerebral artery stroke or
degeneration results in loss of sphincter control
and urinary or fecal incontinence.
Ocular Motor Functions
Volitional eye movements are mediated by the
Speech and Language Functions
frontal eye fields anterior to the motor strip.
Saccadic eye movements depend on the integ- Speech and language functions are mediated by
rity of this system. Supranuclear eye move- frontal lobe structures. A frontal dysarthria has
ment abnormalities reflecting an involvement been described with lesions anterior to the
of the frontal eye fields or disconnection of mouth area of the primary frontal cortex.
the fields from the ocular nuclei occur in Aphemia is a syndrome that begins with mu-
progressive supranuclear palsy, Huntington’s tism and evolves into a “foreign accent syn-
disease, and a variety of other neurological drome.” It is associated with small lesions con-
disorders. Seizures produce ocular deviation fined to Broca’s area of the left hemisphere.
away from the affected frontal eye field, and Larger Broca’s area lesions produce the syn-
ocular eye deviation toward the affected side drome of Broca’s aphasia, with nonfluent ver-
is characteristic of a postictal state or a focal bal output, largely intact comprehension, and
lesion. compromised repetition. Medial left frontal le-
sions produce a transcortical motor aphasia
characterized by nonfluent output, preserved
Frontal Release Signs
comprehension, and preserved repetition. An
Frontal release signs, more properly called executive aprosodia with impaired speech oc-
“primitive reflexes,” represent evolutionarily curs with lesions of the right hemisphere in the
derived motor programs that facilitate the exis- location equivalent to Broca’s area on the left.
tence of the infant but are normally lost as More anterior lesions of the right hemisphere
frontal cortex matures and frontal function contribute to a language output syndrome of
suppresses these more primitive motor pro- verbal dysdecorum, featuring lewd remarks,
grams. The suck reflex represents the innate sarcasm, or inappropriate humor (Alexander,
sucking response necessary for infant survival. Benson, & Stuss, 1989). Thus, frontal lobe le-
It reappears in advanced neurological disorders sions may produce a variety of speech and lan-
or diseases specifically affecting the frontal guage disorders. The syndromes tend to be spe-
lobes. Similarly, the grasp reflex enhances the cific for left or right hemisphere.
chance of survival in tree-dwelling primates,
whose survival from infancy depends on un-
Prefrontally Mediated Skills and Syndromes
learned reflexes to hang from parents or
branches. The grasp reflex reappears in pa- The prefrontal cortex is parcellated into orbito-
tients with diffuse neurological dysfunction or frontal, dorsolateral prefrontal, and medial
frontal lobe disorders. The extensor plantar frontal/anterior cingulate regions. Each of
represents a portion of the triple flexion with- these mediates a separate set of skills and
drawal reflex, a protective response to distal produces a distinct clinical syndrome when
limb stimulation. rendered dysfunctional (described below). Dis-
14 O V E R V I E W O F T H E F R O N TA L LO B E S

orders affecting the medial frontal cortex pro- interna before connecting to thalamic nuclei.
duce an apathetic amotivational syndrome; dis- The direct circuit projects from globus pallidus
orders of the orbitofrontal cortex produce interna to medial thalamic regions. The dy-
a disinhibited, impulse control disorder; and namic balance between direct and indirect cir-
lesions of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex cuitry provides the basis for some types of
result in executive dysfunction (Cummings, motoric and behavioral disturbances eman-
1998; Sarazin et al., 1998). ating from disorders of one of the compo-
nent pathways (Litvan, Paulsen, Mega, &
Cummings, 1998).
FRONTAL–SUBCORTICAL CIRCUITS Each of the frontal–subcortical circuits is rel-
atively discrete, with communication between
Frontal–cortical regions are connected to a circuits occurring primarily at the level of the
complex circuitry of subcortical structures frontal cortex. This anatomical arrangement
(Figure 2.1). Frontal motor cortex and frontal emphasizes the unique function of the frontal
eye fields connect to subcortical motor and oc- cortex as an integrator across functional com-
ular control nuclei through descending path- plexes.
ways involving the basal ganglia and thalamus. The principal pathways outlined here share
The behaviorally relevant cortical regions of common transmitters, as well as an overall
medial frontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, and common anatomical structure (while remain-
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex each project to ing largely discrete within those structures).
distinct areas of the striatum. These striatal re- Glutamate is the principal cortical transmitter,
gions in turn project to subdivisions of the sub- both from cortex to striatum, and from
stantia nigra and globus pallidus. Nigral and thalamus to cortex. The main excitatory trans-
pallidal structures project to discrete nuclei of mitter within the circuits is also primarily glu-
the dorsomedial thalamic nuclei. The final limb tamate, whereas the common inhibitory trans-
of the circuit projects back to frontal cortex, as mitter is γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). These
well as more widely to parietal and temporal pathways receive modulating input from sero-
regions (Cummings, 1998). Each frontal– tonergic and dopaminergic nuclei. In addition,
subcortical circuit has both a direct and an in- cholinergic interneurons comprise a population
direct pathway. The indirect pathway projects within the striatal structures. Differential
from globus pallidus externa to the sub- expression of receptor subtypes distinguishes
thalamic nucleus and back to globus pallidus among the frontal–subcortical circuits.

FIGURE 2.1. Principal anatomic structures of frontal–subcortical circuits.

Conceptual and Clinical Aspects 15

MEDIAL FRONTAL CORTEX judgment, impulsive decision making, lack of

consideration for the impact of their behavior,
The medial frontal cortex comprises the sup- absence of an appreciation for the effect of
plementary motor area and the anterior their behavior or comments on others, and lack
cingulate cortex. The anterior cingulate is inti- of empathy for others. This orbitofrontal
mately involved in motivated behavior, and the syndrome has been labeled a “pseudopsycho-
principal behavioral product of anterior pathic” disorder, linking it to the sociopathic or
cingulate dysfunction is an amotivational apa- psychopathic behavior exhibited by individuals
thetic state. Apathy has several dimensions (Ta- with character disorders who manifest a disre-
ble 2.1). Motoric apathy is manifested by di- gard for accepted social conventions. Like indi-
minished motor activity, reduced gesturing, viduals with sociopathy, patients with orbito-
and diminished verbal output. Cognitive apa- frontal syndromes may commit minor crimes,
thy is manifested by decreased curiosity and al- such as shoplifting, and may come to clinical
tered interest in learning, deducing, and draw- attention through manifestations of criminal
ing logical conclusions. Affective apathy behavior (Miller, Darby, Benson, Cummings,
includes diminished vocal inflection and re- & Miller, 1997). Other behaviors that fre-
duced facial expression of internal emotional quently co-occur with the orbitofrontal disinhi-
states. Emotional apathy is evidenced by re- bition syndrome include apathy, restlessness,
duced social interest, diminished affection, and stereotypes, indifference, euphoria, disinterest-
compromised enthusiasm. Motivational apathy edness, cheerfulness, diminished attention, de-
includes reduced initiation and poor mainte- pendence or hyperdependence on stimuli in the
nance of implemented activities. The indepen- physical environment, planning disorders, and
dence and anatomical and neurobiological cor- impairment of emotional control (Sarazin et
relates of these different forms of apathy have al., 1998). When orbitofrontal injury is sus-
not been determined. tained in childhood, a similar behavioral com-
Apathy occurs with degenerative, ischemic, plex emerges but, in addition, the patients
neoplastic, and infectious conditions affecting exhibit defective social and moral reasoning
the anterior cingulate cortex, nucleus (Anderson, Bechara, Damasio, Tranel, &
accumbens, globus pallidus, thalamus, or con- Damasio, 1999). “Theory of mind” tests reveal
necting white matter tracts. Apathy is particu- that the ability to infer the mental state of oth-
larly striking in some patients with ers depends explicitly on right orbitofrontal
frontotemporal dementia, individuals with function (Stuss, Gallupp, & Alexander, 2001).
thalamic stroke, and persons with human Orbitofrontal dysfunction is frequently appar-
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) encephalopathy. ent in individuals exhibiting the environmental
dependence syndrome manifested by imitation
and utilization behavior (Lhermitte, 1986;
ORBITOFRONTAL CORTEX Lhermitte, Pillon, & Serdaru, 1986).

The orbitofrontal cortex, particularly the right-

hemispheric orbitofrontal regions, mediates the DORSOLATERAL PREFRONTAL CORTEX
rules of social convention. Patients with orbito- AND EXECUTIVE FUNCTION
frontal lesions are socially disabled, manifest-
ing interpersonal disinhibition, poor social The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is responsi-
ble for organizing a volitional response to envi-
ronmental contingencies, recalling past events
and planning current actions in a temporally
TABLE 2.1. Components of the Apathetic Syndrome informed manner, programming motor acts to
follow volitional command, implementing pro-
Motoric grams to achieve the intended goal, monitoring
Cognitive the results of the action to determine the suc-
Affective cess of the intervention, and adjusting or stop-
Emotional ping the action depending on the outcome of
Motivational the assessment (Royall et al., 2002) (Figure
2.2). Each of these component processes is an
16 O V E R V I E W O F T H E F R O N TA L LO B E S

FIGURE 2.2. Components of frontal executive function abnormalities and relevant assessments.

executive process, and each may be impaired in the presence of a primary language deficit.
independently of the others. Thus, patients Likewise, the typical memory syndromes asso-
with executive dysfunction disorders may man- ciated with prefrontal dysfunction, such as a
ifest any of a diverse array of clinical phenom- retrieval deficit disorder, cannot be exhibited in
ena reflecting the complex organizational the presence of a frank amnesia associated with
framework mediating executive function. Not temporal lobe dysfunction. Strategies associ-
all patients with frontal lobe or frontal– ated with resolution of complex visuospatial
subcortical circuit disorders exhibit abnormali- challenges cannot be developed and applied in
ties in all executive function domains. the absence of elementary visual perceptual
Prefrontal functions are conceptualized as a and visuospatial functions. In the course of as-
nested series of hierarchical functions, with the sessment, relative functional capacity of instru-
first, lowest level involved in selecting motor mental functions must be ensured before con-
actions and motor programs, the second pro- clusions can be derived about the integrity of
viding contextual control and involved in se- executive functions.
lecting premotor representations contingent on Many executive function tasks assess multi-
external circumstances, and a third, episodic ple types of executive processes. For example,
control level placing the volitional act in a tem- the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test assesses both
porally relevant and situationally informed abstraction and preservation. The clock draw-
context (Koechlin, Ody, & Kouneiher, 2003). ing task tests both visual strategy and freedom
Executive function depends on the integrity from distraction. Failure of a specific execu-
of instrumental functions, such as language, tive function task rarely implicates a single,
memory, praxis, and visuospatial skills. One unique executive process. Rules that apply to
cannot abstract proverbs, a function that de- assessing frontal disorders are summarized in
pends on assigning two meanings to language, Table 2.2.
Conceptual and Clinical Aspects 17

TABLE 2.2. Observations Guiding the Assessment of Frontal Lobe Functions

• Executive function has many dimensions, including choosing, planning, programming, implementing,
monitoring, and adjusting or ending a volitional act.
• Individual component processes of executive functions can be affected independently.
• Not all component processes are affected in patients with frontal lobe disorders simultaneously.
• Assessment of multiple component processes should be included in the evaluation of patients with a
suspected frontal lobe dysfunction.
• Executive function depends on intact instrumental functions such as language, memory, praxis,
perception, and visuospatial processing.
• Many tests of frontal lobe function simultaneously assess more than one component process.
• Executive function is synthetic, creative, and generative; the constrained and structured circumstances of
many testing situations minimize the effects of frontal dysfunction.
• Executive functions, motivation, and social behavior depend on frontal–subcortial circuitry in addition
to integrity of frontal cortex.
• “Frontal” disorders may occur with subcortical lesions (basal ganglia, thalamus) linked to frontal cortex
through fontal–subcortical circuits.
• Three relatively distinct frontal lobe syndromes are recognized: An amotivational syndrome reflects
dysfunction of the anterior cingulate and medial frontal cortex; disinhibition is associated with
disturbances of the inferior frontal cortex; and executive dysfunction is associated with dysfunction of
the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.

Component Procedures of Executive Function tive function level include mental control tasks
and the ability to hold the task in mind, such as
reciting the months of the year in reverse order
There are few pure tests of volition. Assessment or spelling the word “world” backwards,
of this domain is best accomplished by investi- tower tests that require extensive planning,
gating the patient’s insight and determining his complex figure copy tasks that require a so-
or her understanding of the illness, disability, phisticated strategy to best accomplish the
and likelihood of regaining employment status. copy, maze tasks that require the patient to an-
Verbal fluency testing contains a generative in- ticipate and plan maze moves, and a clock-
tellectual component relevant to the assessment drawing task that requires the patient to ex-
of volition. Patients must volitionally search hibit spatial planning (Royall, Cordes, & Polk,
their lexicon to identify members of a specific 1998). Memory functions rendered abnormal
category, such as animals or words beginning by prefrontal cortex dysfunction include prob-
with the letter “a.” lems retrieving information from semantic
Volitional activity demands the ability to stores, impairments of temporal ordering, dec-
suppress habitual responses in favor of novel rements of source memory (where or when
activity, an ability tested by the Stroop Color– something was learned), increased susceptibil-
Word Test. This ability is critical to implement- ity to interference in the course of memory test-
ing programs in response to environmental ing, compromised strategies for encoding and
contingencies (Peterson et al., 1999). Volition retrieval, impaired metamemory or insight into
also requires abstraction of a pattern from the memory function, and increased rates of
background. Abstraction is assessed by the confabulatory and false memory responses
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test and tests of simi- (Wheeler, Stuss, & Tulving, 1995). Patients
larities, differences, and proverb interpretation have difficulty retrieving remote memories, just
(Goldstein, Obrzut, John, Ledakis, & Arm- as they do retrieving recent memories, and
strong, 2004; Rezai et al., 1993). there is less of a recent–remote dissociation in
frontally based retrieval deficit syndromes
compared to temporally based amnestic disor-
Planning and Recalling
ders (Mangels, Gershberg, Shimamura, &
This component of executive function medi- Knight, 1996). Procedural or motor learning is
ates development of a plan and puts it into a impaired in patients with prefrontal lesions
temporal context of previously accomplished (Gomez Beldarrain, Grafman, Pascual-Leone,
activities. Assessments relevant to this execu- & Garcia-Monco, 1999).
18 O V E R V I E W O F T H E F R O N TA L LO B E S

Motor Programs call search is assessed through tests of recent

and remote recall; strategy generation can be
Appropriate programming involves both se-
determined through complex figure copy
lecting and implementing a program and re-
tasks; mental control is assessed by asking the
sisting or inhibiting alternative responses.
patient to repeat the months of the year in re-
Commonly used motor program tests include
verse order, to spell the word “world” back-
alternating programs, reciprocal programs,
ward, or to execute serial subtractions. Ab-
and the go/no-go test.
straction is assessed through interpretation of
proverbs or derivation of the meaning of dif-
Implementation of Volitional Activity ferences or similarities. Motor tasks include
motor programming tasks such as go/no-go
The actual implementation phase of volitional tasks and serial hand sequences. Freedom
activity is mediated by frontal motor cortex or, from distraction can be assessed by asking
in the case of eye movements, by frontal eye the patient to draw the face of a clock and
fields. Relevant measures of motor activity in- set it for the time of 11:10. Vigilance and
clude the Trail Making A test, the grooved peg- concentration are examined with a continu-
board test, and the finger-tapping test. ous performance test, and the ability to shift
sets can be determined by asking the patient
Monitoring the Effects of Volitional Activity to perform oral trails (alternating between
counting and reciting the alphabet).
A variety of vigilance and abstraction tasks are In addition to these individual components
required to monitor the impact of a volitional of a bedside assessment of frontal lobe func-
effect. Cancellation tasks assess vigilance, as do tions, several relevant rating scales and ques-
digit span and continuous performance tasks. tionnaires have been developed and may as-
sist in identifying and characterizing frontal
Adjusting and Stopping Volitional Activity lobe disorder. The EXIT-25, which provides a
brief assessment of several component frontal
Adjusting and stopping volitional activity is as executive functions, may be used in conjunc-
critical as implementing it. Perseveration is a tion with the CLOX, a method of scor-
commonly observed clinical phenomenon that ing clock drawing that emphasizes executive
represents an inability to stop an action appro- function (Royall et al., 1998). The Frontal
priately. This is tested clinically with multiple Assessment Battery (FAB; Dubois, Slachevsky,
loops or motor programming tasks, such as Litvan, & Pillon, 2000) also assesses several
alternating programs. The Wisconsin Card processes relevant to frontal lobe function
Sorting Test and the Trail Making B Test also and has been shown to identify patients with
elicit perseverative behavior. frontal lobe syndromes. The Montreal Cogni-
tive Assessment (MoCA; Nasreddine et al.,
2005) is a 30-item cognitive assessment with
BEDSIDE ASSESSMENT an emphasis on evaluation of executive func-
Assessment of neuropsychiatric symptoms
Orbitofrontal, medial frontal, and some as- may assist in identifying patients with frontal
pects of dorsolateral prefrontal dysfunction are lobe dysfunction. The Neuropsychiatric Inven-
best assessed by careful observation during the tory (NPI; Cummings et al., 1994) had been
course of an interview. Is the patient disinhibit- used to assess patients with frontotemporal de-
ed, impulsive, and tactless? Is the patient apa- generation, where it reveals a characteristic
thetic, agestural, and without motivation? profile of disinhibition and euphoria (Levy,
Does the patient have poor judgment, failing to Miller, Cummings, Fairbanks, & Craig, 1996).
grasp the implications of his or her illness or The Frontal Systems Behavior Scale (Stout,
disability? Ready, Grace, Malloy, & Paulsen, 2003) in-
Bedsides mental status testing can assess a cludes ratings of apathy and disinhibition and
substantial number of component executive measures of executive dysfunction, and is use-
processes. Lexical search strategies are as- ful in assessment of patients with frontal lobe
sessed by verbal fluency; information and re- disorders.
Conceptual and Clinical Aspects 19

FUNCTIONAL IMAGING AND THE EXPLORATION TABLE 2.3. Conditions Producing a Disproportionate
OF FRONTALLY MEDIATED ABILITIES Impact on Frontal and Frontal–Subcortical Function
Vascular disorders
Functional magnetic resonance imaging Anterior cerebral artery occlusion
(fMRI) has emerged as a tool uniquely suited Middle cerebral artery occlusion
to explore aspects of frontal lobe function. In Anterior communicating artery aneurysm rupture
these assessments, an individual is challenged Cerebrovascular disease affecting small vessels
with a unique situation or test. Activation of Degenerative disorders
a specific region of the frontal lobes in re- Frontotemporal dementia
Primary progressive aphasia
sponse to the challenge implies participation Frontal variant of Alzheimer’s disease
of that region in generating the response. Progressive supranuclear palsy
This methodology has been successfully ap- Corticobasal degeneration
plied to the exploration of higher-order hu- Parkinson’s disease
man cognitive functions. For example, regret Multiple sclerosis
has been shown to depend on the integrity of Infections
orbitofrontal cortex (Camille et al., 2004). HIV infection
Conflict monitoring has been ascribed by Traumatic brain injury
fMRI to the anterior cingulate, a concept Brain neoplasms
consistent with the idea that absence of con- Butterfly gliomas
flict monitoring would result in an apathetic Subfrontal meningiomas
syndrome (Kerns et al., 2004). Activation of Hydrocephalus
the presupplementary motor area, as well as
right dorsolateral prefrontal region was ob-
served when patients paid attention to their
volitional activity (Lau, Rogers, Haggard, & Frontotemporal dementia affecting primarily
Passingham, 2004). Participation of the ante- right anterior temporal or frontal structures
rior cingulate cortex has been demonstrated produces a disinhibition syndrome, whereas
in monitoring situations in which errors are asymmetric involvement of the left frontal
likely to occur (Carter et al., 1998), and the cortex produces primary progressive aphasia.
orbitofrontal cortex was found to participate A frontal variant of Alzheimer’s disease has
in reward-dependent activity in nonhuman been recognized, in which prominent frontal
primates (Roesch & Olson, 2004). This ap- features co-occur with a typical amnestic
proach has been unusually valuable in link- type of memory disorder (Johnson, Head,
ing regions of frontal cortex to specific be- Kim, Starr, & Cotman, 1999). Disorders of
haviors. frontal–subcortical circuits, such as progres-
sive supranuclear palsy and corticobasal de-
generation, also produce a frontal-type syn-
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF CONDITIONS drome. Demyelinating disorders, particularly
PREDOMINANTLY AFFECTING multiple sclerosis, affecting frontal lobe white
FRONTAL CORTICAL FUNCTION matter tracks can produce a prominent
frontal-type syndrome. Traumatic brain injury
A variety of neurological disorders can have not infrequently has disproportionate effects
disproportionate impact on frontal function on the orbitofrontal cortex, resulting in an
(Table 2.3). Among vascular disorders, occlu- orbitofrontal disinhibition syndrome in the
sion of the anterior cerebral artery produces posttraumatic state. Syphilis and HIV are two
an anterior cingulate syndrome, whereas oc- examples of infectious disorders that can
clusion of the superior branch of the middle have disproportionate effects on frontal func-
cerebral artery affects dorsolateral prefrontal tion. Patients with brain tumors, particularly
cortex. Rupture of anterior communicating butterfly gliomas involving the frontal lobes
artery aneurysms may produce orbitofrontal bilaterally, or subfrontal meningiomas that
injury and a disinhibition syndrome. Frontal compress the orbitofrontal cortex from be-
cortical degenerations likewise produce a low, may present with prominent frontal lobe
prominent frontal disorder (Miller, Boone, dysfunction. Obstructive hydrocephalus may
Cummings, Read, & Mishkin, 2000). produce a frontal-type syndrome.
20 O V E R V I E W O F T H E F R O N TA L LO B E S

TREATMENT & Garcia-Monco, J. C. (1999). Procedural learning

is impaired in patients with prefrontal lesions. Neu-
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covery of disease-modifying treatments to
C. W. (1999). Clinical and pathological evidence for
ameliorate their impact on frontal function.
a frontal variant of Alzheimer’s disease. Archives of
Disease-specific therapies may be useful in Neurology, 56, 1233–1239.
ameliorating progression of stroke or multiple Kerns, J. G., Cohen, J. D., MacDonald, A. W., III, Cho,
sclerosis affecting frontal lobe functions. Symp- R. Y., Stenger, V. A., & Carter, C. S. (2004). Anterior
tomatic treatments may sometimes provide cingulate conflict monitoring and adjustments in
useful relief of symptoms. Cholinesterase in- control. Science, 303, 1023–1026.
hibitors have modest effects on executive dys- Koechlin, E., Ody, C., & Kouneiher, F. (2003). The ar-
function in Parkinson’s disease dementia (Emre chitecture of cognitive control in the human pre-
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