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Background of the Study

Oil as a natural resource is very abundant here on earth. Many oil deposits are

spread around the globe. Export of oil is done through oil shipments from continent to

continent. An unexpected accident of one of these ships may cause oil spill which can

create serious environmental issues. A large oil spill can cause heavy damage and will be

toxic to marine life, resources which man use as food, thus having also an effect on

human life. Because of the damage and the resulting toxicity of these oil spills, there is a

need to clean the spills. Numerous ways are used to clean spills like using dispersants,

vacuums and skimmers.

Cleaning and absorption of commercial oil spills costs a lot of money. Sometimes,

unpredictable weather disturbs the cleaning of process. There are abundant resources in

our country that absorbs oil effectively, so that the government would not spend too

much on commercial absorbents and heavy equipment.Thereis also possibility in using

waste product an absorbent.

Papaya is a tropical fruit that originated from North America, mostly in Mexico.

Papaya fruit is widely grown all over the world which have tropical climate such as

Philippines. According to Papaya the Medicine Tree, (2017) the entire papaya plant

(roots, leaves and fruit) offers medicinal value. Papaya is greatly abundant in the

Philippines and proven that the leaves of this plant is very useful.

Papaya (Carica papaya) leaves could likewise bring you absolute health

advantages. The papaya (Carica papaya) leaf is additionally home to a wide range of

medical compounds that can be utilized to treat various distinctive illnesses. Papaya

leaves is rich in a chemical compound called Amphipathic Glycosides.

Amphipathic Glycosides form soap-like foam when shaken in aqueous solution

which results to the formation of micelles. When formed in water theirs tails form a core

that encapsulates an oil droplet, and their polar heads form an outer core which maintains

favorable contact with water, thus reducing the interfacial tension between the oil and

water molecules (Helmentine, 2015).

In this study the researchers have chosen the papaya (Carica papaya) leaves

containing Amphipathic Glycosides to remediate oil spill contaminated water.

The biggest problem in our community is the unclean water in the canals, rivers

and sea because of the chemicals that is mixed to it. The researcher conduct this study as

a solution to this problem so the researcher made an alternative oil spill absorbent to get

rid of the chemicals in the canals river and sea.


Statement of the Problem

This research aims to test the effectiveness of Amphipathic Glycoside from

Papaya (Carica Papaya) leaves in treating oil spill contamination on water.

Specifically, this research aims to answer the following questions:

1. Does Amphipathic Glycosides from Papaya(Carica papaya) leavesefficient

on treating oil spill contamination in seawater in terms of:

a. absorption capacity

b. reusability

c. oil retention

2. Does the amount of Amphipathic Glycoside from Papaya(Carica papaya)

leaves treats oil spill in the contaminated water and

3. What is the significant difference between the alternative oil spill absorbent

from papaya(Carica papaya) leaves to the commercial oil spill absorbent in

terms of efficiency?

4. Does the temperature, amount of sorbent, sorption time and repeated use

affect the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the Alternative Absorbent?

Objective of the Study

The main objective of this study is to test the effectiveness of Amphipathic

Glycoside from Papaya (Carica Papaya) leaves in treating oil spill contamination on


Specifically, it aims to:


1. determine the efficiency of Amphipathic Glycoside from Papaya (Carica

papaya) leaves in treating oil spill contamination in water in terms of:

a. absorption capacity;

b. reusability;

c. oil retention;

2. evaluate the amount of Amphipathic glycoside from Papaya(Carica papaya)

leaves that treat oil spill in the contaminated water;

3. find out any significant difference between the alternative oil spill absorbent

from papaya (Carica papaya) leaves to the commercial oil spill absorbent in

terms of efficiency; and

4. determine if changing temperature, sorption time, amount of absorbent and

amount of repeated usage affect the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the

Alternative Absorbent.

Significance of the Study

The researchers would like to conduct this study about the oil spills because the

researchers want to help our bodies of water to make it clean, fresh and healthy. And also

the researchers wants to help the people who is suffering from this environmental

problem. Likewise this study provides people information about the utilization of papaya

(Carica papaya) leaves in absorbing oil spills. It will also help people to expand their

awareness of preventing oil spills through this study. Also papaya (Carica papaya) leaves

is environmental friendly and can be easily found everywhere that is efficient in


absorbing liquid substances. Furthermore the researchers wants to determine the

importance, and uses of papaya (Crarica papaya) leaves in our surroundings.

Moreover the results of the study will provide new information on the efficiency

of the Amphipathic Glycosides from papaya (Carica papaya) leaves on remediating oil

spill contaminated water in terms of (absorption capacity, oil retention, and the

reusability of the absorbent).

Additionally the result of this study will provide new information on the existing

one that could be used as reference for future study. Also this study will help the

community to promote protection in the ecosystem of the bodies of water.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study will focus on the efficiency of the Amphipathic Glycosides from

papaya (Carica papaya) leaves on remediating oil spill contaminated water in terms of

(absorption capacity, oil retention, and reusability). The conduct of the study have started

from the month of June to September 2018. The researchers contained a sample of

seawater from Cagayan de Oro City. Afterward, the researchers will proceed to Valencia

National High School (VNHS) Science Laboratory for the actual experimentation.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are operationally defined for the purpose of the study.

Absorbent is a material able to soak up liquid easily. In this study, the papaya

leaves will be utilize as an absorbent.


Absorption is the act or process of absorbing the oil from mixture of the crude oil

and seawater.

Amphipathic Glycosides is a soap-like foam when shaken in aqueous solution

which results to the formation of miscelles. In this study, it refers to the phytochemical

that can be found in papaya leaves. The Amphipathic Glycosides will be extracted from

the papaya leaves.

Contaminated to make impure or unclean by mixture or contact and make impure

by exposure to or addition of a poisonous or polluting substance. In this study,

contaminated water is produced by mixing crude oil to sea water.

Crude oil is a naturally occurring, flammable liquid consisting of a complex

mixture of hydrocarbons of various molecular weights and other organic compounds that

are found in geologic formations beneath the earth’s surface.

Dispersants dispersing agent especially a substance for promoting the formation

and stabilization of a dispersion of one substance in another.

Efficient is the state or quality of being efficient, or able to accomplish something

with the least waste of time and effort.

Oil spill refers to the accidental or intentional release of petroleum products into

the sea as a result of human activity. In this study, oil spill is the problem being treated.

Remediation the action of remedying something, in particular of reversing or

stopping environmental damage.


Retention an ability to retain things in mind specifically a preservation of the after

effects of experience and learning that makes recall or recognition possible.

Reusability is the capable of being used again or repeatedly. In this study, the

absorbent which is the papaya leaves will be used repeatedly.

Salinity consisting of a relating to the salts of the alkali metals or of magnesium.



Oil Spill on Water

Oil is a very complicated mixture of many different chemicals and components

consists of different hydrocarbons that range from a light gas (methane) to heavy solids

with different properties. When oil is spilled on water or on land, there could be

significant changes I the physical and chemical properties. This process is referred to as

‘weathering’ these physico-chemical changes enhance oil separation in sea water. The

process includes evaporation, dissolution, dispersion, photochemical oxidation, microbial

degradation, adsorption onto suspended materials and agglomeration (Praba Karana et al.,


Oil Spill Contamination in Water Around the World

According to White& Molloy, (2001) ships interface with nature in which they

work from numerous points of view.From the soonest times of man's endeavors to cross

the world's seas,ships have unintentionally transported organisms from one part of the

globe to another and have caused the deliberate and accidental release of substances into

the environment.Delivery losses give the most visual sign of the collaboration amongst

ships and the marine condition, particularly on the off chance that they result in the

demise of team or travelers, or in the arrival of unsafe freight or fuel.The most

spectacular examples of the latter that attract the attention of politicians, the world's

media and the public at large are those that involve laden oil tankers, especially if they

result in the release of thousands of tonnes of oil.


Oil contamination from drilling processes creates problems that disrupt the lives

of people living in close proximity to oil camps, wells, pumping stations, and pipelines.

In addition, oil contamination creates hazards to the local environment. People living on

oil-rich sites around the world are subjected to contamination of drinking water, top soil,

and livestock due to toxic pollution that can result from the oil extraction process. In

some contaminated sites, serious illnesses resulting from exposure have been

documented.Oil exploitation can lead to contamination of environments, which can have

effects on human health. Health symptoms associated with living or working in an area

affected by oil contamination are often unclear and debated. In many countries, oil is

essential to preserving the prosperity local and national economies. For several countries,

oil is their primary export and can be responsible for as much as 50% of the GDP.

However, drilling for that oil can lead to substantial amounts of pollution that is left for

years. Unfortunately, for many such spills, little to no remediation to the contaminated

sites is carried out. This long-term pollution has several harmful effects on the

surrounding environment. It affects the ecosystems, pollutes the soil and water with

toxins, and even causes severe health effects to the inhabitants of the area (Gay et al.,


Oil Spill Contamination in Water Around the Philippines

An oil spill in the focal Philippines that has crushed in excess of 100 miles of

coastline is probably going to spread significantly encourage unless universal cause is

conveyed rapidly to rescue the ship that caused the catastrophe, authorities cautioned

today. Around 148 miles of coastline have just been concealed by a thick muck and in

excess of 15 square kilometers of coral reef have been demolished. In one of the worst-

affected villages, La Paz on Guimaras, virtually everything along the shore is coated in

oil.Various inhabitants have moved away subsequent to creating respiratory issues

because of the harsh odor encompassing the group, the Related Press cited the town boss,

Connie Gamuyaw, as saying (Aglionby, 2006).

According to Greenpeace International (2006) the area that have affected is

roughly 320 km (200 miles) of coast line is covered in thick sludge. Miles of coral reef

have been destroyed and 1,000 hectares (2,470 acres) of marine reserve badly

damaged.The Philippines' most exceedingly terrible oil slick. The legislature has

requested worldwide help to tidy up the spill. Nonetheless, long haul and conceivable

irreversible harm to nature and employments of individuals is likely.

Effectiveness of Oil Spill Absorbent

The present examination looks at the assimilation limit of five distinct sorts of

materials for oil slicks tidy up. The sponges were a business cellulosic material from

prepared wood, a business engineered natural fiber from polypropylene and three

business sorts of neighborhood extended perlite from the island of Milos. The

assimilation limits of the above materials were assessed in a wet and also a dry situation

with various sorts of oil-based goods. The outcomes demonstrated that business sorts of

perlite, at times, have retention limits practically identical to normal and engineered

natural materials utilized for tidy up applications. The improvement of the hydrophobic

properties of perlite can bring about better execution in a water shower. The idea of the

spilled oil demonstrated to assume an essential part in the determination of the best

possible engrossing material. By and large, the outcomes recommended that incomplete

substitution of business engineered sorbents by mineral materials broadly created in

Greece for oil slick tidy up operations is conceivable, given their cordiality to the earth

and their neighborhood abundancy (Teas et al.,2011).

Status of Marine and Aquatic Life in the Philippines

The islands of the Philippines are renown to divers across the world for their

dazzling array of marine life, and rightfully so. The waters of the Philippines comprise

nearly 1 million square miles of sea, a major part of which is in the Coral Triangle, an

area that contains the world's highest coral diversity. These waters contain more than

2,500 species of fish and over 500 species of coral, making the Philippines a biodiversity

hotspot. Thousands of coral reef fish can be seen here, and depending on the season,

rarely seen pelagic fish, such as whale sharks and hammerhead sharks(Leisure Pro Diver

Emporium, 2012). According to (Aquatic Resources in the Philippines and the Extent of

Poverty in the Sector, 2002) the Philippines is an archipelago located in the Indo-West

Pacific Region, an area recognized for its marine biodiversity. It is composed of 7,100

islands with a discontinuous coastline of approximately 17,460 km. The country’s total

territorial waters, including the Exclusive Economic Zone cover 2,200,000 sq. km.

Coastal and oceanic waters cover 266,000 and 1,934,000, respectively. The

country’s shelf area at depth of 200-m totals 184,600 sq. km.The coral reef area in the

Philippines is one of the largest in the world, covering 27,000 sq. km. Unfortunately,

these areas have been degraded over the past years. In comparing the status of coral reefs

in some areas in the country between 1981-1991, Gomez (1991) reports that excellent

reef conditions were found in Negros Oriental, Zamboanga del Norte and Aliguay Island

in this province.

Related Studies in Treating Oil Spill in Water

Research efforts on ecological effects and biodegradation of dispersants and

dispersed oil, are equally impressive, there is an abundance of operational guidelines for

dispersant use, their overall opinion is that before deciding on dispersant use, three points

need to be considered; 1) the potential effectiveness, 2) the net environmental benefit, 3)

the logistical feasibility; 4) Effectiveness In conditions with low wind speeds, mixing

energy is insufficient for successful (effective) chemical dispersion. Chemical dispersion

effectiveness in high energy conditions is also limited, as the added value compared to

natural dispersion is limited and it becomes operationally difficult to successfully apply

dispersants (Fingas and Banta, 2009).

There has been much controversy about the use of dispersants over the past three

decades. This controversy has often been based on outdated and unsubstantiated

information or poorly documented and contradictory reports from the actual use of

dispersants in the field. The difficulty arose largely in the late 1960s and early 1970s

when dispersants were used that were either ineffective and resulted in wasted effort or

were highly toxic and severely damaged the marine environment. Thus, the two major

issues associated with the use of dispersants are their effectiveness and the toxicity of the

oil that is dispersed into the water column as a result of their use. Both these topics will

be discussed extensively in this section. There is still much discussion about dispersants

and strong polarization between dispersant proponents and opponents. Many studies have

been conducted since the birth of the oil spill industry after the Torrey Canyon incident in

1968. Documentation on actual field use of dispersants is poor. Interviews with operators

who have used dispersants often result in contradictory opinions on whether the

dispersant worked in a particular situation. Large-scale biological experiments have

failed to convince environmentalists that the use of dispersants is safe in all conditions. It

is becoming increasingly clear, however, that in many situations, dispersants cause little,

if any, ecological damage more than that caused by untreated oil. This is particularly true

in offshore regions. The use of dispersants remains a controversial issue in some quarters.

This is generally reflected by the fact that in most jurisdictions, special permission is

required to use dispersants, while in other jurisdictions, the use of dispersants is not

allowed at all, ( Fingaset al. 2002).

According to Alaa El-Din et al.(2017) that research detected that the capacity of

this sorbent to cleanup crude oil from produced water toward different factors is

associated with surface characteristics, oil type, oil film thickness, sorption time,

temperature, in addition to the salinity of crude oil. Analytical tech- niques of banana

peel, such as microstructure and morphology using FTIR spectrometry and scanning

electron microscopy (SEM) are also studied. Banana peel is tested using gas oil, 1- and 7-

day weathered Almein crude oil. Banana peel was obtained from an available local fruit

market as solid waste. Then, banana peel was cleaned with water to remove undesired

materials. Banana peel was next left to dry under sun light for 7-days, then it was dried in

a drying oven at70 °C for 4h. Big particles were crushed in a willy mill and sieved into

particles with an average size of 0.225, 0.3625, 0.5125and0.725 mm. Three types of

crude oil were investigated to represent a wide variation in the ability of banana peel in

oil spill cleanup. The oils employed in this study, namely: gas oil, were obtained from a

benzene station and (1-day & 7day) Almein crude oil was obtained from Amreya

Petroleum Refining Company. The gas oils was used without modification it had specific

gravity of 0.82 at 150C , viscosity at 4.8Cs at 250C and falsh point at 500C. Five hundred

milliliters of seawater (3.5% NaCl) were placed in a 1L beaker filled with a 5mm layer of

oil to form a specific layer of oil and a mesh screen was depressed at the bottom of the

beaker before adding the oil sample. One gram of dried sorbent banana peel was put in a

pad, then spread over the surface of the system. The beaker content was set up in a

Digital Precise Shaking waterbathfor15 minat115 cycle/minandtemperaturewas

keptconstantat25 ± 1 °C.After15 min,thesorbentwas taken away with the mesh screen and

the sorbent was left to drainfor5 min.Theweightofthesorbentwasdetermined and recorded,

after that the sorbent was transferred to the piston to extract the oil. During the pressing

stage, a small amount of n-hexane (10–20mL) was added to the mechanical stage to help

in the extraction of the oil in order to separate it from the water. After the oil was

collected in a graduated centrifuge tube, the centrifuge tubes were placed in a water bath

at 60°C for 20–30 mintobreakanyemulsionpresence.Thefinalstage for water content was

determined by the centrifuge technique described in ASTM D4007-81 (ASTM, 1998).

The results explain that the best conditions were established at 0.3625 mm

particlesizeand temperatureat25 °C for15 min.


Mechanism of Oil Spill Absorbents

Environment friendly absorbents for oil spill cleanup have become popular over

the last few years. Natural fibers such as cotton, wheat straws etc. fulfill the need of an

environment friendly absorbent and a low-cost recyclable material after the cleanup.

There are several factors which affect the absorption performance including fiber quality,

viscosity of oil, temperature, surface tension, etc. This thesis is focused on comparing

absorption performance of 3 types of cotton based materials. Absorption capacity which

is defined as the amount of oil absorbed (in gram) per unit amount of sorbent (in gram).

Experiments with different combination of oils and cotton based materials reveal were

undertaken. Modifications were done to ASTM standard to carry out the experiments in

scientific robust fashion and more applicable to oil sorption work ( Alotaibi, 2015).

According to Idris (2014) sorbent materials remove oil by two mechanisms.

These can either be done by adsorption or absorption. Adsorption involves the adherence

of oil to the sorbent material which is dependent upon the viscosity of the oil. The more

viscous the oil, the thicker the layer that will adhere to a given material. On the other

hand, absorption relies on capillary attraction; oil fills the pores within the material and

moves upward (uptake) into the material due to capillary force. Sorbent can be grouped

as inorganic minerals and synthetic, organic, and organic (agricultural) products.

Agricultural sorbents are cheap, efficient, environmentally friendly, and easy to deploy.

However, efficiency is dependent on sorption capacity, density, wettability, retention rate

and recyclability and examples are cotton, straws, corn cobs, coconut shells, kenaf, kapok

fibres, rice husk, and silkworm cocoon, hay, sawdust, bagasses, gorse, and dried palm

fronds. These materials are oleophilic because of their waxy nature, they become light

weight when dried, which improves their buoyancy in water. Straw has been the most

widely and probably the most efficient of all these materials. Straw fibres can float on the

water surface for a very long period of time to collect oil adequately. It has been reported

that straw sorption capacity is higher than commercial synthetic organic material from

propylene. Similarly, kapok, rice husk, banana trunk fibre, acetylation of raw cotton, and

cotton grass fibre, have been reported to be efficient as oil sorbents.

Morphology, Chemical Compounds and Economic Value of Papaya

The hollow green or deep purple trunk can grow to 10m, is straight and

cylindrical with prominent leaf scars, and become 30-40 cm thick at the base, thinning to

5-7.5 cm at the crown. The leaves emerge directly from the upper part of the stem in a

spiral on nearly horizontal petioles 25-100 cm long and form a loose open crown. The

leaf blade, deeply divided into 5 to 9 main lobes, varies from 25-75 cm in widt, and has

prominent yellowish ribs and veins. Colleters (short-lived multicellular stalked globules)

are present at leaf bases and alog vein margins and their secretions may aid in protection

against desiccation and/or protection against insect predators. The life of a leaf is 2.5 to 8

months and new leaves arise at the rate of 1.5- 4 per week (Department of Health and

Ageing Office of the Gene Technology Regulator, 2008).

Nutritionally, the major components of pawpaw fruit pulp dry matter are

carbohydrates.The total dietary fibre content of ripe fruit varies from 11.9 to 21.5 g/ 100

g/ dry matter crude protein ranges from 3.74 to 8.26g/100 dry matter .There are two main

types carbohydrates in pawpaw fruits, the cell wall polysaccharides and soluble sugars.

At the early stage of fruit development, glucose is the main sugar but the sucrose content

increases during ripening and can reach up to 80% of the total sugars. The edible portion

of the ripe pawpaw fruit contains both macro and micro minerals and these Na, K, Ca,

Mg, P, Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn. Carica papaya is a source of carotenoids, vitamin C, thiamin

,riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6 and vitamin K. The carotenoids are responsible for the

flesh color of the fruit mesocarp (fruit pulp).The red-fleshed pawpaw contains five beta

carotene: beta-crytoxanthin, beta-carotene -5- 6- epoxide, lycopene and zeta-carotene

while the yellow fleshed contains only beta carotene, beta-cryptoxantain and zeta

carotene (Nwofia and Eji, 2012).

According to Fulfilled Life (2009) the papaya is very important in developing

countries, as it fruits year-round and is rich in vitamin C. Papaya is also an excellent

source of betacarotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. One fruit will give you

twice your requirement of vitamin C and almost a third of vitamin A, so papayas boost

immunity and are good for the skin and mucus membranes.Their most important

constituent is an enzyme known as papain, which improves digestion. This natural

chemical is extracted and dried to a powder that is used by industry as a meat tenderizer.

Traditional medicine men of the South American Mayans used the sticky latex, the juice

and fruit as herbal medicines, and it's still common in South America to wrap meat in

papaya leaves before cooking to produce tender and delicious dishes.The leaves are also

used to improve wound healing, leg ulcers and for the treatment of boils in traditional

medicine. And even the seeds are useful. Next time you eat one, save the seeds and add

them to olive oil, vinegar and pickles for a unique and very different spicy flavour.

Classifications of Oil Spill Absorption

Oil sorbent materials can be can be classified in three major classes, organic

synthetic, organic vegetable and inorganic mineral. Among synthetic products,

polypropylene and polyurethane foams are the materials that were commonly used

because of their highly oleophilic and hydrophobic properties. Polypropylene nonwoven

sorbents have high oil absorption capacity and low water intake, and hence these sorbents

are very compatible materials for oil collection from the water surface. Despite the

superior oil sorption properties their poor biodegradability makes them less ideal sorbent

compared to some natural oil sorbents. However, most non- biodegradable sorbents end

up in landfills and incineration, which produces second pollution or increases the oil

recovery cost. Hence, non- biodegradable sorbents are less Natural sorbents, if used

effectively, can thus be more efficient than synthetic products.(Olga et al., 2014).

However today more sorbents were produced and used. Sorbents can be divided

into some basic groups: inorganic, natural organic and organo-mineral, and synthetic. Oil

Spill sorbents satisfy in collecting oil but not water, being the most effective in

recovering oil. Moreover, it should have and retain buoyancy, remaining afloat even

when saturated with oil. When choosing sorbents for cleaning up spills, available oil

recovery capacity of the sorbent and the oiled sorbent material disposal method shall be

considered as well. Special attention shall be paid to the natural fiber materials, straw,

grain crops hull, flax processing wastes,


Sawdust and peat have been used as alternative sorbents. Cellulose is one of the

major components of the compound that need special attention. One of the advanced

natural sorbent material is peat moss (Sphagnum Dill); it is usually varies in color from

white to green and can be found in wet and moist areas with poor soil. It forms a

capitulum that floats on top of the water, the top part consists of living cells while the

opposite is packed with dead cells that form the peat. Tomsk region has about 30% (29

billion tons) of peat deposits.(Olga et al., 2014).

Factors that Affect Oil Spill Collection

However, some issues remain unsolved, different types of sorbents have different

behaviors in different temperature and in contact with other kinds of oil than applied here

(the used lubricate ship oil). The solution of this problem is easy, research can be carried

out according to current needs. It is more difficult to develop methods for testing the

achievability of particular sorbent when the mixture of oil and water is contacted or with

oil floating on the water surface. In this situation ,between oleofility and hydrophobicity

of the sorbent begins also(Konczewicz et al., 2013).

Effect of Sorption Time

Oil sorption increases gradually as sorption time increases from 5 up to 15 min,

when the maximum value is reached at 15 min, its might be due to adsorption of crude oil

on the surface of the sorbent before the oil beginning to break through the inside

microscopic voids [21]. Then, these values decrease, regardless of soaking time for 1-day

and 7-day weathered crude oil and for gas oil. These result may be due to formation of

water in oil emulsion that cause increases in water pickup and decreases in oil sorption

capacity (El-din et al., 2017).

Oil with 0,85 g/cm3 specific weight and pH of 7 was used. The sorption ability of

materials towards oil in static and dynamic conditions was investigated, with a view to

their application on different objects, such as spills in seas and rivers, or waste waters

from oil manufacturing mills.

The COD was determined by using potassium dichromate, a well-known method

for assessment of the integral concentration of organic pollution.The sorption ability in

dynamic conditions was determined using a column, i.e. internal diameter 25

mm, filled with a corresponding quantity of sorbent, and water with oil 170 g/l for WS

and Druzeta; 102 g/l for THL, wool sawdust and barks. Fractions of 50 ml were collected

up to the moment of the sorbent’s saturation. The COD of the fractions was then

determined.Experiments for studying the possibility of repeated use of wool shoddy and

Druzeta for cleaning the oil-polluted water with 170 g/l were carried out, and the COD

was determined(Nenkova et al., 2004).

Special attention shall be paid to the natural fiber materials, straw, grain crops

hull, flax processing wastes,sawdust, and peat that have been tested as sorbents. Cellulose

is one of the most important structure of a plant. Thus, It needs special attention . One of

the advanced natural sorbent material is peat moss (Sphagnum Dill); it is usually light

green or varying in color from white to green and can be found in wet and boggy areas

with poor soil. It forms a cushiony capitulum that floats on top of the water, being the top

of the plant having living cells, and, at the same time, bottom part of the plant containing

dead cells that form the peat. Tomsk region has about 30% (29 billion tons) of peat

deposits. According to 1, the average percentage and weight content of the principal

organic components in the peat debris on a dry basis is from 3 to 10% of ashes, 45 to

85% of carbohydrates, 5 to 10% of proteins, and 5 to 10% of lipids. Being a good

adsorbent for hydrocarbons by its nature, Sphagnum moss has great moisture

absorptivity;however, this ability is not so good when using the moss to clean up water

surfaces. Hydrophilic property of the sorbent allows water to be absorbed into the

material structure, while oil to be kepton the surface of the sorbent material due to the

adhesive force. A great variety and number of the active functional groups (COOH, OH

and others) of the peat moss solid constituents (especially in humic substances) determine

its high sorption and ion-exchange capacity. Peat bitumen is a hydrophobic constituent of

the sorbent. In nature, sphagnum has pH ≈ 4.5. Its acidity depends on the environment

where it grows and availability of the humic acid in its cells, being natural by-product

formed by biodegradation of dead plant matter. The above said sphagnum properties

became a background to create simple, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly

sorption- biological technology to clean up oil-contaminated water using sphagnum peat


Hyphotheses of the Study

H0: There is no significant difference between the commercial oil spill absorbent and the

alternative oil spill absorbent on it’s efficiency.

HA: There is a significant difference between the commercial oil spill absorbent and the

alternative oil spill absorbent on it’s efficiency



Research Design

The research design executed by the researchers is an experimental design to

produce an oil absorbent that is cheap biodegradable, oleophilic, sustainable and with less

density with water. The researchers are trying to find a way to use resources that are

abundant in a tropical country like Philippines. The researchers find ways to use the

chemical components that are present in papaya leaves. The researchers will use seawater

from the City of Cagayan de Oro.

Treatments Concentration

Treatment 1 150C temperatureof water, 10 minutes of sorption time, 1 time reusability

of sorbent, 20g amount of sorbent

Treatment 2 200C temperatureof water, 15 minutes of sorption time, 2 times reusability

of sorbent, 30g amount of sorbent

Treatment 3 250C temperature of water, 20 minutes of sorption time, 3 times

reusability of sorbent, 40g amount of sorbent

Treatment 4 300C temperature of water, 25 minutes of sorption time, 4 times

reusability of sorbent, 50g amount of sorbent

Treatment 5 350C temperature of water, 30 minutes of sorption time, 5 times

reusability of sorbent, 60g amount of sorbent

Treatment 6 Commercial absorbent matched with the treatments


Entry Protocol

An entry protocol is sent to the facilities of the Cagayan de Oro’s Pier to allow the

researchers to contain seawater sample in the area. An entry protocol is sent also to the

eligible authority to allow the researchers to go outside the school premises.

Location and Duration of the Study

The sample will be collected at the Cagayan de Oro’s Port located at the

Philippines Port Authority Port. The process of making the absorbent is conducted at

Science Laboratory at Valencia National High School. The study is conducted on June

2018 to September 2018.

Source: Google Map

Figure 1. Map of Valencia City to Cagayan de Oro

Procedural Framework of the Study

The flowchart shows how the study was conducted from the production of the oil

absorbent, data gathering and assessment.

Preliminary Activities

Inventory and Selection of


Preparation of Alternative
Oil Absorbent

Functionality Test of
the Alternative
Repreparation of Alternative

Parallel Testing

Photo Documentation
Observation and Data Gathering

Assessment of Alternative Oil Analysis of Data


Figure 2. The overall procedure for the conduct of the


Preliminary Activities

Before the conduct of the study, the researchers have read, and viewed some

journals, published books, and reference books to enhance the credibility of the study.

The researchers asked permission from school head and other authorities for any approval

or access to materials that are needed for the study.

Inventory and Selection of Materials

Figure 6. Bunsen Burner

Figure 3. Thermometer Figure 5. Ethyl Alcohol
Figure 4. Papaya Leaves https://philmedicalsupplies.c
rmometer-5-5-inches-red-liquid- Femme-Ethyl-Alcohol-for-Woman- om/product/alcohol-lamp/
celsius/ 70-Percent-Solution-250ml

Figure 7. Beaker Figure 8. Stirrer Figure 9. Seawater Figure 10. Empty Bootle http://quimicasiasuncion.blogs
0mL-Glass-Beaker-Low-Form-New- /en_us/article/9a8y4z/why lad-Graduated-Chemical-
Chemical-Lab- -this-chef-puts-seawater- Container-
Glassware/32809915256.html in-his-pizza-dough Medicine/dp/B0722LD56D

Figure11. Crude oil

Materials for producing Oil Spill Absorbent a.) thermometer, b.) ½ kilogram papaya

leaves, c.) ethyl alcohol, d.) Bunsen burner, e.) beaker, f.) stirrer, g.)water, h.) empty

bottle, i.) crude oil

The materials were selected prior to the availability and necessity of the materials.

The amount of oil that is absorb was determined using Partition Gravimetric method of

Analysis (Said, 2016). The materials are Thermometer, ½ kilogram Papaya Leaves, Ethyl

Alcohol, Bunsen Burner,Beaker, Stirrer, Water, Empty Bottle and Crude Oil.

The papaya leaves (Carica papaya) served as the main material for the alternative

absorbent. In preparation for the alternative absorbent, sun-drying the material is utilized.

For the absorption process, the Bunsen buners, beakers, surgical gloves and mask, ethyl

alcohol and the flying tiger were used. The thermometer was used to measure

temperatures to test the effect to the absorption.


Process and Preparation of Alternative Oil Spill Absorbent

Preparation of Alternative Oil Spill Absorbent

Preparation of Oil Spill

Absorption Process

Washing ½ Kilograms of Papaya Leaves Heating 32 beakers with water

to remove impurities infused with crude oil

Heating the 32 beakers with different

Sun-Drying the Papaya Leaves for 24-48 temperatures

Grinding the Papaya leaves Data Gathering

Completed the Preparation Process

for the Alternative Oil Spill

Figure 12. The process for preparing Oil Spill Absorbent.


A. Preparation of Oil Spill Absorbent

The leaves of (Carica papaya) was utilized and prepared. ½ kilograms of papaya

leaves was washed in order to remove any impurities that may affect the absorption of the

product. The material was sun-dried for 24-48 hours. This method was based on Said,

2013. The researchers grind a partial amount of the sun-dried papaya laves while the

other portion of the papaya leaves is not grinded in order to observe if the particle size

has a significant effect on the absorption process. Then, the preparation of Alternative Oil

Absorbent is completed.

Figure 13. Alternative Oil Spill Absorbent sketch


B. Absorption Process of Alternative Oil Spill Absorbent

For the absorption process, 32 beakers was prepared with oil-infused

water. The beakers was grouped into two to accommodate the two kind of absorbents we

was using (grinded and ungrinded papaya leaves). Only 16 stirrers was utilized because

the grinded papaya leaves was strirred. While the other group would we left to absorb the

oil. The 16 beakers was split into 4 pairs of beakers. Then, 4 different temperature was

applied. One is room temperature, the other is 15oc , 25oc and 55oc to determine if

temperature has significant effect on absorption of the oil absorbent.

Preparation of Materials
Carica-Organic-Kosher- India/191826971819?hash=item2ca9c74cab:g:Na /9a8y4z/why-this-chef-puts-seawater- il/medical-surgical-gloves-
076/Medium-temperature-coal-tar-oil.html gAAOSwu1VW52SD in-his-pizza-dough 14935287273.html

Figure 14. Crude Oil Figure 15. Dried Figure 16. Figure 17.
Papaya Leaves Seawater Surgical Gloves

Preparation for the Amphipathic Glycoside Extraction
scale-grams-96678580/ scale-grams-96678580/
Leaf-Carica-Organic-Kosher- oddetail/ethyl-alcohol- Organic-Kosher-
India/191826971819?hash=item2ca9c74 14946344448.html India/191826971819?hash=item2ca9c74cab:g:NagA AOSwu1VW52SD
detail/ethyl-alcohol- SAFETY-SUPPLY-Wide-Mouth-5YHH9

Figure 18. Measure Figure 19. Measure Figure 20. Soak the Figure 21. Amphipathic
1000 ml Of Ethyl 1kg of Papaya Leaves Dried Papaya leaves in Glycosides From Papaya Leaves
ethyl were obtained in a bottle

Functionality Test

After the production of Oil Spill Absorbent it were subjected to a functionality

test. The researchers always checked the samples to ensure that the absorbent is

functional. To test the absorbent the efficiency of Amphipathic Glycoside from papaya

(Carica papaya) leaves in treating oil spill contamination in water in terms of: a.)

absorbing capaity, b.) oil retention, and c.) reusability. The absorbing capacity was

defined by a formula

A=𝑚𝑎 derived from a journal (Olga, et al., 2015) Oil retention was computed by a

measured by repeated submersion of the sorbent to the oil and measuring the amount

of oil the absorbent can hold.

Parallel Testing

Description of difference between commercial and alternative absorbent was

ensured by matching a treatment to a commercial product with the same amount of

sorbent, temperature, sorption time and amount of repeated use. The observed data was

recorded and analyzed.

Observation and Data Gathering

A log book was utilized. The researchers record the data that the researchers have

gathered during the conduct of the study.


Assessment of Oil Spill Absorbent

After the gathering of data, the data recorded in the log book was analyzed. The

average effect of increasing amount of amphipathic glycosides in concentration on oil

spill contamination and the effectiveness of amphipathic glycosides in remediating the

oil spill contamination on water was computed.

Data Analysis

The gathered data was analyzed using One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

to find out any significant effect between papaya (Carica papaya) leaves

efficiency(absorption time, reusability, temperature, and oil retention) and amount of

Amphipathic Glycoside in remediating the Oil spill contamination in seawater. The

researchers interpret and record the possibly outcome.

Photo Documentation

The proof of the study is documented using an iOs phone. In every step of the

procedure, it was labelled and classified. The log book of the researchers served as a

proof and documentation of the study.



El-din, G. A., Amer, A. A., Malsh, G., & Hussein, M. (2017). Study on the use of banana

peels for oil spill removal. Alexandria Engineering Journal.

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Sorbents Effectiveness. Journal of KONES Powertrain and Transport, 20(1), 135–


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Surface from Oil Spills Using Natural Sorbent Materials. Procedia Chemistry, 10,


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fibre assembly. Indian Journal of Fibre and Textile Research, 36(2), 190–200.

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peels for oil spill removal. Alexandria Engineering Journal.

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Sorbents Effectiveness. Journal of KONES Powertrain and Transport, 20(1), 135–


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ELIMINATING OIL POLLUTION, 4(September), 157–163.

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Surface from Oil Spills Using Natural Sorbent Materials. Procedia Chemistry, 10,


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fibre assembly. Indian Journal of Fibre and Textile Research, 36(2), 190–200.

Aglionby,J.,August (2006). Philippines appeals for help with oil spill south-east Asia

correspondent, Thu 17 11.52 BST First published on Thu 17 Aug

2006 11.52 BST.

Roizman, T. 2017. Papaya Leaf Tea Benefits.

is- papaya-good-for-you-when-you-want-to-lose-weight

Idris, J. Eyu, G.D. Mansor, A.M. , Ahmad, Z. and Chukwuekezie, C.S. (2014). A

Preliminary Study of Biodegradable Waste as Sorbent Material for Oil-Spill

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Research Plan of
Activities Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept
Phase 1

1. Conceptualiza
-tion of the

2. Review of
3. Proposal of
the Study 
Phase 2

1. Preparation
of equipment
to be used

2. Field

3. Data

Phase 3
1. Discussion
of results 
2. Printing of
papers  

3. Editing for

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