Soal Manajemen Keuangan

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All amounts in $

1 Accounts receivable (debtors) 272,000

2 Allowance for doubtful debts 30,600
3 Cash 135,000
4 Goodwill (at cost) 108,000
5 Accumulated amortisation – goodwill 7,000
6 Accumulated amortisation – R&D 10,000
7 Land (cost) 300,000
8 Motor vehicles (at cost) 436,000
9 Office furniture (at cost) 72,000
10 Prepaid Insurance 8,500
11 Prepaid rent 6,500
12 Rental from sub-lease agreement 12,000
13 Research & Development (R&D) costs 80,000
14 Retail store (at fair value) 925,000
15 Retail store equipment (at cost) 93,000
16 Accumulated depreciation – motor vehicles 180,000
17 Accumulated depreciation – office furniture 38,000
18 Accumulated depreciation – retail store equipment 27,000
19 Accumulated depreciation – retail store 25,000
20 Inventory 415,000
21 Amortisation of goodwill 7,000
22 Amortisation of R&D 10,000
23 Asset revaluation reserve 140,000
24 General reserve 275,000
25 Provision for ordinary dividend 80,000
26 Provision for preference dividend 40,000
27 Accounts payable 217,500
28 Current income tax liability 128,610
29 GST owing 28,800
30 Interest payable 1,500
31 Mortgage loan payable 202,500
32 Salaries payable 31,000
33 Retained Income (after dividends and reserve transfer 130,000
34 Share issue costs 27,000
35 Preference share capital (400,000 shares issued at $2 e 800,000
36 Ordinary share capital (300,000 shares issued at $1 eac 300,000
37 Advertising expense 17,000
38 Bad debts expense 19,000
39 Depreciation of motor vehicles 62,000
40 Depreciation of office furniture 33,000
41 Design Services rendered 185,000
42 Freight In 11,075
43 Freight Out 22,000
44 GST compliance fee 22,800
45 Income tax expense for the current year 128,610
46 Depreciation of retail store equipment 8,000
47 Depreciation of retail store 25,000
48 Insurance expense 42,000
49 Interest expense 4,200
50 Rates expense 15,000
51 Rent expense 36,200
52 Salaries - Administrative staf 354,000
53 Sales staf vehicle expenses 38,000
54 Carrying amount of delivery vehicle sold 20,000
55 Cost of Goods Sold 2,165,100
56 Gross proceeds on sale of delivery vehicle 31,000
57 Sales commissions marketing staf 406,000
58 Sales discount allowed 15,000
59 Sales (turnover) 3,550,075
piutang dagang (aktiva lancar) 103
cadangan kerugian piutang (aktiva l 104
kas (aktiva lancar) 1.1.1
aktiva tetap tidak berwujud 141

tanah (aktiva tetap) 121

kendaraan (aktiva tetap) 113
peralatan kantor (aktv tetap) 111
asuransi dibayar dimuka (aktiva lanc 107
sewa dibayar dimuka (aktiva lancar) 116

biaya penelitian dan pengembangan (beban aktv tdk berwujud)

bangunan (aktv tetap)

akum. peny. kendaraan (aktiva tetap 114

akum. peny. peralatan (aktv tetap) 112

persediaan (aktv lancar) 102

penyusutan aktv tdk berwujud (labarugi)

cadangan revaluasi aktiva

cadangan umum (kewajiban)
ketentuan untuk deviden biasa
ketentuan untuk deviden preferensi
hutang dagang 201
kewajiban (utang) pajak penghasilan

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