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THE NOUN » 13, mother; father; daughter; 18. gold; iron; copper ; 14, bee; fly; wasp; ...; 19. autumn; spring; winter: 15. camp; herring; cod: ...: 20. June; January; April; 16. grocer: butcher; baker ; 21, sparrow; swallow; robin: ...; 17. diamond ; emerald; ruby; ...; 22. hammer; spanner ; screwdriver ; XXVIII. Which of the words in italics is right ? 1. Carla has very iong hair/hairs. 2. It is generally accepted that bad news don'tidoesn't make us happy. 3. John was a litle late because he had trouble/troubles with his car. 4. Alice can’t get this job because she hasn't got experience/experiences in this field of activity. 5. It is rather difficult to find work/works at this moment. 6. Much to my surprise they had no furniture/furnitures in that room. 7. As I didn’t know what 10 do, asked him for advice/advices. 8. The teacher is correcting the pupils’ paperipapers today. 9. Tim's English has improved. He has made progress/progresses. 10. Put that cheese on the scale/scales so I can see how much it weighs, II. Where has grandmother put her glass/glasses She can't read anything. 12. You'll have to take your pyjama! pyjamas, too. 13. Diana can't go for a walk because she has a lot of homework hhomeworks to do. 14, We asked him to read the minutelminutes of the previous meeting 15. He has two hair/hairs on his nose. 16. I'd like to drink a glass/glasses of milk, 17, Tthink your father will have to pay for the damageldamages. 18. We are on good term/terms with her. i9. There are sixty minute/minutes in an hour."20, We witnessed a terrible spectacle/spectacies. 21. 1 hope thatthe insurance company will pay the damage’ damages. 22. My sister takes great pain/pains with her work. 23. She has received two bits of information! informations from the tourist office. 24. Are doctors high on the social scale/scales? 25. The pain/pains in my back got worse s0 I went to the doctor's. 26. Myopia is a medical term/terms for short-sightedness. 27. You'll all need to show ‘more team spirit/spirits. 28. The dead man was lying on the ground! grounds. 29. T love mountain air/airs. 30. It's my customicustoms to go for a walk on Sundays. 31. The arden is full of colouricolours in spring, 32. The news may raise his spirit/spirits 33. Have you any ground/grounds for calling him a liar? 34. Did you have to pay fustomicusioms on those cigarettes? 35. In spite of all her air/airs and graces she has had very few talents. 36. Any regiments salute the colouricolours when on parade XXIX) Choose the correct form of the verb: 1. The class (was/were) warned not to talk during the test. 2. Maths (is/are) her favourite fubject. 3. Health and happiness (is/are) priceless. 4. Every orange (is/are) wrapped in ver paper. 5. One of the girls (have/has) lost her umbrella. 6. None of the children (wasiwere) at home. 7. Mumps (is/are) a very painful ailment. 8. One of the passengers (as/were) killed in this acident, 9. Fish and chips (is/are) a popular meal. 10. Either the bors or the gil (have/has) helped the old woman. It. Ten pounds (is/are) quite enough Pocket-money for him. 12. The'school team (is/are) top of the league this year. 13. The {hoo eam (is/are) to receive ther medals next Wednesday. 14, This numberof cas (is/are) easing, 15. A number of cars (was/were) involved in that accident. 16, The council (slate) to meet next Monday. 17. The council (was/were) unable to agree, 18. The conten of my bag (has/have) disappeared. 19. Darts (is/are) often played in our house. 20. Hee Slothes (is/are) the latest fashion, 21. The athletics we watched yesterday (was/were) 0 ENGLISH GRAMMAR, THEORY AND PRACTICE ellie. 22. The acoustic in this room (is/are) very good. 23. Acoustics (is/are) ave vey saad siet. 26 Statistics Gare) a branch of economics, 25. This species (isa Gaegrrpea 26, THe Police Gs/are) very much inerested inthis case. 27. The tous) {Con doesn’t) fit me. 28. The news (sn't/aren') encouraging. 29. The crossroads fe sr eineerens. 30. The train (is/are) a means of transport. 31. Romania (have/has) we, en mnrenatches this season, 32. Your scissors (isn'varen') sharp enough. 33. Five de Jeet Vazen't) long enough fora good halides. 34, Our compeny headquarters (has/hary ‘st Moved into a new building. 35. Where (do/does) her femily ive? 36. The publ (is/are) concerned about this problem. 37. The jury (is/are) arying to decide today, 38. This species of butterfly (is/are) very rare. 39. The goods he ordered Chave/has) tally attived. 40. Al! my belongings (have/has) been destroyed in afi. 41. The yout f today (is/are) likely to live longer than the previous generation PS (ares) involved in this training exercise XXX, Change the following sentences according to the mode! His holiday lasted two months. It was 2 two-month holigay 1. The boy was fifteen years old. He was a... 2. I walked f 3. This barrel holds fifty litres. H's a... 4, This book has the 5. Her flight lasted five hours. X was a .. 6, The television series has eight pers. 10 Feng 8 P88 of erapes weighs three kilos. It's a. 8. That building had eigh storeys Kewas a ... 9. Her drive to London lasted three hours, It was a ... 10. We feund o now of five pounds. It was a ., XXXI. Translate into English : 1. Verigorul nostru locuieste ia peri 2. Casa lor nu este mare, dar imprejurimile sunt fncdntatoare, 3. Uzina este Mangd o intersectie aglomeratt. . Sedial firme noastre nu este prea deparie. 5. Stirile sunt ante. 6. Tocmai am Bnet aetlele prin vamd. 7, Sindicatele s-au strduittotdeauna sti apere pe salarial &. Mai multe misfuri ar tebui transportate cu trenui. 9. Explozia puternica © enioss Tails stricdciuni. 10. Bicbatul pretindea despagubiri. il. Biliardal este un joc inevesant 12. Zarurile erau foarte usoare. 13. O inghetatd costd 50 de penny. 14. Am cdutat is ale de materii capitolul care mi interesa. 15. Secretara a intocmit rapid un proves vestal at Sedinget noastze. 16. Soldagii au salutat drapelul regimentului. 17. Nu ne-am f1cuekert Gack am fi avut 0 busolf. 18. Nu ingeleg de ce igi dd el aere. 19. Aveam neve de at debs oa SE desenez cereul. 20. Nu vedeam ce este scris pe portati. 21. Simtcam © Ghrere acuti in piept, 22. Era un spectacol minunat sA admiti de pe stinci sisavies sea a2 Patra Sferturi fac un intreg. 24. Inaine de a intra in maze, am lat ngte nisip in mand. 25. Ca istoric, fl preocup§ foarte mult Eval Mediu. 26. Dece sume ang Benassi ComPunerea ta? 27. Newton si Laplace au studiat axele planeiare.—_ 32: Asemenea fenomene sunt greu-de explicat, 29. Ipotezele lor sau dovedit a cones 30. Se spune eX ruineleacestui caste! erau béntuite de duburi 31. Dupa un aoocee neh 35 Dopalats 12 destinaye. 32. Am cumparat o punga de cartofi de patru Kilogramme 33. Duplo grevi de tei zie, toate revendictrile noastre au fost satisfeute. 34 tone a lurmat un curs de francez3 de patru luni ree miles. It was a

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