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September 20, 2019


Educational Technology Assignment

For each of the following educational technologies, identify the intended and unintended positive and
negative effects.

1. Social Networking

Intended Unintended

Positive effects To keep in touch with Increased accessibility to

family and friends. knowledge and information.

Negative effects Too much dependency on Social network may trigger

online platforms of insecurities and cause depression.

2. Select between “Oculus Rift” or “Hololens”

Hololens Intended Unintended

Positive effects Industry use: modelling and Provides a platform for

simulation. virtual simulation and

Excellent trainer and digital

assistant for person with
autism spectrum disorder.

Negative effects It disconnects the person May cause injury due to

using the Hololens to the possible collision and
actual reality. Thus accident while using
promoting isolation. Hololens.

3. Mobile Learning Devices (tablets)

Intended Unintended
Positive effects Increased mobility and portability. Positive environmental effect by
being an effective alternative to

Negative effects Less human interaction Too much screen dependency

among the users. May cause health
and safety hazard.

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