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English Department

10th grade


Name: __________________________ Class:________ Score:______ / points

Criteria 5-4 points 3 -2 points 1 points Score

(in content criterion

discount what isn’t

Content Answers are Answers are Answers are

Student gives a complete appropriate. somewhat adequate frequently
answer to each question ( 5 pts) and mostly undeveloped and/or
Ideas adequately appropriate. somewhat repetitive.
developed with some
elaboration and detail. Basic ideas expressed
but very little
elaboration or detail.

Language Control ( 5 pts) Control of language Control of language Emerging control of

(Grammar and Vocabulary) structures with one structures and basic language
mistake and vocabulary with some structures and
appropriate use of minor mistakes. vocabulary with many
vocabulary. mistakes or use of
( 3 – 4 mistakes are many words in
1 – 2 mistakes are accepted) Spanish.
(5 – 6 mistakes are

Useful Language (5 pts) Student uses four or Student uses two or Student uses one
(at least 5 expressions from five expressions from three expressions expression from
useful phrases) useful phrases from useful phrases useful phrases.

Fluency ( 5 pts) Speech sustained Speech sustained Speech with long

throughout with a few most of the time; pauses or incomplete
pauses or stumbling. (1 some hesitation but thoughts; little
or 2 pauses) manages to continue sustained speech.
and complete
thoughts. (5 pauses or more)

(3 or 4 pauses)

Pronunciation ( 5 pts) Pronunciation is Pronunciation is Pronunciation

comprehensible with comprehensible, interferes with
1 -2 mistakes or none. mostly free of communication.
mistakes. (5 or 6 mistakes)
( 3 - 4 mistakes)

TOTAL SCORE: 25 points

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