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This course was one that I found to be challenging because it made the inclusion
of lesson planning and model constructing one that required several different steps.
Although I was not a very seasoned instructional designer, I enjoyed the challenge
applying the appropriate standards while taking on the challenge. However, I learned a
great deal of things in this course. The first of those things was that learning about
Instructional Design and Model theories were more than just creating based on creativity,
colors and theorist but more so about the steps of instruction.
I had no clue that this course would obtain all of the material that it did
but I am grateful because it kept me moving along swiftly while gaining a vast amount of
information about creating effective lesson plans for students. As a fairly new instructor
to the world of interactive learning this course was much needed. I truly understand the
relationship and responsibilities of the student and teacher after taking this course. I now
better understand how to differentiate the roles of the two without compromising the
course work.
I learned that I must not only focus on just the external but place extreme focus on
the internal facets of instruction. This course has also taught me a great deal of
terminology in the field of Instructional Technology. I have walked away with a great
wealth of knowledge after this class.
I know that this course has given me the building blocks to further expand my
knowledge in my future endeavors in this field of work. I will never forget the
experience, hard work and dedication that was placed in this course.

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