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SASA Sasa has demonstrated achievement during this term.

She has
put in consistent effort with skill taught applying this to a variety
of subject areas, especially at Biology lesson. Nevertheless, less
social activity and more focus on lesson needed to reap greater
achievement. Sasa is encouraged to review her Math lesson
during this term break. It is what we hope for.
Alfi Alfi is really trying hard and has shown progress in academic
area this term tough still needs to strengthen some topics. A
constant review at home will be helpful for her especially in
counting lesson like Math and Physics. In social area Alfi creates
strong and positive disposition on others. This kind of positive
disposition will help her to motivate herself in learning to reap
better achievement.
Grego Grego is really trying hard and has shown progress in academic
area this term tough still needs to strengthen some topics
especially for Energy material in Pgysics. A constant review at
home will be helpful for him especially in English lesson. In social
area Grago creates strong and positive disposition on others.
This kind of positive disposition will help her to motivate himself
in learning to reap better achievement
Alexa Alexa has shown progress to analyze information by being a
critical thinker this term. It helps her to use creative ways to solve
challenging questions especially in Math lesson. She goal next
term is accepting thing that she can’t change or things that she
wishes were different is what she needs to do. We encouraged
her as well to curb the urge to criticize others and be persistent
with herself.
Andrea Alexa has shown progress to analyze information by being a
critical thinker this term. It helps her to use creative ways to solve
challenging questions especially in Math lesson.
Florie florie attitude bagus. biasa biasa aja. butuh percaya diri lebih lagi
untuk mengungkapkan pertanyaan.
Niel In this term, Niel has shown improvement in Fisika subject
especially in Energi concept. She manages his emotions
maturely and responds to feedback appropriately. On the other
hands, she often struggles to focus in class, which harms her
ability to engage well with class activities and assignments. By
showing constant willingness to learn in many areas of
schoolwork, we believe she will achieve optimum levels of
personal performance in 4.
Hasna hasna needs fokus and effort in Math and English. sangat
tertarik pada art. harus mandiri dalam menyelesaikan tugas.

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