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Summative Test

Lesson 3 and 4

I. For numbers 1-15, choose your answer from the box below.

Furniture churches architecture welded sculpture

Kinetic sculpture Goldsmithing and silversmithing bungalow

Advertising art free-standing Markets

Bamboo art Textile weaving fort

Assemblage tattoo
1. It is created by either art modeling or assembling parts
carving, lighthouse
Photography barong-barong
2. This is a kind of sculpture that can independently standApartments
in space. It has a flat
horizontal base.

3. This sculpture is formed by putting together materials such as found of paper,

sponges, wood, scarps and other materials.

4. This is considered as a sculpture in motion.

5. Creating these sculptures involve the process of connecting sheets of metal together
by using an acetylene or electric torch.

6. This refers to using paid space or time in any of the media to inform and influence
the public

7. This refers to works made of bamboo that may be used for everyday purposes or for
decoration or ornaments.

8. These are decorative and functional objects which are typically found in a public or
private dwelling or building. These are also known as muebles or kasangkapan.

9. these process involves the use of gold and silver in creating objects and ornaments.

10. This refers to the process of producing images using a light-sensitive chemical
plate or film.

11. This refers to a body adornment permanently engraved on the skin using a sharp
instrument and plant dyes of skin.

12. This refers to the process of creating cloth by interviewing a series of horizontal
threads at right angles.

13. Considered to be one of the most functional branches of the visual arts.

14. This refers to a building composed of many residences called units.

15. The house of the landless poor that are built on any land or area . These are
usually found near the esteros, riverbanks and babyshores etc.

16-20 Examples of Ethnic Houses

21. This refers to a place or a building for buying and selling goods.
Summative Test
Lesson 3 and 4

22. This refers to the building of the provincial government. Most of these in the
country use columns and pediments in the exterior of the buildings.

23. Refers to a place of worship of the Muslims.

24. A building intended for dance, musical, and theatrical presentations.

25. Is a horizontal structure that serves as a passage away between two areas are
separated by a body of water, a hallow area or a road.

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