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Length of

Wingspan Number of Shoe Size

(cm) Height (cm) Knots Rope (in)
61 59.5 7 (inches) 13.4 200
60 61 9 10 230
68 65 9 11.7 210
59 57 11 7.5 245
63 63 6 13.5 250
60 58 10 7.4 255
57 57 5 15 220
63 64 1 18 225

0.89357104 -0.9593029
length of
forearm forearm+ha day of your number of
your hair (cm) nd (cm) birthday days left
(in) 12 23.5 38.5 1 30
10 24 38.5 11 19
2.4 23 39 14 17
2.5 22.5 37.5 18 13
10 26 45.5 6 25
6 22 39 2 29
1 23 38 20 11
1 26 45 3 27

number of
letters in length of
your first hair (in)
name 6 14
5 25
7 12
7 21
10 14
6 18
5 4.5
6 1.5
Wingspan Height
(cm) (cm) x*y x^2 y^2
61 59.5 3629.5 3721 3540.25
60 61 3660 3600 3721
68 65 4420 4624 4225
59 57 3363 3481 3249
63 63 3969 3969 3969
60 58 3480 3600 3364
57 57 3249 3249 3249
63 64 4032 3969 4096
491 484.5 29802.5 30213 29413.25

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