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Walking Walking improves muscle tone and strength

Walking keeps you from losing endurance

and getting weak muscles

This exercise is one of the main gaits of

locomotion. The body vaults over the stiff
limb. This exercise is used to increase body
mobility and functionality. It also helps to
promote muscle function and increase
tolerance for body capacity in exerting effort
and activity.

Deep Breathing Exercise

This exercise is used to improve pulmonary
gas to exchange and maintain respiratory
functions especially after generalized/
minimal immobilization. This is also use as a
relaxation technique.


Client who had invasive ductal carsinoma breast right was instructed to take the
following plan for discharge:


Take the medications as prescribed by the physician. Contact your healthcare provider if you
think your medicine is not helping or if you have side effects. Tell him or her if you are allergic to
any medicine.
Keep a list of the medicines, vitamins, and herbs you take. Include the amounts, and when and
why you take them. Bring the list on follow-up visits. Carry your medicine list with you in case of
an emergency.



Deep breathing exercise

Instructed to take all the medicines prescribed by the Doctor, follow the correct medication, the
time and frequency of taking those medications.
Health Teaching:

Eat healthy and nutritious foods like fruits and vegetables.

Maintain proper personal hygiene.

Perform range of motion exercises/ambulation slowly and with resistance.

Adequate rest and sleep

Out-patient department (check-up)

Instructed the patient to follow the order of the physician in ensuring the continuity of
management and treatment


Soft diet

Diet that low in sodium and fats.

Food that rich in vitamins and minerals.

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