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Nicholas Hevrin
EDU 202-1002

Historical Timeline


• Dame Schools- Women would use their home as a school for a small fee.

• The Massachusetts Law- “Old Deluder Satan Law,” Towns of 50 households must have a paid

teacher and towns of 100 must provide a grammar school to youths.

• Schools for primarily for boys barring girls from attending

• In 1635 the Boston Latin Grammar School was the first established Latin grammar school.

• Schools were primarily focused on reading and writing.

• In 1690 the New England Primer was published, which was the first real textbook.


• In 1749 Benjamin Franklin wrote the Proposals Relating to the Youth of Pennsylvania.

• In 1751 Benjamin Franklin establishes the Franklin Academy teaching many subjects like math,

astronomy and navigation rather than just reading

• Franklin Academy also accepted boys and girl and was free of religious influence.

• In 1783 Noah Webster published the American Spelling Book.

• The Land Ordinance Act of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 required townships of

newly settled areas to designate areas for educational purpose.


• In 1821 the first free secondary school was established in Boston.

• Horace Mann becomes the secretary of the Massachusetts State Board of Education in 1837 and

fights for reform in education. He helped created more public schools and high-quality education
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• The Miner Normal School for Colored Girls was established by the 1850s

• In 1852 Boston was able to maintain a similar secondary school for girls.

• In 1874 the Kalamazoo, Michigan, case courts ruled that taxes could be used to support

secondary schools.

• In 1892 The National Education Association created the Committee of Ten to develop a national

policy for high schools.

• 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson decision supports racially separate but equal schools

• The Morrill Land Grant College Acts established sixty-nine institutes of higher education across

various states.


• The first junior high school is established in 1909 in Columbus, Ohio.

• Smith-Hughes Act in 1917 provided funds for teacher training and program development.

• The NEA created a second Committee of Ten in 1918 to focus on preparing for adult life roles.

• 1920s and 1930s progressive education becomes more widely known.

• The Great Depression of the 1930s leads to more federal funding for school.

• 1931, Department of Education is created.

• Servicemen’s Readjustment Act in 1944 paid for veterans’ tuition and living expenses.


• In 1954 Brown v Board of Education ruling lead to desegregation of schools.

• 1958, the National Defense Education Act was created to enhance the mental resources and

technical skills of young men and woman and improve teacher training even further. This also

provided scholarships and loans for college students

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• 1965, Elementary and Secondary Education Act provided funding to improve libraries and

materials for school districts with low income families.

• 1964, Project Head Start provided educational services to low families with children 3-6 years


• 1968, Bilingual Education Act provided funding to aid non-English-speaking students,

particularly Spanish speaking.

• The Title IX of Education Amendments were created in 1972 prohibiting the discrimination on

the basis of sex.

• Cabinet-level Department of Education is created in 1979.

• Individuals with Disabilities Act, 1975,1991,1997,2004, provides financial aid to children with



• The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 creates new national standards and annual testing in

various subjects. Creates greater freedom for school selection and made teachers and schools

more responsible for scores of the students.

• NCLB is modified in 2011 to give more flexibility to states for evaluation.


Sadker, D. M., & Zittleman, K. R. (2016). Teachers, schools, and society: A brief introduction to

education. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

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