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Break a promise

Break the law

Break a record

Break a habit

Break a leg

Break someone’s heart

Break the ice

Break the rules

Break the news

Break the story

Break down

Break even

Break the silence

Break loose


Make progress

Make money

Make noise

Make a mess

Make a speech
Make a suggestion

Make an excuse

Make a phone call

Make a joke

Make a breakfast

Make trouble


Big decision

Big failure

Big mistake

Big surprise

Big deal

Big step

Big moment

Big difference

Big time

Big head

Big room

Big hand

Big job

Big say

Catch the bus

Catch cold

Catch fire

Catch a thief

Catch someone’s attention

Catch the flu

Catch the notice of

Catch the ball

Catch the opportunity

Catch your breath

Catch someone red-handed

Catch you later

Catch someone’s eye


Strong argument

Strong wind

Strong evidence

Strong feeling

Strong denial

Strong criticism

Strong commitment

Strong belief

Strong network

Strong connection

Take a break

Take a chance

Take a rest

Take a seat

Take someone’s place

Take one’s breath away

Take someone to task

Take someone for a ride

Take it easy

Take it as it comes


Have a nice day

Have a good time

Have a haircut

Have lunch

Have a drink

Have a day out

Have a holiday

Have a relationship

Great show

Great performance

Great understanding

Great skill

Great wisdom

Great power

Great minds

Great excitement

Great day

Great guns

Great escape

Great extent

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