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Production Log- LAC (Miss McGrath)

Day 1 Today i started my editing for LAC, I imported

5/02/2020 all my useful footage as i had many useless
and unwanted footage. This took me about
30 minutes to go through all my footage and
then delete it. All together i had about 400
shots some were 1-second shots that were
useless, at the end of the day i ended up with
80 good shots that i was going to use for my
short film.​ ​We had an assignment brief that i
had to go through and highlight the important
bits so i knew what to do.
Day 2 Today i started my rushes log, i started out
11/02/2020 by downloading a document that miss
McGrath sent out. In my rushes log, i had to
explain the raw footage i had and all the
shots that i had taken. I explained the audio
type whether it was good or not then i had to
explain the duration or each shot which
varied between 5-seconds and 12-seconds,
in some occasions i had shots that were 1
minute which i was going to short down and
edit in premiere pro cc 2020. At the top, i had
to put additional information such as ​the
editor, location, camera operator and
director. ​I did this in the whole lessons as
they were quite a few shots that i had to put
in and add notes about. Also in the rushes
log, i had to log the usual and not usual
Day 3 Today i have finally started my editing. In my
12/02/2020 editing, i started by adding the first 4 clips
these clips contain me waking up and David
chime (TJ) waking up. For this, i added
graphics such as a title in the top left corner
which represents the time that i am waking
up in my short movie. I also added audio
clips that took me about 30 minutes to find, i
added a smooth audio that matches the
setting, i also had to add audio transition as
the audio was too loud for the beginning of a
short movie.
Day 4 Today i started the title for my short film just
19/02/2020 to give an intro. Instead of having my intro at
the beginning i changed it up and put it
20-seconds in. i didn’t just add in any simple
title i put in an inverted title which inside the
letters you can see the genre of the short
movie which is football/ sports. I also added a
dissolve when going into the title the
dissolves just makes the transition between
the beginning of my short movie and the title
very smooth. Once the title dissolves i added
new audio music which will excite my viewers
when watching.
Day 5 Today I’m carrying on with my editing, for my
25/02/2020 editing today i have added the beginning of
my montage, i added various clips of me and
David chime training, in this bit, you will see
David chime playing really bad and seeing
me not trying but still training. This is just the
introduction still so not dialogue has started
yet. I also had the responsibly to complete
my rushes log.

Day 6 Today in my editing i have started the

26/02/2020 dialogue in the dialogue, i have added 3
different shots from 3 different views, for
example, ​close up, over the shoulder and
high angle ​these shots help get a different
perspective so you get the feeling of the
emotions of the characters and the way they
act. In these shots ​Bertie, me and David
chime ​was appearing. In the audio, the
manager explains that there is only one spot
left on the team and they have to battle it out.
Day 7 Today in my editing i have started the
3/02/2020 montage in the montage, you will see me and
David chime training, you will get two
perspectives of two people training and how
they’re doing it. In my editing, i put lot’s of
short cuts which makes the video have
excitement for the viewers. Once the
conversation in the changing room finished i
added exponential fade which is good when
putting in audio as it will gradually get louder.
The fast cuts i have put in matches the music
that i have added, the hand helps footage
also makes it very crazy and enjoying.
Day 8 After the montage is finished i added an
01/03/2020 exponential fade to cut out the audio slowly
so it’s not just a random cut, i put the last
seen in the same location with 3 different
clips from 3 different angles which were ​high
angle, close up and over the shoulder.
Here you will finally get to see who got
chosen to be on the team it is quite obvious
who won by the montage but just that sense
of a plot twist could happen just raises the

Day 9 In the last day of my editing, i have just

02/03/202 added a title and an ​exponential fade ​at the
beginning and end of the audio following a
title expanding. This is just a small touch and
although in the assignment brief titles do not
gain extra marks it still makes my short film
looking better.

After i had finished

my film i went onto file the export and put it
onto my youtube for other people to view and
also so i can add it on my Weebly so miss
McGrath can watch it and mark it.

Day 10 Today is the last day were i uploaded the

03/03/2020 short movie which i named ​PROgress ​and i
added my rushes log which i put a few more
touches to it. The lastly my production log
which i have just complteted today and going
to upload.

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