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a) The setting of the the text

The setting of the text is in college

b) The focus and perspective of the text

c) The purposes of the text

The purpose of the text is to prove that the readers of the text know that text is used to
proving that the student concerned has participated in supporting activities outside the
obligation to attend courses in class.
d) The intended audience for the text, their role and purpose in reading the text

The intended of the text is the students can easily gain additional knowledge outside the
classroom, their role of the text is to find out what seminars and workshops the students
have participated in. And the purpose of the text is to find out the achievements ever
achieved by readers or students, as well as other activities related to academics
e) The relationship between writers and readers of the text

The relationship between writers of the text and the readers of text is between the writer
and the reader in this genre is the writer as the giver of admission that the reader has
participated in and participated in the seminar either as a committee or only participant
f) Expectations, conventions, and requirements for the text
g) The background knowledge, values and understanding it is assumed the writer shares with
their readers, including what is important to the reader and what is not.
h) The relationship the text has with other text

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