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Choose the correct answer!

1. Angle x classified as….

a. Obtuse c. Right
b. Acute d. Reflex
2. Angle y is classified as….
a. Obtuse c. Acute x

b. Right d. Reflex z

3. Angle z is classified as…..

a. Obtuse c. Acute
b. Right d. Reflex
4. Angle x + y + z =
a. 180o c. 360o
b. 90o d. 380o

Look at this figure below for solving number 5-9 Q

PS and UR are straight lines

<TOR = 115o U R

5. Find <UOT T
a. 65o b. 75o c. 63o d. 70o
6. Find <SOR
a. 55o b. 50o c. 60o d. 45o
7. Find <SOQ
a. 120o b. 135o c. 145o d. 140o
8. Find <POQ
a. 40o b. 55o c. 30o d. 45o
9. Find <UOP
a. 55o b. 60o c. 50o d. 40o

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