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A typical weight loss programme

1 - No crunchy muesli or fruit yoghurts for breakfast
- choosing oatmeal, dark brown bread, meat and fish
2 - No fast food or white bread for lunch; choose
brown bread, meat, fish and vegetables instead
3 - Portions served up in the kitchen - no pots and
pans at the dining table
4 - Plate proportions for dinner should be: half
vegetables, a quarter brown rice, pasta or potatoes,
and a quarter low fat fish or meat
5 - Wait 20 minutes before having second helpings -
this allows time for the body to feel full
6 - Feel satisfied after each meal
7 - Only two pieces of fruit per day
8 - Fast food only once a month
9 - Sweets only once a week
10 - Snack only once a week
11 - Limit juice, iced tea, cocoa, soda or lemonade to
once weekly - only half a litre in total
12 - Cycle or walk to school
13 – Organized physical activity eg dancing, handball
or gymnastics
14 - Free physical activities like walking/biking after
school, walking the dog or trampolining
15 - Screen time (television, computer or tablet)
limited to two hours per day
16 - No television/computer access until 5pm
17 - Set a regular, early bedtime

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