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Manlangit, Jennifer D.


History or Origin of Internet

February 7, 1958 was the day Secretary of Defense Neil McElroy signed Department of Defense Directive 5105.15. His
signature launched the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), now known as the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA). The creation of the agency is an important moment in science history because it led to the creation of the
internet we recognize today.
The Cold War was in full swing in the 1950s, and the US was worried about the Soviet Union’s growing scientific prowess.
Because of Sputnik 1, launched in 1957, the US military was concerned about the Soviet Union attacking from space and
destroying the US long-distance communications network.

The existing national defense network relied on telephone lines and wires that were susceptible to damage. In 1962,
J.C.R. Licklider, a scientist from ARPA and MIT, suggested connecting computers to keep a communications network active in the
US in the event of a nuclear attack.
This network came to be known as the ARPA Network, or ARPAnet. Packet switching made data transmission possible in
1965, and by 1969, military contractor Bolt, Beranek, and Newman (BBN) developed an early form of routing devices known
as interface message processors (IMPs), which revolutionized data transmission.

The Stanford University Network was the first local area network connecting distant workstations. In 1981, the NSF
expanded ARPAnet to national computer science researchers when it funded the Computer Science Network (CSNET). BBN
assumed CSNET operation management in 1984.
ARPAnet adopted the transmission control protocol (TCP) in1983 and separated out the military network (MILnet),
assigning a subset for public research. Launched formally as the National Science Foundation Network (NSFNET) in 1985,
engineers designed it to connect university computer science departments iacross the US.

"ARPAnet's transition to the open networking protocols TCP and IP in 1983 accelerated the already burgeoning spread of
internetworking technology," says Stephen Wolff, principal scientist with Internet2. "When NSF's fledgling NSFNET adopted the
same protocols, ARPAnet technology spread rapidly not only to university campuses across the USA to support the higher
education community, but also to emergent Internet Service Providers to support commerce and industry."
The NSFNET eventually became a linked resource for the five supercomputing centers across the US, connecting
researchers to regional networks, and then on to nearly 200 subsidiary networks. NSFNET took on the role of internet backbone
across the US, with ARPAnet gradually phased out in 1990.

1989 saw a major step forward in internet communications. Tim Berners-Lee of the European Organization for Nuclear
Research (CERN) created the hypertext transfer protocol (http), a standardization that gave diverse computer platforms the ability
to access the same internet sites. For this reason, Berners-Lee is widely regarded as the father of the world wide web (www).
The Mosaic web browser, created in 1993 at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, was a key development that emerged from the NSFNET. Mosaic was the first to show
images in line with text, and it offered many other graphical user interface norms we’ve come to expect today (like the browser’s
URL address bar and back/forward/reload options for viewing webpages.)

Eventually the NSFNET modified its acceptable use policy for commercial use, and by 1995, it was decommissioned.
Soon, the internet provider model created network access points that allowed the for-profit, commercial side of the internet to be
The internet went from being an obscure research idea to a technology that is used by over 3.2 billion people in less than
sixty years. Computer science has moved fast, but hold on tight, you can be sure it’s not done evolving.

The Internet and Its Effects On Accounting Departments

The effect of the internet on accounting departments has created new challenges for many CPA firms and their clients. It
has forced dealerships and their CPAs to upgrade their computer systems and software and sometimes even their personnel. All
accounting personnel need to be trained to use the internet effectively, whether it is accessing multiple dealership locations,
suppliers or financial institutions.

Accounting departments have upgraded their accounting servers to accommodate Microsoft Outlook, Word and Excel.
Many departments have had to buy and install network versions of their accounting software. Besides upgrading their software,
dealers have upgraded their printers to lasers instead of inkjets, bought network instead of local printers, installed scanners and run
network cables to every workstation.

Clients are now able to email accounting information to their CPAs, enabling both the client and the CPA to interact more
quickly to review and adjust their accounting records. Examples of emailed files include Excel spreadsheets to help analyze and
recap information, text files to import into Excel and other accounting and sales database files.

Many office managers and dealers now access their bank accounts online each day to monitor their cash flow, specifically
funding of contracts in transit. They can download cleared deposits and checks from banking software and import directly into
accounting software for reconciliation.

Dealerships can email authorization for floor plan and line of credit payments to their lenders or initiate them directly

What does all this mean? Can accounting departments and their personnel keep up with these changes? Yes, they can. It
starts with training. Many office managers, or other personnel, may need to be trained to understand the basics of new programs
and hardware. Some of these may include additional training from local high schools or colleges. Third party vendors or local
computer vendors may offer courses or you can learn from someone in your dealership that has more extensive experience. Your
accountants can also train personnel to utilize all the features of your accounting software, such as bank reconciliations, memorized
transactions, custom reports, and detail general ledgers, to improve the efficiency of the accounting department. Unfortunately
during the process of training, it may become necessary to replace employees who are unable or refuse to learn the new job duties.

Using communication software such as PC Anywhere, VPN, VNC and terminal services connections anyone you
authorize may access your data from anywhere that has an internet connection. This enables real time analysis of your dealership
data with your accounting personnel. The internet also lets you download the data to other software or third party vendors you have
authorized to receive your data.

Some dealerships scan documents into PDF or other type of image files and store them on servers. Sending PDF files by
email is an efficient and simple way to transmit data without the cost of a long distance phone call used by your fax machine. For
the most part, these documents are also easier to read than faxes. They also do not have to be printed, but can be reviewed on the
screen and stored electronically by anyone you send them to for future reference.

Paper takes up space. Hard drive space is much cheaper and easier to deal with than storage buildings and attics where
papers have been stored in the past. Purging of records based on retention requirements also becomes much easier to manage in
electronic format. An easy way to turn your reports into electronic files is to use Adobe Distiller (not Adobe Reader, which only has
the ability to read PDF files) or other low cost PDF freeware programs.

Has the internet really improved your accounting department? I hope so. I know it has improved the methods of
communication between dealers and their CPA’s. From our side we are now able to log directly into many of our dealership’s
computer systems and review their accounting data as requested. We are able to print tax returns and financial statements to a
PDF file format and email them to dealers and their lenders with the client’s permission.

(The internet has improved the speed at which data can be exchanged between dealers and those that they wish to communicate with.
This allows quicker adjustments when necessary to trends and changes within the industry. Frankly, I don’t know how we ever got along without the


The Biggest Standing Internet Issues

These are some of the biggest problems facing our development of the internet:

1.) Global inconsistencies in internet availability

One of the internet’s biggest advantages is its ability to connect people all over the world—but that world appears
significantly smaller when you realize how unavailable or slow the internet is in many countries other than the United States, Japan,
and other world leaders. Many African countries like Chad, Niger, and Somalia have single-digit percentages of their respective
populations with internet access, and internet speeds vary wildly from country to country. If we want the fullest possible use and
benefit out of the internet, we need to take measures to assure the greatest number of people—from countries all over the world—
have reliable access. Companies like Facebook are trying to solve this problem by beaming internet to remote locations via
automatically piloted balloons, but it will be some time before the world is fully connected.

2.) The ever-rising demand for bandwidth

Consumers are hungry for more bandwidth, and that increasing hunger isn’t going to wane for a long time. Consumers
want higher-definition movies, faster and more frequent points of information retrieval, and more advanced user interfaces for their
favorite apps and websites. That results in a projected 30-40 percent annual increase in bandwidth demand for the next several
years—and somebody needs to design an infrastructural network capable of supporting that.

3.) Unexpected fluctuations in use

Internet companies have learned to expect a kind of ebb and flow to internet use. Late at night and early in the morning,
few people are accessing content online, but during peak working hours and prime time, people stream large volumes. This isn’t
problematic when you know what to anticipate; the problem comes with unexpected fluctuations, which can pop up at any time—for
unpredictable reasons. Companies like are attempting to resolve this by using unmetered bandwidth dedicated servers
with high uplink potential to provide ample reserve for their users.

4.) Cybercriminal access

It’s a good thing that the internet is as widely available as it is, but that also means it’s available to hackers and
cybercriminals—and wider access means more potential targets. There’s no way to eliminate cybercrime, as improving
technological defenses simply results in more innovative hacking to get around them. However, we can better educate consumers
and give them the resources necessary to protect themselves—even with simple measures, like choosing stronger passwords.

5.) Overreliance on major corporations

Chances are, you’re using an internet provider like Comcast, AT&T, Time Warner, or CenturyLink. There are a small
number of telecom companies capable of providing high-speed internet access, and our reliance on those major corporations
leaves us vulnerable to the decisions they make—including price rate hikes and new paradigms for internet provision (including
bandwidth and/or download caps). Legislation on the provision of internet to consumers is limited, and competition is too thin to
keep these companies in check with one another. Hopefully, new players or significant corporate breakups will introduce some
much-needed differentiation to this group.

6.) Patchwork fixes

This is a mentality problem rather than an infrastructural problem, but it still has a significant impact on how the internet is
available (and when). Most internet providers and service providers are focused on providing uninterrupted service, and promptly
respond to emergencies in an effort to minimize downtime. This isn’t bad by itself; the problem is, many organizations resort to
“patchwork” fixes, temporarily correcting systems to restore internet service without addressing the infrastructural roots of the
problem (or innovating new solutions that bypass them). This keeps the internet stuck in place, and keeps technicians putting out
fires rather than preventing them from happening in the first place. For example, technicians may respond to an internet outage
from a damaged underwater cable by repairing the cable, rather than better protecting the cable, or attempting to find a backup
source of data transference.

Importance of Internet

•Importance of Internet to Education Research• •Creating an image

The internet has a wide range of information that both teachers Business organizations can use the internet to create a
and students can access at the convenience of their locations. The preferred image through various platforms. Most businesses primarily
distinction of scholarly domains from personal, organizational, and use websites and social media platforms. The perfect example is the
government domains makes it easy to find reliable information. Also, rising presence of business pages on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram,
students have access to resources published in any period because most and Twitter. These platforms allow the business to establish an online
of them are available on internet platforms. presence which showcases the company’s values and beliefs.

•Increased Accessibility of Education •Alternative business methods

Education is accessible now more than ever, thanks to the The success of online stores like Amazon and eBay
internet. Several reputable institutions of learning like Yale and Harvard encouraged other companies to establish online stores. The trend, e-
universities have free courses in diverse areas through platforms like commerce/ e-business, is becoming increasingly successful with the
Coursera. In most cases, one has to pay for a certificate, but the lessons growing number of people who prefer to shop online. Other trends like
are completely free of charge. online and mobile banking also contribute to the success of online
•Innovative Learning
The internet offers extra resources and new methods of • Importance of Internet to the Society
learning. Teachers can opt to have online classes which students attend The Internet plays an important role in the society in the
from the comfort of their homes. Alternative methods of learning and following ways: Internationalization The internet facilitates important
study materials are also available on the internet (including crash course international relationships and connections. These international
videos, images, animated videos, and educational games). interactions are important in trade, social exposure, cultural knowledge,
and embracing diversity. The internet facilitates the interaction between
•Ease of Communication different countries and individuals from different nations without formal
Teachers and students can interact timely using internet
platforms. A student no longer has to wait until the next class to
communicate with their classmates or teachers. One can easily send a •Globalization
message to the teacher or student in question through online platforms. Compared to internationalization, globalization is more formal
Additionally, most schools have online platforms where students hold and focuses on the global economy. The internet is crucial in establishing
discussions on various topics and assignments . one global economy because it eliminates the physical boundaries that
most avenues of business and communication have.

•Importance of Internet to Business Organizations•

Businesses, be it small or huge, startups or already established •Communication
ones, greatly benefit from the internet. The following are some of the Today, most people use the internet primarily for
benefits/importance of the internet to businesses: communication. The diverse communication platforms ensure that
everyone has a preferred network. Businesses tend to prefer formal
platforms like LinkedIn and emails while young people prefer the less
formal chatting sites such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and
The internet offers the best marketing platform in this age. Instagram. Most forms of communication including those on mobile
Business organizations can choose from a variety of platforms to market phones require connectivity to the internet.
their products and services. Most successful organizations combine
online/digital marketing with traditional marketing to reach customers with
different preferences. •Information dissemination
Most of the people in the world today will Google something
before they ask for help from other people. The famous saying that the
• External Communication and Information
internet has all the answers is true, thanks to the unlimited content
Business organizations must find ways to interact with customers to available online. In some instances, people solve problems like a flat car
a.) Create a good relationship, tire or a wet phone using videos and articles online. The internet also
b.) Understand consumer needs comes in handy with basic information like product ratings and historical
c.) Conduct research events.
The internet enables this interaction with customers providing direct
access and instant feedback, hence betterment of products and services
•Importance of Internet in Health
that in return increase revenue for the company.
The health sector has not been left behind. This sector has had to
embrace the internet because of the following:
•Internal Communication a.) Free medical information
The internet facilitates communication within organization especially Doctors and other health practitioners run various internet
those with branches in different geographical regions. Information from pages where they provide quality medical information. This information is
the head office reaches the rest of the branches promptly. Today, email useful to medical students and the public. Now, self-diagnosis is not
is the main method of communication in many organizations. recommended on these pages. However, they provide understanding
after a known diagnosis. The patient can learn more about the disease •Importance of Internet Security and Privacy•
they suffer from and how to care for themselves. Some of the pages also While the internet is essential in the world today, it comes with
provide home remedies for simple conditions like migraines, stomach risks that security and privacy prevent. These risks include:
aches, and menstrual period pains.

a.) Identity theft and fraud

•Online hospitals Internet security and privacy ensure that one hides their
These hospitals take the patient’s research a notch higher. The personal details from fraudsters. Cybercriminals can use one’s private
patient can talk to the doctors like in a traditional consultation. The doctor information to commit crimes and even steal from the same people. In
would then provide a diagnosis and prescribed treatment. There are also some cases, the criminals go as far as taking out loans, making
platforms for people recovering from addiction or simply seeking help. purchases, and making illegal transactions. The damage is devastating
FRANK, in the United Kingdom, is an example of a functioning online and could lead to criminal charges against an innocent person. Security
addiction helpline. The anonymity that comes with online health platforms and privacy measures may also prevent criminals from using one’s
encourages patients to be more honest than in face-to-face discussions. information after stealing it.
The importance of the internet, in this case, is in the facilitation of these
services in a timely manner. b.) Computer damage
Internet security and privacy prevent damages caused by
•Cyber-surgery viruses and hacking. A password, for example, limits the number of
The internet partially solved the problem of distance in people who can access the computer. Software such as antiviruses
medicine. Doctors can now guide each other during surgery with the help detect and protect the computer against harmful software and viruses.
of the internet and the 3 Dimension technologies. All that the doctors People reduce the loss of money for repair or even purchasing a new
need is a clear line of communication and internet connection during the computer by installing reliable security systems.
surgery. The patients and doctors save both money and time.
c.) Data theft
•Importance of Internet in Our Daily Life• This risk mainly affects businesses. The organization risks
Our day to day operations require the internet. Here is the losing important information and confidential documents that could
importance of this great innovation in our daily lives destroy the company. Such information places competitors at an
advantage over the organization. Losing important data could also put
•The news operations at a standstill and require the establishment of new strategies.
The importance of the internet in media and journalism is
undeniable. The internet facilitates accurate and timely reporting of news. d.) Confidentiality
Most people today get their daily and even hourly news from the internet. Internet security and privacy prevent the interception and
The online presence of traditional media outlets makes it easy to access access to crucial yet private data. The recent stories on spying by
factual news. E-newspapers and online magazines such as government agencies show that anyone could access private
also update news faster than traditional newspapers that take at least a conversations and information. Security measures reduce the risk of this
day due to the printing process. interception and access allowing one to enjoy privacy online.

•Entertainment Undeniably, the internet runs our lives and therefore the
Sources of entertainment started to shift towards the internet. Platforms importance of internet cannot go unmentioned. We should, therefore,
like Netflix and YouTube readily provide entertainment on the go. take the appropriate measure to avoid risks discussed above as well as
Moreover, there are free entertainment sources such as YouTube, using the internet in an educated manner to protect ourselves from things
Facebook Video, blogs, and open gaming platforms. The internet allows such as cyberbullying.
entertainment and active interaction to occur simultaneously.

The internet plays a vital role in ensuring that people stay in contact
regardless of the physical barriers. Most friendships and business
connections would die without the internet. It may not be equivalent to
face-to-face communication, but the internet allows people to maintain
important relationships. The internet also helps people to create new
friendships and partnerships.

•Connection with friends and family (Source:

The internet keeps people in touch with the rest of the world.
Initially, one would only know the stories that the mainstream media
reported. Now, however, people get to learn about different countries and
people across the world directly from the source. The internet exposes
people to the world without filters or boundaries allowing them to develop
informed opinions.

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