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Evaluation of 

Alternative Concepts 
Alternative Concepts

Subsystem Concept A Concept B Concept C

Brakes Regenerative, Bike Bike Shoes

Casters (Material) HDPE Aluminum Roller Blade


Casters (Shape) Semi-circle Triangle Roller Blade


Outer Wheel Rivets Through-Bolts Glue

Throttle ATV ATV ATV

Inner Frame Circular Pizza Triangle

Seat Motorcycle Chair Chair

In evaluating our three alternative concepts, we decided to focus on six criteria:
1. Price​ The monowheel must have a low cost, as we have a very limited budget.
2. Ease of Manufacture The design must be able to be built by our group, which
consists of high schoolers with robotics experience.
3. Battery Life Getting more distance per battery charge will make the product
more viable.
4. Back Support ​According to our survey results, most people want a seat with back
5. Durability​ The product will be more viable if it lasts longer.
6. Safety The monowheel must be safe to ride―people will (usually) not buy a
product that is likely to harm them..

Decision Matrix

Criteria Wt. Concept A Concept B Concept C

Val​A Val​A​*W Val​B Val​B​*W Val​C Val​C​*W

t t t

Price 0.30 2 0.60 5 1.50 7 2.10

Ease of 0.20 4 0.80 6 1.20 8 1.60


Battery Life 0.10 8 0.80 4 0.40 4 0.40

Back 0.05 3 0.15 6 0.30 6 0.30


Durability 0.15 6 0.90 7 1.05 3 0.45

Safety 0.20 6 1.20 5 1.00 2 0.40

Total 1.00 4.45 5.45 5.25

Concept A is expensive due to the electronic requirements of the regenerative brakes.
Concept C is the cheapest because it requires the least manufactured parts.

Ease of Manufacture
The circular frame and regenerative brakes make Concept A the most difficult to
manufacture. Concept C is the easiest to manufacture, as it uses almost exclusively
straight pieces, and we wouldn't need to manufacture casters.

Battery Life
The regenerative brakes give Concept A a significantly longer battery life than the other

Back Support
Concepts B and C utilise a chair for the seat, which provides a decent amount of back
support compared to the motorcycle seat of Concept A.

Concepts A and B have similar construction, but the delicate electronics on Concept A
make it slightly less durable. Concept C is not very durable due to the use of glue and
rubber casters.
Concept A is slightly safer than Concept B because the regenerative brakes cannot cause
the wheel to lock up, unlike the mechanical brakes. The use of shoes for braking in
Concept C makes it less safe than the other designs.

Based on our decision matrix, we should focus on building Concept B. Concept A would
make the best product, but the price and complexity are prohibitive. Concept C is cheaper
and simpler than Concept B, but it is less safe and less durable. Concept B provides a
good compromise on all of our evaluation criteria, giving us an effective design within
our price range..


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