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Material progress and political power may vanish; the spirit of nationalism may wane; but the
true glories of literature withstand the forces of decay and decline

b. Literature is an eternally burning flame, exuding light that renders significance of civilization.

c. In literature, there is a conserved heritage which gives meaning to peoples ideals. It molds the mind
of the people by preserving the experience of the past in a cohesive and beautiful manner.

d. Literature mirrors the depth of a culture and manifests the truly creative genius of the race.

e. Literature though seeming to hide timidly between the covers of a book, has frequently generated
ideas that have had a tremendous effect. It has exhibited the potency of an explosive in its capacity
for upsetting the social order.

f. Literature helps us grow both personally and intellectually.

g. It helps us to connect ourselves to the cultural context of which we are part.

h. It helps us to develop mature sensibility and compassion for the condition of all living things,
human and vegetable.

i. Literature is one of the things that shape our lives; it makes us human.

j. It encourages us to assist creative talented people who are in need.

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