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Undergraduate Transcript

Name Student I.D.

Nome (RA)
Brazilian I.D. Brazilian Social Security No. Date of Birth Gender
RG CPF mês/dia/ano male / female
City of birth: Nationality:
Cidade onde nasceu Brazilian or other – specify

Course Level
No. – nome do curso Undergraduate
Accredited by Ministerial Decree No. XXX dated (inserir data)
and renewed by Decree of the Education Council Regulation
No. XXX dated (inserir data)
(inserir dados específicos de seu curso)
Admission to college Period/Admission year
COMVEST Entrance Exam 1S/ano
Scores in admission exam (PHASE: 1)
Writing X.XX Questions XX
Scores in admission exam (PHASE: 2)
Portuguese X.XX Biology X.XX
Chemistry X.XX History X.XX
Physics X.XX Geography X.XX
Mathematics X.XX English X.XX
ATENÇÃO: Vestibulares recentes podem apresentar a seguinte distribuição de disciplinas na 2ª. fase:
Portuguese X.XX Mathematics X.XX
English X.XX Humanities and arts X.XX
Natural sciences X.XX
Prior school Month/Conclusion year
Nome Mês/Ano

Situation Curriculum year Group year

Enrolled (matriculado) Ano de catálogo Ano da
(Escolha o mais adequado no seu caso:)
Participant in ENADE Exam XXX (ano), performed in XX/YY/ZZ (caso tenha feito)
Dismissed from ENADE Exam/2014 for not meeting the criteria established by INEP (caso não tenha feito)
Dismissed from ENADE Exam/2013 due to its triennial calendar (caso não tenha feito)
Performance Indexes of the Student in the Course
Cumulative grade average Cumulative grade average of the Position of the student in his
student’s class class
CR do aluno CR médio da turma Posição do aluno na turma
Pag.: 1 of X

Undergraduate Transcript

Name Student I.D.

Nome (RA)

Disciplines Taken
In the disciplines shown with a situation code ‘Approved”, the student achieved attendance equal to or above
75% of total Class Hours (CH).
This document displays all disciplines taken by the student.
# - Disciplines attended in the condition of Special Student – credits used in course integration
! - Disciplines attended as Special Student – credits not used in course integration

First semester of 20XX

Code Name of Discipline Grade CH Credits Situation
código da nome da disciplina média horas no. de Ver tabela ao final
disciplina semestrais créditos do texto

Second semester of 20XX

Code Name of Discipline Grade CH Credits Situation
código da nome da disciplina média horas no. de Ver tabela ao final
disciplina semestrais créditos do texto
Pag.: 2 of X

Undergraduate Transcript

Name Student I.D.

Nome (RA)

First semester of 20XY

Code Name of Discipline Grade CH Credits Situation
código da nome da disciplina média horas no. de Ver tabela ao final
disciplina semestrais créditos do texto

Second semester of 20XY

Code Name of Discipline Grade CH Credits Situation
código da nome da disciplina média horas no. de Ver tabela ao final
disciplina semestrais créditos do texto

Work Load
Total Work Load Completed Total Supervised Work Load Completed Total Credits

This document is a translation of the student transcript, being valid only if signed below by
the Faculty/Institute Chair of Undergraduate Studies.

The original document in Portuguese, issued by the Registrar’s Office, has an authenticity
code that can be verified on this website –

Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz, Day Month, year

Assinatura e carimbo do responsável

Pag.: 3 of X

Para cada semestre, preencher o campo ‘Situation’ de cada disciplina com o dado correspondente
conforme tabela abaixo:

Situação Situation
Dispensado de cursar disciplina Dismissed from taking the course
Proficiência Exempt (proficient)
Aprovado por frequência Passed due to attendance
Aprovado por nota e frequência Passed due to grade/attendance
Reprovado por nota Failed due to grade
Reprovado por nota e frequência Failed due to grade/attendance
Aproveitamento de estudos Transferred credits
Desistência Withdrawal
Disciplina cancelada ofício Official class cancelation
Dispensa (por variados motivos) Dismissed without credits
Aprovado Sufficient – passed
Reprovado Insufficient – failed
Trancamento (pessoal) Personal leave of absence

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