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Multimedia and Information Literacy

1. When you are taking a ride going to a city, it’s possible that you can see and interpret some displayed
posters along the way. What does your interpretation show?

A. Text

B. Media text

C. Media as text

D. Text as media

2. Before doing a voice recording, Angie assures that she already inserted a disc to which she literally
implant her voice. What audio format is she using?

A. Laptop

B. Analog

C. Casette

D. Computer

3. Karen is tasked to present about teenage pregnancy to high school students. To make her
presentation clear and easily understood, she provides pictures and graphs. What did Karen emphasize
in sharing information?

A. The clarity of the topic

B. The visibility of the object

C. The visual aspect of information

D. The creativeness of presentation

4. Nowadays, there are numerous cases on road accidents. If you are a broadcaster and you witnessed
one of these, what is the best thing that you should do?

A. Report it to your radio station manager.

B. Gather and list all of the related details.

C. Stay quiet and pretend you didn’t see it.

D. Go to radio station and broadcast it immediately.

5. Archie is a manager of a computer company and he is always open to all the suggestions and
recommendations shared to him. In what principle is he living?

A. Be open-hearted.

C. Knowledge is power.

B. Perfection is the best.

D. Opinions are best considered.

6. The Grade 12 students create a motion picture as a subject requirement. In order to comply, they
need to fully understand what motion picture means. Which of the following best describes motion

A. Motion pictures shows the visual representation of an object.

B. Motion pictures has the purpose to disseminate information in any forms.

C. Motion pictures is the visualization of any motionless text, graphics and picture.

D. Motion pictures presents the moving text or graphics which appears to have a visual

7. A writing company is looking for a group of writers for their confidential writing project. The editor-in-
chief prepared a flyer for the search of the writers. What aim of media text is described?

A. Elevating humanities

B. Engaging congregation

C. Gathering new members

D. Collecting diversified people

8. As a teacher, Trisha wants her students to have a deeper understanding on manipulative information
and media. In her discussion, what is the best way that she must do in formulating new information?

A. Let the students perform brainstorming.

B. Give each student the chance to express their thoughts.

C. Require the students to prepare for a media presentation.

D. Encourage the students to interact and practice hands-on media.

9. The State of the Nation’s Address of the President is delivered annually. In order to reach the public,
they flash it on TV or broadcast it in radio live. What type of communication is described?

A. Visual Information

B. Tactile information

C. Media Information

D. Technological Information

10. As a Facebook user, Winde always have her fingers on the phone or on the internet for couple of
hours just to check feeds and any updates. What type of social media user is Winde?

A. The ultras

B. The lurkers
C. The ranters

D. The peacocks

11. Belmar is creating his business plan. Upon revising and finalizing it, he made a lot of corrections and
changes. What advantage of text information and media did he consider?

A. Clarifies other media.

B. Administer affection

C. Easily changed and updated.

D. Present abstruse concept effectively.

12. In doing a visual aid, Arly highlighted some of the words and images to emphasize their meaning.
Why did Arly apply this visual design?

A. To observe hierarchy of the visual.

B. To catch the audience’s attention.

C. To adhere to the variation of audiences.

D. To produce a better visual-based presentation.

13. As a successful entrepreneur, Crisna wants to inspire the youths by sharing her own life story. What
motion picture is best suited for Crisna’s desire?

A. News

B. Animation

C. Talk shows

D. Documentary Film

14. Nisa is experiencing depression when her father died. But, upon watching the movie about death,
she realized to lift up herself. What positive effect of social media does Nisa gain?

A. source of inspiration

B. source of encouragement

C. Source of refreshment

D. Source of enlightenment

15. What does the following statement describe?

“Chinese people who own a Costar Marketing at Banate Town are infected with corona virus
upon arriving from their vacation in China.”

A. Hoaxing
B. Activism

C. Advertising

D. Propaganda

16. Everytime Steven is making his own presentation, he makes sure that he is using the proper styles
and colors. What message design is he observing?

A. Restraint

B. Harmony

C. Proportion

D. Consistency

17. In preparing a presentation, Alex does not only focusing on a specific context of an information.
Instead, he always have a differentiated explanations. What text media principle does Alex has?

A. Explanation is very important.

B. Information should be diversified.

C. People have different mental interpretation.

D. Text media comprises all kinds of information.

18. Ayessa will be on Grade 12 the following year. She researched on the possible subjects that she will
have and found out that she has a book on multimedia and information literacy. She read it, recorded
and saved it on the computer files. Why did Crissa save her audio recording?

A. To review her voice.

B. To retrieve it anytime.

C. To have a personal copy of it.

D. To make some adjustments to it.

19. As an editor-in-chief of a school publication, how will you able to disseminate the informations?

A. Post it on the internet.

B. Print it on the tabloid/magazine.

C. Include it on the daily newspapers.

D. information committee.

20. Aaron and Joel have misunderstanding while doing their school project. The next day, Joel posted a
message regarding someone’s negative behaviour, thus, prompts Aaron to react concerning their
personal issue. What negative effect on social media is covered?

A. Privacy
C. Bullying

B. Personal

D. Publicity

21. In Mathematics class, Teacher Hazel uses different shapes with corresponding color, and sizes to
present a certain problem. In coherence to media, shapes, color and sizes are considered as?

A. Images

B. Symbols

C. Graphics

D. Digitized pictures

22. As a social manager, Julia wants to disseminate an information regarding the company’s new
project. What is the best idea that Julia must consider in writing?

A. Creative, fresh, interesting

B. Easy, objective, fresh

C. Creative, well-written, fresh

D. Interesting, well-versed, creative

23. The Division of Iloilo will issue a new DepEd Order. In order to disseminate the information to all
public schools, what is the best thing the superintendent should do?

A. Send each public school principal a letter.

B. Post an announcement on the DepEd website.

C. Prepare a presentation and send it to the group chat.

D. Call for a meeting together with the school principals.

24. Upon discussing the different governmental issue, Joe always disagrees to what the body is trying to
suggest. What values does Joe possess?

A. Social Values

B. Personal Values

C. Emerging values

D. Oppositional Values

25. Some religious congregation held their worship program through online. What is the ideal thing to
use to pursue their religious act?

A. Skype
B. Youtube

C. Video call

D. Messenger

26. Kara is fond of interfering someone’s life by posting their weaknesses and humiliations on a social
media. What best describes Kara?

A. She is acting as a cyberbully.

B. She is harassing someone’s life.

C. She wants to intimidate other people.

D. She is an intimate user of social media.

27. Reyan wants to connect globally with his friends to gather more informations and be updated with
the current issues. What is the best media will he use?

A. Radio

B. Satellite

C. Internet

D. Television

28. Ms. Lorie is writing her first book about gender development. Since the topic is broad, she decided
to make it simple and legible. What criteria in selecting information did Ms. Lorie observe?

A. Simplicity

B. Legibility

C. Copy Length

D. Demographic

29. As a part of your research proposal, you adapted some of the articles from magazines, books or
newspapers. Which of the following criteria will you adhere?

A. Consideration of humanity

B. Accessibility of the information

C. Acknowledgement of the author

D. Global perception of information

30. As a social manager, it is necessary that you communicate properly to your specific audiences
especially if problems or questions arise. What should be the best thing to do in giving an answer or
stating the problem?

A. Stay calm and quiet.

B. Arrange a private interview.

C. Be enthusiastic and realistic in giving your answer.

D. Deal the audiences with patience and understanding.

31. In preparing a Powerpoint presentation, Teacher Grace is generally using colors to design and
emphasize some text. What visual element did she apply?

A. Tones

B. Uses

C. Forms

D. Colors

32. As a company’s secretary, Karyl assures that every text she is constructing is precise and reliable.
Why does Karyl consider this idea?

A. Text comprises everything.

B. Text is the backbone of information.

C. Text face represents her characteristics.

D. Text can be an evidence of company’s standing.

33. Rica loves an audio recording. Since she loves singing, she always complement both of her skills to
produce her own song recording. What advantage of audio media did Rica show?

A. Ease to use.

B. Audio recordings are less expensive than video.

C. Recordings are designed for audible type of person.

D. Ideal for music artists to share their music to others.

34. In a Kindergarten classes, teacher Joelina always prepares a variation of instructional materials like
pictures, puppets, and pop-up cards. Why did teacher Joelina prefer to use these learning materials?

A. Visuals can grab the attention of the pupils.

B. Those learning materials are easy to present.

C. Teacher Joelina considers the pupils’ interest.

D. Kindergarten pupils have short attention span.

35. In an automobile company, Steven is leading a group whose in-charge in disseminating, evaluating,
and analysing information. What is the role of Steven’s group?

A. Media
B. People media

C. People as media

D. Media in people

36. Many people love motion pictures in television like watching movies or drama series yet, each has
his/her own perception and understanding. What limitation of motion picture is best describe?

A. Costly

B. Fixed Pace

C. Still phenomena

D. Misinterpretation

37. Ikene loves to attend a painting exhibition because it helps him to stimulate his visual interpretation
skills. For him, pictures speak a thousand of words. Based on Ikene’s belief, how are pictures and words
related to each other?

A. Pictures are better than words.

B. Pictures and words define each other.

C. Words are literally hurtful in other ways.

D. Pictures and words develop understanding.

38. Arly and Kate are business partners. In order to share the information they gathered, they are
usually using an internet. Why did they prefer this media?

A. It saves time and effort.

B. Information is easy and fast to access.

C. Wireless connection is highly recorded.

D. Internet can be a reliable source all the time.

39. Klara is tasked to prepare a presentation on bullying. In order to come up with a better visual
information, she is considering the audience’s expectations, reactions, and response. What selection
criteria does Klara apply?

A. Learn

B. Vision

C. Resources

D. Motivation

40. In choosing a movie, Kyle always prefers to watch those related to various cultures of different
countries. What advantage of social media did he consider?
A. Cultural appreciation

B. Cultural understanding

C. Cultural variation

D. Cultural relations

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