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Read the dialogue below!

Edo : Look! There are butterflies

Dayu : They’re pretty

Beni : There are garbage cars too. We can keep this park clean.

Answer the questions!

1. How many person in the dialogue?
2. What animal does Edo look?
3. How is the butterfly?
4. What is the meaning of the words below?
a. Beautiful
b. Small
c. Dark
d. Tail
e. Dilligent

Complete the following dialogue with the words in the box!

Awesome dark

Comfortable big

Udin : Beni, your couch is very……..(5)

Beni : Thank you. I like this couch too.

Edo : And I like the colour.

Udin : Yeah, I like…..(6) brown too.

Edo : And you have a very ….(7) TV. Its very…..(8)

9. Write 5 jobs or professions with their meaning!

10. Answer the questions below!
a. What does your father do?
b. What does your mother do?
1. Write 5 kinds of animal’s useful!

Write down the characteristics of these animals!

2. Cat
3. Chicken

4. Translate it into Indonesia

a. Fur
b. Tail
c. Fin
d. Thorn
e. Shell
5. Write down the part of these sentences and translate it into Indonesia!
a. We go to school every day.
b. He meets his fan on Tuesday.
6. Translate it into English!
a. Dia (perempuan) memberi makan hewan setiap hari.
b. Matahari terbit di sebelah Timur.
c. Bulan berbentuk bulat seperti bola.
7. Arrange it into a good sentence !
a. The-Ani-floor-sweeping-is
b. Regularly-takes-of-animals-she-care-sick

Fill the blanks with the suitable words on the box!

Trunks intelligent Heaviest eat

Elephants are the….(8)…. land animals. They are also …..(9)…and have good memories. Most of
them live in Africa and Asia. They use their …..(10)…. Almost like an arm to put food and water in
their mouth.

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