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My father named Nasib Ersada Sinuraya, was born in Medan on December 10, 1967.

He was an
only child. His father was named Nampat Kristian Sinuraya, a manager at a tobacco plantation. His
mother's name was Nurhayati Sukatendel. Nurhayati, a homemaker. My father was born in karonese
culture. His Family stayed at Binjai and my father grow up with family in sweet home in Binjai.

When elementary school he was an independent boy. he has been studying at SDN 020263 since
1980. And then he continued to junior high school at SMP 1 Binjai. My father was very fond of biology
and was very interested in playing on a large field with plants, this is because in the yard around the house
it was possible for him to play.

When I graduated from middle school my father's family moved to the city of Medan, and at that
time he felt happy and studied hard to be able to study at his favorite school. since 1986 he has been
living in medan and successfully took his favorite school entrance test. early January 1986 he was
accepted at one of his favorite schools, Immanuel Medan High School.

Since 1989 my father graduated from school and decided to study in agriculture at one of the
private Dharma Agung University of Medan. My father completed his studies in a timely manner for 4
years. Since 1993 my father graduated from college and applied for a job at PTPN2, which is engaged in
agriculture. My father tried to pioneer with hard work from employees until now, he can be a successful
person and become one of my role models.

With hard work and success of my father was seen by a beautiful woman who was very special in
my life, a great woman named Evi Sari Br Sukatendel. she is my mother whom I love very much.

Dad and Mom get married and live together forever. In 1996 they both had a son named Arianta
Ersada Sinuraya, then in 1998 my second brother was born, Era Reformis Sinuraya. And than me a little
boy, so my father and mother have 3 sons who will one day give happiness to their lives.

Patience is a characteristic of my father. Angry he always avoided, he was angry only if the
children made a fatal mistake. My father has a hobby of tennis. He follows tennis activities every
weekend. In a championship. Have already won a championship. Singing is also one of his
hobbies. One of the motivations for me who was agreed to be able to get his footsteps.

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