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— fd to to: 8a hechos 0 estados que eran habituales en otro jempo y luego dejaron de serlo. Solo tiene la forma de pasado y Jaseguido de otro verbo en la forma base. Se traduce como el aratrita impertecto del verbo “soler™ 0 del verbo que lo sigue. " Mirmativa: ue + wsed ia vero en a forma bas We used to go to the swimming pool every Tuesday. {Solfamos ir / {bamos a la piscina todos los martes.) Negativa: sujato + did noto ar use to (sin “d") + verbo en la forma base, “——~ — She didn’t use to like history lessons. Wella no soln gustarte / le gustaban las clases de historia) Interrogativa: Did + sujeto + use fo (sin “d") + verbo en la forma base. Did you use to play tennis on Sundays? ‘Solas ugar / Jugabas al tenis los domingos?) Aespuestas breves: se pone el pronombre personal sujeto + sido didn’t “Did she use to study at night? Yes, she did. /No, she didn’t. {cElla solia estudiar / estudiaba por la nache? Si. / No.) asiva en presente y en pasado as Tam not / I'm not asked ‘You are asked ‘You are not /aren’t asked Hels asked He is not/ isn’t asked Sho is asked She isnot /is’t asked Its asked Its not / isn't asked We are asked We are not /aren’t asked ‘You are asked You are not / aren't asked ‘They are asked ‘They are not /aren’t asked eo ‘No, Pm not, No, you aren’t. Yes, hei. No, he isn’t, Yes, she is. No, she isnt. Yes, itis No, itisn’t Yes, weare No, we aren't, Yes, youre, No, you aren't, Yes, they are. No, they aren't Pasado Patmatva Renata Iwas asked ‘I was not / wasn’t asked al itu tea Vae a eaeTRae ‘He was asked ‘He was not / wasn’t asked She was asked ‘She was not / wasn’t asked It was asked tis was / wasn’t asked ‘We were asked We were not / weren’t asked ‘You were asked You were not / weren’t asked ad esd rey wast Sosa Se a Melaka? etwas NT ea is uadiea 217 Ya jolene oer wna"? wore Messe omnes ares ING oe ‘Was it asked Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t. Wire we mia 7)2) a parm Nas ge ‘Were you asked ...2 Yes, you were. No, you weren"t. Were they asked ...? Yes, they were. No, they weren't. '* Afirmativa: sujeto + fo be como auxiliar en el tiempo. correspondiente + partcipo del verbo principal El participio se forma afiadiendo -ed a los verbos regulares (las, reglas ortograticas estén en la pagina 97) y es igual en todas las personas. Los verbos irregulares no siguen ninguna reglay, por 80, hay que aprender de memoria sus formas de participio, Puedes consuitar la lista de las paginas 110-111. A lot of money is paid for the ticket. (Se paga mucho dinero por la entrada.) The buildings were destroyed during the war (Los edificios fueron destruidos durante la guerra.) Si se quiere mencionar qué p quign realiza la accion, se pone a final de la frase precedi The thief was identi (€liadrén fue identficado por el testigo.) En inglés se utiliza mucho la pasiva, pero se suele traducir el verbo en impersonal, en pasiva refleja o en la voz activa This towers used as a museum. (Utiizan / Se utliza esta torre como museo.) + Negativa: sujeto + fo be como auxiliar en el tiempo correspondiente + noto n't+ participio del verbo principal ‘The museum isn’t visited on Mondays. (Ei museo no se visita los lunes.) The children weren’t picked up at the station. (No recogieron a los nifios en la estacin.) Interrogativa: f0 be como auniliar en el tiempo correspondiente + sujeto + participio del verbo principal Is this game played with a ball? {(¢Se juega a este juego con una pelota?) En preguntas con particulainterrogativa también se invert el orden de to be y el sujeto, excepto sila particula hace de sujeto, en cuyo caso no cambia el orden, When was the book written? (Cuando se escribiée! libro?) What is done in this lab? (Qué se hace en este laboratorio?) Cuando el verbo principal de la oracinrige una preposicién, esta se pone siempre al final de la pregunta, What invention is Gutenberg known for? (Por qué invento es conocido Gutenberg?) + Respuestas breves: se pone el pronombre personal sujeto + am! Is are o was/ were on afirmativa y ‘m not/ isn't/ aren't owasn’t/ weren’ten negativa Was the Boy given a prize? Yes, he was. /No, he wasn't (Le dieron un premio al niio? St. No.) Los usos de la voz pasiva (PéstacarlaacciGn y no el This picture was taken in Taly sujeto que la ealiza (Esta foto se hizo en Italian)” Cuando el sujeto que realiza la accién es obvio, Schools are o _desconocido ono se quiere (Los col ‘nombrar ned early Cémo pasar una frase activa a pasiva Bra an mine ret oniae va, eit verbo en partcipi. They opened a shop a few days ago. [Pasiva: Ashop was opened afew days ago, "Se pone como sujeto el primer Complemento que haya detrés det [verbo nla vor ectiva, ya sea el directo o el indirect, | Activa: They invented sunglasses to protect our eyes. iva: Sunglasses were invented to protect our eyes. jel complemento es un pronombre personal, se camibia por su dient forma de sujeto, ctiva: He told me all his plans. ivatT was told all all his plans. asa el sujeto de Ia oracin activa al final dela pasiva precedido ‘Activa: Many peoplefi ee nt i el sujeto es un 1 pronombre person cambia por el pronombre correspondiente. \tiva: He found the wallet et was oundy him * Las expresiones temporales que se emplean en la voz pasiva on las mismas que en la activa Por lo tanto, siel verbo est en sente se usan: every day// week year, once / twice a year, Geiss la semana en plural, 0 adverbios como usually, times, etc. Si el verbo esta en pasado: lastnight / week, dusts ‘on + un dia o una fecha, (im) un aio, in the past, Vesterday, etc. MODULE 2 El Present Perfect Simple Co Thave talked ve talked. ‘You have talked ‘You've talked He has talked He's talked She has talked ‘She's talked thas talked I's talked ‘We have talked We've talked ‘You have talked ‘You've talked ve talked They've talked OC Thave no talked Thaven't talked ‘Youhave not talked You haven't talked He has not talked He hasn’t talked She has not talked She hasn't talked Ihas not talked hasn't talked ‘We have not talked We haven't talked ‘You have not talked ‘You haven’t talked ‘They have not talked They haven’t talhed Dred Cetra ‘No, Thaven"t. No, you haven't, No, he hasn’t. No, she hasn’t No, it hasn't, ‘No, we haven't. No, you haven't ‘No, they haven't + Afirmativa: sujeto + have / has + verbo en partcinio. Thave signed the document. (He fimado e| documento.) + Negativa: sujeto + have/ has + not n't+ verbo en participio, She hasn’t read that book. (Ela no ha leido ese libro.) Interrogaliva: Have / Has + sujeto + verbo en participio. Have you received my letter? (Has recibido mi carta?) Respuestas breves: se pone el pronombre personal sujeto + hhave | has 0 haven't/ hasn't Has he been ill? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn't. (gEl ha estado enfermo? Si. / No.) on el Present Perfect Simple se suelen usar las si expresiones temporales y adverbios: eteRRocATVN: ‘alguna vez Have you ever travelled abroad? SOOT haven ver wath et fin Ca ‘She has never called me. Siempre ove alhnay bee here eect ‘We've already finished the exam. Armia: Theyhave est rived here SORTA | He has’ ound hi gases et, DORCAS aye you ough ay fra ye? durante ‘My brother has lived in Dublin for (© nose traduce) five years. ee ‘haven heard rom him since 2 2002, recietemente Har Lita talked to you recently? ‘iltimamente Jim hasn't been to the gym lately. varias vcee __TH/have worked fru several Thave read 1wo of the books in the basal momeni Ha rea ‘con el tiempo, Mary chien have read that book ee eke over the years. ner en cuenta que just, already, always, every never entre el auxliar have y el partcipio del verbo principal ca al final de la frase, for va seguida de un periodo de ‘que indica la duracion de la accién, y sinee va | momento en que empez6 esta El resto pueden ir al » al final de la frase, pero se suelen poner al final | Present Perfect Simple ae empezaron en atin continéan We have lived here since 2005. since y se (Vivimos aquf desde 2005.) mresente) sada 0° have ren my arm. It hur seen Mehemocitnn he tual % sadas sin They have bought a new car. wuindo (Sean comprado un cae ‘Auevo.) Seceme The exam has just begun. eae Pot (et eamen faa de tmpear) Contraste Present Perfect Simple / Past Simple El Present Perfect Simple indica que lo ocurrido en el pasado guarda relacién con el presente y no dice cuéndo sucedié. En cambio, el Past Simple habla de acciones pasadas que ya no afectan al momento actual ¢ indica cuéndo ocurrieron, ‘He has written many stories. (El ha escrito muchas historias) He wrote a story yesterday. (El escribié una historia ayer) El Past Perfect Simple EI Thad walked Vd walked ‘You had walked ‘You'd walked He had walked He'd walked She had walked She'd walked Ithad walked Wd walked We had walked We'd walked You had walked You'd walked No, she hadn't, Yes, ithad. No, it hadn't, Yes, we had No, we hadn’t, Had you walked ...”- Yes, youhad. No, you hadn't. Had they walked ...?- Yes, they had. No, they hadn't. ‘Se usa para indicar que una accién ocurrié antes que otra en el pasado. Esta tiltima va en Past Simple, + Afirmativa: sujeto + had + verbo en participio. The experts had announced their discovery. (Los expertos habfan anunciado su descubrimiento.) + Negativa: sujeto + fad nato hadn't verbo en particpio, He hadn't broken the window. {EL no hahis ent ta vantana \ «+ Respuestas breves: se pone el pronombre personal sujeto + trad 0 hadn't Had she seen this film? Yes, she had. /No, she hadn't. (cEla haba visto esta pelicula? St. No.) * Con este tiempo verbal se suelen usar las expresiones temporales y adverbios que se detallan en el siguiente apartado. Contraste Past Perfect Simple / Past Simple + El Past Perfect Simple suele ir en oraciones acompaftado de otro verbo que va en Past Simple. E| Past Perfect Simple indica {que la acclén ocurrié antes que fa otra que esta en Past Simple, He went to the cinema, but the film had already started. (El fue al cine, pero la pelicula ya habla emnpezado.) + Para explicar el motivo por el que ocurrié algo en el pasado, se pone el verbo principal de la frase en Past Simple y la oraci6n subordinada itroducida por bacause en Past Perfect Simple. Twas tired because I hadn’t slept well (Yo estaba cansada porque no habia dormido bien.) * Gon el Past Perfect Simple se suelen usar ls siguientes expresiones temporales y adverbios: Thad cleaned the car before I went before antes Fereheoaey He ate some ice cream after he had per, deerate Finished lnc 8 900m ‘As soon as Thad got up, I went to as MPTONO COMO iy the newspaper: by the cuando BY the time he was five, he had time (=) cumndo 544 many books. wnt ge alg eh in an had finished his homework when cuando bes nate asmaumv: Thad already seen Jim when he eet vs said hello tous. Nwoara: {twas and the pub hadn't et toda, in closed yet, Yet temtooamva: When you arrived at the station, ya had the tran eft yet? MODULE 3 El futuro con be going to Tam / Pm going to run He isnot / He isn't / He's not going to ran ‘Are you going to run? ‘Yes, we are. / No, I’m not. / Yes, she is. Significa “ira + infinitivo. * Mirmativa: sujeto + am/ is/ are+ going to + verbo en la forme base. Weare going to rent a car. (Vamos a alqilar un coche.) + Negativa: sujeto + am/ is/ are+noto n’t+ going to + verbo en a forma base. : ‘’m not going to study law. (No voy a estudiar Derecho.) * Interrogativa: Am/ Is/ Are + sujeto + going to + verbo en la forma base. Is he going to work at the new restaurant? (El vaa trabajar en el restaurante nuevo?) + Respuestas breves: se pone el pronombre personal sujeto + ‘am is/are o 'm not! isn’t/ aren't Are you going to have lunch now? Yes, Lam. /No, I'm not. (2Vas a comer ahora? Si, / No.) Los usos del futuro con be going to ‘Hablar de intenciones, I’m going to visit Alaska. planes 0 decisiones (Voy a visitar Alaska.) Expresaro que va a aan ‘suceder porque vernos going indicios de ello (Ella va. tener un bebé,) El Present Simple con valor de futuro El Present Simple se puede utlizar como tiempo futuro cuando va seguido de programas y horaris. The museum opens at 10 o'clock. (Elmuseo abre a las 10 en punto.) El futuro con will Twill / Pl listen ‘He will not / won’t listen. ‘Will you listen ... ? ‘Yes, we will. No, she won't + Alirmativa: sujeto + auxiliar will + verbo en la forma base, Es igual en todas las personas, Ena conversacién, will se contrae con el sujeto ("Ny se pronuncia como una sola Twill be fifteen next month. (Tendré / Cumpliré quince (afios) el mes que viene.) + Negativa: sujeto + will nat o won’t+ verbo en la forma base. ‘She won't tell them your secret. (Ella no les contaré tu secreto,) * Interrogativa: Will + sujeto + verbo en la forma base, Will you get tickets for the concert? (eConseguirés entradas para el concierto?) + Respuestas breves: se pone el pronombre personal sujeto + will won't Will you come later? Yes, will./No, I won't (eVendrés luego? St No.)

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