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There is a few thing that I should change about myself to get
flying colors in my in my exam ,which is PT3 .I would be sitting
for PT3 in few more months which gives me heebie–jeebies.PT3
has been a nightmare to many 2019 PT3 candidates. To avoid
PT3 to be a pain in the neck I should change myself to become
Firstly I have to manage my time properly. It’s because time
management skill can help me take control of my study
workload, achieve more, and stress out less. There are many
ways to make time work with me, instead of against me. Find
out assignment due dates and quiz/test/exam dates and mark
them in my calendar in advance. This way I’ll be able to avoid
social commitments during pre-exam periods. This also will
minimize distractions and keep my priorities straight. Since, I
have lack of time management skill, I have to make it my first
Secondly ,I have to stop giving excuses to every action which is
made by me. There are many things which can come between
me and my goal and one of it is excuses. Giving an end to
excuses can make a lot of difference in our life.

Apart from this, I lack from having a balanced diet. Healthy

Food, water, and juice are high of energy and protein which
helps our brain to work fast and also helps in remembering
what you have studied.70% of our brain is filled with water,
so that you must know the importance of water. Regularly
drink water and drink more than 2 litter per day. Well food
will help you to focus on your study and this will also make
you physically strong. Which is really important according to
the exams. Once you are suffering from fever it will less your
20 to 30 marks in each subjects and you have to face a big
loss. 20 or 30 marks are really hard to get and these marks
will decrease your percentages by 4 to 6.
Besides that, I’m a quick tempered person who often get angry
.This makes me to lose focus in my academics. So I have to
make a hobby of doing meditation. First 2 weeks many will
feel it useless but once the person has will realize the benefits
of meditation. They will become habitual of it. I got some
query from my friends, one of them said – I can’t focus on
study, when I sit in the desk then after few minutes I realize
my mind diverts to another things. Every time I try to focus
on study I get disturbed with useless thoughts, So please help
me ,he asked. For those, who have this problem such as
daydreaming and getting angry often ,there’s only one
solution and that is do meditation and you will be focused on
your study.
Finally , I have troubles with my sleep. This makes me wake
up late and affects my concentration. Doing rest give us
pleasure and one of the most enjoyable thing is sleeping while
you are tired. I study full day and worry about my exam. I
should take a nap or break between long time study. I should
also don’t study continuously for more than 2 hours and take
5 to 10 minutes break between my study. Sleeping is the best
experience for anyone, but our parents think that this is exam
time so you should not sleep for more than 4 hours.I have
heard people scolding their children for not sleeping before
11 pm and waking up at 3 am. This is not good for health and
you have to pay for it if you are doing so. Take full 6 hours of
sleep and this relaxation will help you to score good marks.
Hope so all this method could get my grades up and make me
(667 words)

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