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Krakal Beach

Krakal Beach is one of the long-known beach attractions, located in

Ngestiharjo village, Tanjungsari, Gunung Kidul, DIY. This beach is named Krakal
Beach because, on the beach, in addition to the stretch of white sand that
extends, there are also many rocks as large as egg spheres (kerakal) with a
smooth surface and white roots. But to facilitate the mention, the term
‘’kerakal’’ becomes ‘’krakal’’.

Tourist who come to the Krakal Beach will be treated to natural views of
the beach, the hills of the karst, the amazing diversity of flora and fauna, and
beautiful clear sea water.

When the waves of sea water are receding, we can see various marine
biota on the Krakal Beach. There are various kinds of marine animals, such as
fish, sea snake, crabs and sell fish. And there are various kinds of marine plants
too, such as moss, seaweed, and algae. Also,when the waves recede, we can
also play water, fishing, and take photos.

Krakal Beach is very wide. So, large vehicles and small vehicles can enter
and park there. Krakal Beach location is not far from Kukup Beach (about 6
km). And when from Wonosari it is just about 21 km.
Bobung Tourist Village

Bobung Tourist Village is located Putat Village, Patuk district, Gunung

Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta Province. It is located about 10 km to the west of
the city of Wonosari or about 30 km to the east of the city of Yogyakarta. This
village is known as the center of wooden batik crafts in Yogyakarta.

Initially, residents at Bobung Village who had all become farmers since the
mid 1980s, began to change their professions to become an craftsman.
Wooden batik crafts from Bobung Village have penetrated the world.
Nowadays, the craft of the batik model is also not limited to the form of classic
mask. Animal models such as elephants,horses and others are also produced.

In Bobung Tourist Village tourist can witness first hand the process of
making wooden masks at the work place of the craftsman. the location is also
equipped with an exhibition room, so that we can see and buy the handicraft
products of the craftsman.

The facilities owned by Bobung Tourist Village are complete. Existing

facilities are a large parking lot, a reception are for tourist, and a public

Access to Bobung Tourist Village is very easy (although the road is uphill
and downhill) because the location of Bobung Tourist Village close to the main
road of Jogja-Wonosari, the road conditions are smooth and can be passed by
two-wheeled or wheeled vehicle.
Sokoliman Site

Sokoliman Site is an archaeological site located in Sokoliman II Hamlet,

Bejiharjo Village, Karangmojo, Gunung Kidul,DI Yogyakarta,not far (about 5 km)
from the Pindul Cve tourist attraction. This site function is the same as the
bleberan site, in Playen subdistrict, Gunung Kidul, which is accomodating and
securing cultural heritage objects, especially megalithic ones, especially those
found in Bejiharjo Village.

Before walking around the Sokoliman Shelter Site, we read the

information posted on the information board. On the information board stated
that the Sokoliman Shelter Site accomodates the discovery of Megalithic relics
around the Karangmojo sub-district and several sub-districts nearby. Some of
them were actually found in the Sokoliman Site area.

Megalithic age collections of rocks at the SokolimanShelter Site include

new ombs, stone pillars, menhirs, large stone statues, and punden berundak.
About five boxes of stone graves are arranged in a row with several parts intact
and slightly embedded in the ground. Some menhirs and oval rocks(stone
pillars) are arranged in a row. Large stone statues and punden berundak are
placed are placed in the corner of the location. Unfortunately there are no
information boards on each stone regarding the name, function, and origin of
the location found. We only know the white codes that are written on the rock.
It seems that the writting of the code was deliberately done by BP3 for data
collection, research, and archiving of ancient objects.
The large of stione tombs and rocks estimated in the Megalithic area
indicate that humans have long existed in the Gunungkidul region. The
existence of stone coffins, menhirs, oval and square rocks is evidence of the
legacy of the Megalithic age, which is much older than the days of the Hindu-
Buddhist kingdom in Indonesia. Some statements explaining taht the origin of
Gunung Kidul’s inhabitants from the run in the Mjapahit era seemed to need to
be studied further. Because there is no between the ancient Megalithic culture
found at the time of the Majapahit Kingdom.

Geopark Gunung Sewu

Gunung Kidul regency has been designated as an area that has a world
geopark by UNESCO. It’s name is Geopark Gunung Sewu, steretching from the
DIY region and parts of Central Java and East Java. The specialty of Gunung
Sewu is a region with special karst that leaves various rocks as a result of
geological processes. We can see these various rocks in a place called Etalase
Taman Batu or Stone Garden which is also a gateaway to get to know Geopark
Gunung Sewu.

This place is located in Jalan Wonosari-Tepus precisely in the village of

Mulo. If you go to Siung beach, Wediombo, Nglambor and surrounding areas
without crossing the Baron beach, surely we will pass this Stone Park
Showcase. This place was recently opened so that not many people know what
the function of this place is.

In a place similiar to this terminal, it is used for the initial introduction of all
the geological results of Gunung Sewu area. The cool term is Geopark Gunung
Sewu gate. Various rocks are exhibited on the outdoor display window
outdoors. These rocks come from the geosite regions of Gunung Kidul,
Wonogiri and Pacitan.

In addition to the rocks in the outer window there are also small buildings
that are used to store more rare or more prone to damage. These rocks are
fossil rocks of animals, vegetation rocks and crystal rocks.

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