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Journal of Applied Microbiology Symposium Supplement 1999,85, 2348-2428

The effects of pollution on fish health

B. Austin
Department of Biological Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton, Edinburgh, UK

1. Summary, 234s 6.1 The influence of contaminated fish food, 237s

2. Introduction, 234s 6.2 The effect of heavy metals, 238s
3. T h e presence of pollutants in the aquatic 6.3 Hydrocarbons, 238s
environment, 235s 6.4 Nitrogenous compounds, 238s
4.The presence of pollutants in the tissues of aquatic 6.5 Pesticides, 238s
animals, 235s 6.6 Sewage, 238s
4.1 In-vitro studies, 235s 6.7 Stress, 239s
4.2 Investigations using animals obtained from t h e 6.8 Unspecified causes, 239s
aquatic environment, 235s 7. Conclusions, 239s
5. Effects of pollutants on aquatic animals, 236s 8. References, 239s
6. Effects of pollutants on disease processes in
aquatic animals, 237s

1. SUMMARY riosis as caused by Vibrio anguillarum, and enteric redmouth

(causal agent, Yersinia ruckeri). Research indicated that some
Potentially harmful substances-e.g. pesticides, heavy metals
of the diseases caused by Aeromonas, Flavobacterium and
and hydrocarbons-are often released into the aquatic environ-
Pseudomonas resulted from generally adverse water quality,
ment. When large quantities of pollutants are released there
i.e. higher than usual quantities of organic material, oxygen
may be an immediate impact as measured by large-scale
depletion, changes in p H values and enhanced microbial
sudden mortalities of aquatic organisms, e.g. fish kills result-
populations. Some infections with Serratia and Yersina may
ing from contamination of waterways with agricultural pes-
well have reflected contamination of waterways with domestic
ticides. Lower levels of discharge may result in an
sewage, e.g. leaking septic tanks. At least one outbreak of
accumulation of the pollutants in aquatic organisms. T h e end vibriosis was linked to high concentrations of copper, which
results, which may occur long after the pollutants have passed may have debilitated the fish making them more susceptible
through the environment, include immunosuppression, to disease.
reduced metabolism, and damage to gills and epithelia. How-
ever, the link between adverse water quality and fish diseases
is not proven. Alleged pollution-related diseases include epi- 2. INTRODUCTION
dermal papilloma, fin/tail rot, gill disease, hyperplasia, liver
damage, neoplasia and ulceration. Many surveys have indi- There is considerable confusion over the precise role of pol-
cated a greater proportion of diseased fish in polluted com- lution on fish health (Bucke 1991, 1997). Nevertheless, there
pared to non-polluted marine sites. Yet, the value of such is good evidence that long-term exposure to certain pollutants
surveys may be questioned. Specific examples of fish diseases has adversely affected the health of some fish species,
thought to reflect the effects of pollution include surface especially in the North Sea and Great Lakes. A summary of
lesions attributed to Serratia plymuthica, finand tail rot caused the available information concerning pollution and fish health
by A m n o n a s hydrophila and PseudomonasJluorescens, gill dis- suggests that:
ease resulting from the activity of Flavobacterjum SPP., vib- 1. Pollutants may enter the aquatic environment as a result
of natural occurrences, such as the collapse of algal blooms
CiIrWondence to: P r o l k o r B. Austin. Depurtmcnt ifBl&gt~~/s ~ ~ ~and/or~ as a result
~ ~ human
of ~ endeavours,
, leading to adverse
f ~ ~ w ~ - W Unwrsif.y,
Uft Rirrurton, Edinburgh E1114 I/K. water quality.
0 1999 The Society for Applied Microbiology, 85, 2345-242s

Some pollutants, e.g. pesticides, have been found in the quality may occur widely, and not be related directly to
tissues of aquatic animals. human activity. An example of the lattcr would be terrestrial
High levels of certain pollutants, e.g. from oil spillages, runoff into the sea, particularly during storms. This runoff
may be directly responsible for deaths of large numbers may enhance the organic loading of the receiving waters,
of aquatic animals. reduce the salinity, and cause localized temperature changes.
T h e presence of some pollutants may 'stress' aquatic ani- However, the extent and longevity of pollutants in the aquatic
mals possibly leading to greater susceptibility to attack by environment needs to be established, and this will certainly
pathogens. involve effective monitoring programmes (Ibe and Kul-
T h e presence of organic material, e.g. faecal debris, in lenbcrg 1995).
water may lead to an increase in microbial populations,
some components of which may cause fish diseases.
It should be emphasized that mortalities among popu-
lations of aquatic animals do not necessarily imply the pres-
ence of a disease in the fish population. Thus, large-scale fish Many laboratory-based investigations and studies of animals
kills resulting from spillage of pesticides or hydrocarbons into obtained from the aquatic environment have highlighted the
waterways do not constitute a disease as defined by Campbell presence of pollutants in the tissues of a wide range of aquatic
et al. (1979). Furthermore, disease may develop long after the animals.
pollutant has been removed from the aquatic environment.
In this circumstance, it would be difficult to prove that the
4.1. In-vitro studies
original pollution led to disease.
A wide range of pollutants, including creosote fractions (Sved
et d. 1997), thiocyanate (Lanno and Dixon 1996), dide-
cyldimethylammonium chloride (Wood et af. 1996) and DDI'
(Fitzsimons 1995), have been found to be taken up into
It is well established that at various times pollutants enter the aquatic organisms via waterborne exposure. However, it is
aquatic environment. Examples of pollutants include: questionable what if any relevance such laboratory data have
1. Hydrocarbons: e.g. creosote (Sved et al. 1997), resulting to occurrences in the aquatic environment.
from accidental discharge from tankers or deliberate spill-
age during wartime (Evans et al. 1993; Turrell 1994; New-
4.2. Investigations using animals obtained from the
ton and McKenzie 1995)
aquatic environment
2. Pesticides: e.g. organochlorines (Dethlefsen et al. 1996),
dioxin (Guiney etal. 1996) and l,l,l-trichloro-2,2-bis-(l)- There is a good correlation between the presence of pollutants
chlorophenyl) ethane ( D D T ) (Fitzsimons 1995). in animals and the levels in the surrounding aquatic environ-
3. (Heavy) metals: e.g. tin, tributyltin and triphenyltin, have ment. For example, heavy metals, including copper and zinc,
been incorporated in anti-fouling paints used extensively have been detected in the tissues of rabbitfish (Siganus ora-
to prevent bioattachment and thence fouling of the under- min) obtained from the polluted waters around Hong Kong
surfaces of ships (Horiguchi et al. 1995); arsenic, copper, (Chan 1995), in a range of invertebrates and vertebrates
zinc (Gassman et al. 1994; Han et al. 1997); cadmium, lead obtained from Taiwan (Han etal. 1997), and cod (Gadus
and mercury which are discharged in industrial effluents morhua) caught from off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada
(Gassman etal. 1994; Bernier etal. 1995). (Hellou e t a / . 1992). Cadmium, lead and mercury have been
4. Pulp mill effluents (Lehtinen etal. 1984; Sandstrom 1994; identified in small amounts in fish from the Great Lakes
Couillard and Hodson 1996). (Bernier eta/. 1995). Interestingly, the levels for cadmium,
5. Plastics (Goldberg 1995). lead and mercury in cod were below the maximum permitted
6. Organic sewage, including faecal debris, which may con- limit for foods (Hellou eta/. 1992), casting some doubt on the
tain large populations of bacteria (Dudley e t a / . 1980). significance of the concentrations to the health of the animal.
7. Inorganic nitrogen, as nitrate, nitrite and ammonia, which Similarly, mercury, in concentrations considered to be insuf-
may be derived from fish farming (i.e. aquaculture) activi- ficient to cause human health problems, has bccn found in
ties (Ziemann e t a / . 1992) and agricultural run-off. apparently healthy fish and shellfish collected from the vicin-
8. Toxins, such as from the collapse of dinoflagellate blooms ity of discharges from a chlor-alkali plant in India (Joseph
. " et al. 19961.
lNorra and Srivastava 1993).
There may be a continual or intermittent/irregular dis- Crustaceans, fish and molluscs, obtained from the vicinity
charge of pollutants into authorized or unauthorized dump of a sewage outfall, have been determined to be contaminated
sites in the aquatic environment. However, adverse water with pesticides, namely chlordane, dieldrin, hexachloro-
Q 1999 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Journal of Applied Microbiology Symposium Supplement 85, 2348-242s
2368 B. AUSTIN

benzene and DDT (hliskiewicz and Gibbs 1991).Similarly, cyanate (Lanno and Dixon 1996). Similarly, renal problems
DDT and polychlorinated-biphenyls (PCB), organochlorine have resulted from contamination with cadmium (Sovenyi
residues and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorobenzo-p-dioxin have been and Szakolczai 1993), whereas exposure to thiocyanate has
found in fish caught from the Vaike Vain Strait in western led to the development of anaemia and an interference with
Estonia (Voigt 1991), from the North Sea (Dethlefsen e t a l . thyroid function (Lanno and Dixon 1996). Hydrocarbons
1996),and the Great Lakes (Guiney et al. 1996),respectively. have been associated with breakages in the double-stranded
Yet, there was not any indication that the compounds were DNA, and enzyme induction in common dab (Everaarts et al.
actually causing any harm to the animals. 1994).hloreover, stress factors (plasma cortisol, glucose and
lactate) have been elevated and swimming performance
decreased following chronic exposure of rainbow trout
(Onrorhynchus m,ykiss) to didecyldimethylammonium chlor-
ide (Wood etul. 1996).
T h e exposure of aquatic animals to high concentrations of External damage, notably to the gills, opercula, finage and
pollutants may lead rapidly to death (Fig. 1). Here, there is skin, has been reported following exposure to a wide range of
a clear association between pollution and mortalities. Yet, compounds, including creosote (Sved eta/. 1997), cadmium
exposure to lower quantities of pollutants may lead to chronic (Sovenyi and Szakolczai 1993),ammonia, copper and phenol
darnage, the implications of which need not be manifested (Kirk and Lewis 1993) and pulp mill effluents containing
for a comparatively long period (e.g. hlayer e t a / . 1993).Here, chlorine (Lindesjoo and Thulin 1994;Lindesjoo et al. 1991;
the animals may be weakened/immunosuppressed (Vos et ul. Sandstrom 1991).T h e effects of ammonia, copper and phenol
1989;Sovenyi and Szakolczai 1993), leading to colonization on the ultrastructure of rainbow trout gills has been inves-
and ultimately death by opportunist bacteria and fungi (Aus- tigated by scanning electron microscopy (Kirk and Lewis
tin and Austin 1993). Winter Stress Syndrome, which is 1993),and it was deduced that ammonia caused the devel-
characterized by greatly reduced levels of lipid in fish, seems opment of circular depressions and pitting of the gill
likely to result from stresses, including the presence of pol- epithelium. Exposure to copper led to fusion of the gill lamel-
lutants in the aquatic environment (Lemly 1997). lae, and swelling to the tips of the filaments and epithelium,
Sub-lethal concentrations of pesticides, namely atrazine whereas phenol destroyed the epithelial layers as far as the
and lindane (Cossarini-Dunier 1987), heavy metals (O’Neill cartilage (Kirk and Lewis 1993).
1981) including cadmium (Sovenyi and Szakolczai 1993), hlill effluents have been a common factor in many studies
components of sewage (Secombes et ul. 1991,1992)and mem- of abnormalities/disease in fish (Lindesjoo and Thulin 1994;
bers of the aquatic microflora (Robohm e t a / . 1979; Evans Lindesjoo e r a / . 1991;Sandstrom 1991).For example during
e t a [ . 1997) have been documented to affect the immune 1982-87 in the Baltic Sea, Sandstrom (1994)reported the
system of fish, either by stimulating or suppressing the pro- presence of abnormalities, including gonad malfunction, poor
duction of antibodies. Exposure to sewage sludge has been embryo quality and mortalities, in coastal fish which were
implicated with effects on growth and protein synthesis in apparently exposed to mill effluent. Coincidentally after 1984,
common dab (Limanrla Iamanda) (Houlihan etal. 1991). In the toxicity of the effluent was reduced in turn by substituting
addition, liver damage in fish has been associated with con- chlorine dioxide for chlorine and thence in 1992 by eli-
tamination by components of sewage sludge (Moore et al. minating the use of chlorine altogether. This action reduced
1996), cadmium (Sovenyi and Szakolczai 1993) and thio- the amount of organochlorines in the effluent, and with these
changes, there was a concomitant reduction in abnormalities
in the fisb populations.
Dinoflagellate toxins have been responsible for major fish
kills. In one example, exposure to the dinoflagellates resulted
in the erosion of the epithelium leading to the development
of ulceration (Noga etal. 1996). Even if the fish recovered
from the effects of the dinoflagellates, bacteria and/or fungi
colonized the ulcers. So, the dinoflagellate toxins initiated the
development of ulcers which became colonized by micro-
organisms. This scenario was considered to explain the epi-
demics of skin ulcers occurring in fish along the Atlantic
seaboard of the USA (Noga etal. 1996).
Fig. 1 Exposure to high and low concentrations of toxicants may Pesticides, including DDT, have been associated with
lead rapidly to death or interact with other stressors, e.g. pathogens, reduced hatching, blue sac disease and swim-up syndrome
resulting in the development of disease. mortalities in lake trout eggs (Salzielinus nama.yrush) (Fitz-
0 1999 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Journal of Applied Microblology Symposium Supplement 85, 234s-2428

simons 1995). Yet, these laboratory studies indicated that the and Shrivastava 1984; Khan 1987; Miiller 1987; Khan and
concentrations of pesticides necessary to affect eggs were Thulin 1991), skin disease/ulceration (Vethaak 1992; Vethaak
much higher than the levels found in feral fish eggs. and Jo1 1996) and viral diseases, e.g. lymphocystis (Vethaak
and Jo1 1996; Vethaak etal. 1996). T h e trigger for these
diseases has been blamed at various times on contaminated
6. EFFECTS OF POLLUTANTS ON DISEASE diets (Landsberg 1995), heavy metals (e.g. Rmrdsaether eta/.
PROCESSES IN AQUATIC ANIMALS 1977), hydrocarbons (e.g. Khan 1987), nitrogenous
T h e development of disease will reflect interactions between compounds, i.e. ammonia (Kirk and Lewis 1993) and nitrites
the host, the disease causing situation and stressors (Fig. 2; (Hanson and Grizzle 1985), pesticides (e.g. Voigt 1994), sew-
Austin and Austin 1993). Much of the work attempting to age (e.g. Austin and Stobie 1992) and unspecified pollutants
correlate fish disease with aquatic pollution has stemmed (e.g. Vethaak and Jol 1996). Of these, fin/tail rot, gill dis-
from the results of surveys, many of which have been carried ease/hyperplasia and ulceration may be linked to bacterial
out in the North Sea (e.g. Dethlefsen and Watermann 1980; involvement. Perhaps, the pollutants weaken the fish, leading
Dethlefsen e t a / . 1987; hlcVicar e t a / . 1988; Vethaak and ap to colonization by micro-organisms and thence the devel-
Rheinallt 1992). Thus, fish are caught with nets, and the opment of clinical disease. T h e action of viruses and, possibly,
relative incidence of disease determined. One conclusion from the presence of carcinogens, may well lead to neoplasias.
these surveys is that larger numbers of diseased fish occur Certainly, numerous ‘hot spots’ have been described where
generally in the polluted compared to clean/unpolluted the occurrence of tumours in fish and shellfish have been
locations. Yet, the distinction between polluted and clean correlated with increased concentrations of anthropogenic
sites is imprecise. Therefore, there would be some uncertainty compounds (see Depledge 1996). However, proof of cor-
as to what comprises a truly polluted or clean site. hloreover, relation between the occurrence of specific pollutants and
it is uncertain from surveys how long fish might have been disease has seldom been documented. Surveys, which have
in a polluted environment prior to capture. Thus, the effects pointed to a correlation between pollution and disease, have
of fish migration on the incidence of disease needs to be generally not considered the nature or concentration of the
considered (Bucke ern/. 1992; Vethaak et al. 1992; Jacquez pollutant(s). It would be relevant to determine: (1) whether
e t a / . 1991). Nevertheless, it is accepted that disease reflects or not there could be a synergistic interaction between two
complex interactions between the host and external factors, or more pollutants; and/or (2) the minimum exposure time
which may involve pollution (Vethaak and Jo1 1996). necessary to instigate a disease cycle.
Fish diseases, which have been reported to be associated
with pollution of the aquatic environment, include epidermal 6.1. The influence of contaminated fish food

papilloma (Dethlefsen and Watermann 1980; Premdas and
Metcalfe 1991), fin and tail rot (Vethaak 1992; Vethaak e t a / . Although definite proof was lacking, Landsberg (1995) con-
1996), gill disease/hyperplasia (Kirk and Lewis 1993), liver sidered that toxins in food, i.e. macroalgae (Caulerpu s ~ .or )
disease (Malins e t a l . 1980, 1987; Peters e t a l . 1987; Vethaak benthic dinoflagellates (Gumbzerrlzsrus to.rrcus), may have been
etal. 1996), neoplasia (Malins e t a / . 1980; Bucke and Feist responsible for heavy mortalities in tropical reef fish in Flor-
1993; Depledge 1996; Vethaak and Jo1 1996), parasitic disease ida, USA during 1993-1994. Pathological examination
(Pascoe and Cram 1977; Overstreet and Howse 1977; Das revealed the presence of head lesions, ulcerations, fin and tail
rot, and the presence of a mucus layer on the body surface
(this may well have indicated exposure to an irritant; Austin
and Austin 1993). Bacteria, amoebae and turbellarians were

Ei-rrR I recovered from diseased animals. However, it was considered

that these organisms were likely to have been secondary
invaders of the already damaged fish rather than the primary
e.g. pollutant cause of the mortalities (Landsberg 1995). It should be
emphasised that many serious microbial pathogens may well
need an already weakened host in order to initiate disease
(Austin and Austin 1993). Yet, whether or not such weak-
CAUSING SITUATION ening results from pollution is rarely considered.
T h e spread of some serious pathogens has been attributed
e.g. pathogen to contaminated fish food used in aquaculture. For example,
Fig. 2 Interactions between the host, stressors and a disease the causal agents of botulism (Huss etul. 197-1), myco-
causing situation, e.g. a pathogen, are necessary for the development bacteriosis (Dulin 1979), streptococcicosis (hlinami 1979),
of clinical disease. and a new disease of chinook salmon ( caused
0 1999 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Journal of Applied Microbiology Symposium Supplement85, 2343-2428
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by Rhodococcus sp. (Claveau 1991) have possibly been trans- catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) to infection by Aeromonas hyd-
mitted in diets containing contaminated fish products. rophila (Hanson and Grizzle 1985).

6.2. The effect of heavy metals

6.5. Pesticides
Research has suggested a role for heavy metals in exacerbating
T h e presence of pesticides, e.g. DDT and PCB, in the aquatic
microbial fish diseases. In particular, the debilitating effects
of copper, in terms of concentration and time of exposure, environment has been associated with many diseases, includ-
have been well documented with regard to increasing sus- ing ‘cauliflower disease’, lymphocystis and ulceration (Voigt
ceptibility to vihriosis (e.g. Vibrio anguillarum; b d s a e t h e r 1991) and liver neoplasia (Moore rt a / . 1996). Malformations
et al. 1977) and infections by Edmardsiellu tardu (Mushiake in common dab, flounder (Plutichthys jlrsus), plaice (Pleu-
et al. 1981). It was observed that exposure to copper resulted ronrctes plutessu) und whiting (hlrrlangus sp.) embryos from
in coagulation of the mucus layer of the gills, which inhibited the southern North Sea during 1984-1995 were considered
oxygen transport and caused respiratory stress (Westfall to be linked to pollution with organochlorines (Dethlefsen
1945) or reduced the number of lymphocytes and gra- rtul. 1996). T h u s as a result of long-term surveys, these
nulocytes in the blood, leading to reduced phagocytosis authors considered that the malformations resulted possibly
(Mushiake etal. 1985). from low water temperatures that predisposed the embryos
to the effects of organochlorines.
T h e harmful effects of titanium dioxide on fish have been
repeatedly emphasized (e.g. Dethlefsen and Watermann Liver disease, including neoplasia, has been described in
1980; Lehtinen 1980; Dethlefsen e t a / . 1987). For example, winter flounder (Pleuronectes americanus) from Boston, USA,
as a result of a large scale survey of 5912 fish caught in Dutch particularly in the region of a sewage outfall (Moore etal.
1996). Of relevance, these workers noted that during 1987-
coastal waters during 198fk-1988, a higher incidence of disease
1993, there was a reduction in the incidence of neoplasia
(epidermal hyperplasia/papilloma, lymphocystis, liver nod-
concomitant with a decline in output of chemicals, notably
ules and infections with Glugeu spp.) was noted in the com-
DDT and other chlorinated hydrocarbons, into the receiving
mon dab collected from dump sites which received acids of
titanium dioxide compared to control areas (Vethaak and van
der Meer 1991). This reinforced a previous study which
reported a link between the incidence of epidermal papilloma
6.6. Sewage
in common dabs in relation to dumping of titanium dioxide
wastes (Dethlefsen and Watermann 1980). An association has been made between fish diseases/parasitic
infestation and unknown components of sewage dumping
(Siddall etal. 1994). For example, in a survey of 16 sites in
6.3. Hydrocarbons the Dutch Wadden Sea, a higher incidence of skin ulcers and
Exposure to hydrocarbons has led to impairment of the fin rot was noted in fish caught near fresh water drainage
mucus, the development of defective immune systems, an sluices than elsewhere (Vethaak 1992). Pollution by domestic
increased incidence of parasitism, the induction of hyper- sewage, i.e. leakage from a septic tank, was attributed to a
plasia and liver hypertrophy, and mortalities (Lehtinen 1980; new skin disease, which was characterized by the presence of
Fletcher e t a l . 1982; Haensly etal. 1982; Khan 1987, 1991). extensive skin lesions and muscle necrosis, in rainbow trout
Experimental evidence has demonstrated that fish may (otherwise infected with enteric redmouth disease for which
develop epidermal lesions, fin erosion or die following there might also be a link with sewage sludge; Dudley e t a l .
exposure to suspended sediments containing a high molecular 1980) in Scotland during 1992 (Austin and Stobie 1992).
weight creosote fraction (Sved etal. 1997). In comparison, a From diseased fish, two new pathogens, i.e. Serratia ply-
low molecular weight creosote fraction led to the appearance muthica and Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes, were recovered.
of head lesions, i.e. around the mouth, nares and opercula Interestingly, the skin lesions-but not enteric redmouth dis-
(Sved et al. 1997). It would have been useful to determine ease-declined substantially after the leaking septic tank was
whether or not there was any microbial involvment in the repaired.
development of these lesions. Eutrophic waters associated with faecal pollution and high
levels of organic material, have been attributed as the cause
6.4. Nitrogenous compounds of diseases by enteric bacteria, including Citrobacter freundii
(Austin and Austin 1993), E. tarda (hleyer and Bullock 1973),
Some data have suggested the deleterious effect of nitrogen- Providencia rettgeri (Bejerano et al. 1979) and Serratia mar-
ous compounds on fish health. Thus, the presence of nitrites cescens (Baya etal. 1992). In addition, poultry faeces, which
at 6 m g I - ’ of water increased the susceptibility of channel was used to fertilize fish ponds, was blamed for mass mortality
0 1999 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Journal of Applied Microbiology Symposium Supplement 85.2348-2428

in silver carp (Hypophthalmichthysmolitrix) in Israel (Bejer- case, such animals may well be more likely to succumb to
ano et al. 1979). disease. Curiously, some forms of damage, e.g. to the gills
and skin (Sved e t a l . 1997), attributable to pollutants are
reminiscent of the signs associated with some infectious
6.7. Stress
diseases, namely gill disease and ulceration (Austin and Aus-
Unspecified stressors have been attributed to oxygen tin 1993), respectively. In this connection, it is relevant to
deficiency and a statistically significant increase in the inci- mention the increasing recognition of atypical isolates of rler.
dence of epidermal papilloma, lymphocystis and skin ulcers salmoniczda as a cause of skin lesions/ulcerations in native
particularly in female common dab from waters around marine fish (e.g Wiklund and Bylund 1993; Nakatsugawa
Denmark during the summers of 1988-1993 (Mellergaard 1994; Pedersen e t a l . 1994; Wiklund etal. 1994; Wiklund
and Nielsen 1995). Also, stress, attributed to unnamed 1995; Wiklund and Dalsgaard 1995; Larsen and Pedersen
environmental factors, has been associated with septicaemia 1996; Austin et al. 1998). It remains to be proven whether or
in fish from Nigeria (Oladosu e t a l . 1994). not this taxon, which hitherto has been associated with the
disease furunculosis of freshwater salmonids (Austin and
Austin 1993), interacts mostly with marine fish that may have
6.8. Unspecified causes
been already weakened by pollutants.
Many articles have considered the effect of non-specific pol-
lution/pollutants on the incidence of disease. For example
Vethaak et al. (1996) discussed the disease development in
flounder contained in mesocosms with contaminated dredged Austin, B. and Austin, D.A. (1993) Bucieriul Fish Puthugens, Diseuse
spoil. Compared to clean systems, fish in the polluted uf Fumed and IVild Fish, 2nd edn. Chichester: Ellis Horwood.
environment displayed a higher incidence of lymphocystis Austin, B. and Stobie, hl. (1992) Recovery of Serruiiu plymuthrru
and liver damage leading to (liver) neoplasia. Yet, there was and presumptive Psrudumonas pseuduultulrgrnes from skin lesions
no appreciable difference in the development of epidermal in rainbow trout, Oncurh,ynehus mykiss (Walbaum), otherwise
infected with enteric red mouth.Juurnul of’Fish Diseuses 15, 541-
disease. These results indicated the health problems associ-
ated with long-term exposure to pollutants at levels com- Austin, B., Austin, D.A., Dalsgaard, I. et ul.( 1998) Characterization
parable to those in the aquatic environment. In a parallel of atypical Aerumonus sulmunrcidu by different methods. Systemuri~.
study, the polluted waters of the Lower Lake of Bhopal were und Applied Microbiulogy 21, 50-64.
blamed on the incidence of tumours (fibromas) in catfish Baya, A.M., Toranzo, A.E., Lupiani, B. and Santos, Y. and €Ietrick,
(Heteropneustesfossilis) (Qureshi and Prasad 1995). F.hl. (1992) Serrurru murcescens: a potential pathogen for fish.
Journal of’Frsh Diseuses 15, 15-26.
Bejerano, Y., Sarig, S., IIorne, M.T. and Roberts, R.J. (1979) hlass
7. CONCLUSION mortalities in silver carp Hypophthalmichthys mulrtrtx (Valen-
It has been clearly established that pollutants enter the aquatic ciennes) associated with bacterial infection following handling.
-?ournu1 oJ’Fish Diseuses 2 , 4 9 4 6 .
environment (e.g. Sved et al. 1997), and may be found in the
Bernier, J., Brousseau, P., Krzystyniak, K., Tryphonas, €1. and
tissues of aquatic vertebrate and invertebrate animals (e.g.
Fournier, hl. (1995) Immunotoxicity of heavy metals in relation
Han e t a l . 1997). Illoreover, some pollutants are instrumental to Great Lakes. Envrrunmentul IIeultk Perspectives 103 (Suppl.),
in damaging aquatic organisms (e.g. Lanno and Dixon 1996). 23-34.
However, there is only limited evidence that pollutants are Bucke, D. (1991) Current approaches to the study of pollution-
actually responsible for the development of disease. Indeed, related diseases of fish. Bulletin uf’the Euruprun .4ssuciariun ufFrsh
there is negative evidence that has demonstrated that the Putholngists 11, 46-53.
incidence of disease diminishes when pollution ceases (see Bucke, D. (1997) Facts and myths regarding pollution and fish
Sandstrom 1994). Certainly, many surveys have reported a health. Bulletin ofthe European Associution qf Ftsh Puthologists 17,
higher incidence of diseased animals from polluted compared 19 1-1 96.
to control sites (e.g. Vethaak and ap Rheinallt 1992). Yet, Bucke, D. and Feist, S.W. (1993) Histopathological changes in the
livers of dab Limunda limunda L. Juurnul ($Fish Diseuses 16,281-
a weakness in most surveys concerns the absence of good
qualitative and quantitative data about the pollutants. There Bucke, D., Vethaak, A.D. and Lang, T. (1992) Quantitative assess-
remains serious doubts about the relative level of pollutants ment of melanomacrophage centres (hlMCs) in dab f,imundli
in so-called polluted and clean sites. Moreover, it is specu- limundu as indicators of pollution effects on the non-specific
lative what influence water movement and fish migration immune system. Marine Progress Serres 91, 193-196.
patterns have on the results of the surveys. Nevertheless, Campbell, E.J.M., Scadding, J.G. and Roberts, R.S. (1979) ‘The
there is accumulating evidence that some pollutants immuno- concept of disease, British i2lrdiculJournul2, 757--762.
suppress/weaken fish (Sovenyi and Szakolczai 1993). In this Chan, K.M. (1995) Concentrations of copper, zinc, cadmium and
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lead in rabbitfish (Siganus oramin) collected in Victoria Harbour, of abnormal biota and sediment contaminants in Biscayne Bay,
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