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ACI 364, Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures

Committee Meeting
Tuesday, March 28, 2000

1. The meeting was called to order at 2:00 PM by chairman Emmons in Harbour Island I
Room, Sheraton Hotel in San Diego.

2. Following were in attendance:

Members: Emmons, Sabnis, McDonald, Shiu, Kahn, Tanner, Brainerd, Hindo,

Gregorian, Kaminetzky, Henry, Tokar, Warner, Scott, Kesner, Vaysburd, Kakade, Lozen,
Larson and VanOcker

Visitors: Goodwin, Mangat, K. Klosowski-Fragetti, Jones, Dragunsky, Pau, Carter,

Arana, Rogowsky, Marusin, Postha, Whitmore, Wood, Lorenzo, M. Hanson, Sadri, Gupta
and Mass.

3. E-mail roster was circulated and corrections were made. Current roster is attached
with the minutes.

Emmons gave application forms to those visitors, who expressed interest in the
membership of the committee.

4. Emmons presented the agenda as was sent to the committee. Agenda was approved.
Copies were distributed to visitors.

5. The minutes of Baltimore meeting were approved.

6. Emmons gave the following update on the committee activities:

a. Minutes of Baltimore meeting were posted on "" and were sent by

e-mail. He encouraged to have e-mail, so that all correspondence can be made faster and

b. He went over the use of ACI 364 web page in details. Approximately 70% members
have signed up. Those interested in the committee activities can browse easily at; use entry code: aci364.

The sugestion was made to put the Blank Ballot on the Web page, which will cut
down the
time needed to return the ballot. He would look in to it with the staff for any Institute

c. Peter mentioned of Baltimore FRP Sessions, which were taped on Video and care
available on the ACI Web page. There are close to 60 papers on the Web.

d. Emmons commented on the FAQ sessions on Monday, which went extremely well.
With this preferred format other committees are also using it to benefit the committee as
well as the institute, since this will cut down the processing time. Both sessions were
completely packed with over 100 in attendance.

e. He invited the visitors to participate in view of the success of the FAQ sessions. If one
came with an acceptable FAQ, he could join as Associate Member and work with 1 or 2
committee members.

f. Peter updated the activities of TRRC, with the new membership being Emmons, Kahn
and McDonald.

7. There was a major discussion on the completed FAQ¹s as well as the ballot for several
recently completed FAQ's. This is summarized in Attachment 1 along with the new FAQ's
and names of those working on these.

8. Emmons appointed an editorial committee with Heffron (chair), David Scott and Alex

9. Future sessions were discussed:

a. No future sessions were planned.

b. Emmons mentioned of the session in Washington, DC (March 26-27,2001) by ICRI.
c. Sabnis mentioned about the "100 years of ACI" in Washington, DC in 2004. He
mentioned that ACI364 should have sessions on Rehabilitated Structures on a global
basis. Kaminetzky had suggested the idea in Chicago.

10. Warner and Brainerd presented interesting cases of rehabilitation.

11. Next committee was planned on Tuesday of the convention week at 2:00 PM.

12. Meeting was adjourned at 4:40 PM.

Minutes written by

Gajanan M. Sabnis, Secretary

ACI 364, Rehabilitation


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