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Electronic commerce or e-commerce refers to a wide range of online business activities for
products and services. It also pertains to “any form of business transaction in which the parties
interact electronically rather than by physical exchanges or direct physical contact.”

E-commerce is usually associated with buying and selling over the Internet, or conducting any
transaction involving the transfer of ownership or rights to use goods or services through a
computer-mediated network. Though popular, this definition is not comprehensive enough to
capture recent developments in this new and revolutionary business phenomenon. A more
complete definition is: E-commerce is the use of electronic communications and digital
information processing technology in business transactions to create, transform, and redefine
relationships for value creation between or among organizations, and between organizations and

E-Commerce or Electronics Commerce is a methodology of modern business which addresses the

need of business organizations, vendors and customers to reduce cost and improve the quality of
goods and services while increasing the speed of delivery. E-commerce refers to paperless
exchange of business information using following ways.

 Electronic Data Exchange (EDI)

 Electronic Mail (e-mail)
 Electronic Bulletin Boards
 Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
 Other Network-based technologies

Figure 1.1: E-Commerce model representing electronic data exchange

E-Commerce provides following features i.e. Non-cash payment, Support, Marketing and many
more which are listed below.

1.1.1. Non-Cash Payment

E-Commerce enables use of credit cards, debit cards, smart cards, electronic fund transfer via
bank's website and other modes of electronics payment.

1.1.2. 24x7 Service availability

E-commerce automates business of enterprises and services provided by them to customers are
available anytime, anywhere. Here 24x7 refers to 24 hours of each seven days of a week.

1.1.3. Advertising / Marketing

E-commerce increases the reach of advertising of products and services of businesses. It helps in
better marketing management of products / services.

1.1.4. Improved Sales

Using E-Commerce, orders for the products can be generated anytime, anywhere without any
human intervention. By this way, dependencies to buy a product reduce at large and sales increases.

1.1.5. Support
E-Commerce provides various ways to provide pre sales and post sales assistance to provide better
services to customers.

1.1.6. Inventory Management

Using E-Commerce, inventory management of products becomes automated. Reports get
generated instantly when required. Product inventory management becomes very efficient and
easy to maintain.

1.1.7. Communication improvement

E-Commerce provides ways for faster, efficient, reliable communication with customers and


E-Commerce or Electronics Commerce business models can generally categorized in following

1.2.1. Business - to - Business (B2B)

Website following B2B business model sells its product to an intermediate buyer who then sells
the product to the final customer. As an example, a wholesaler places an order from a company's
website and after receiving the consignment, sells the end product to final customer who comes to
buy the product at wholesaler's retail outlet.

Figure 1.2: Business to Business Model

1.2.2. Business - to – Consumer (B2C)

Website following B2C business model sells its product directly to a customer. A customer can
view products shown on the website of business organization. The customer can choose a product
and order the same. Website will send a notification to the business organization via email and
organization will dispatch the product/goods to the customer.

Figure 1.3: Business to Consumer Model

1.2.3. Consumer - to - Consumer (C2C)

Website following C2C business model helps consumer to sell their assets like residential property,
cars, motorcycles etc. or rent a room by publishing their information on the website. Website may
or may not charge the consumer for its services. Another consumer may opt to buy the product of
the first customer by viewing the post/advertisement on the website.

Figure 1.4: Consumer to Consumer Model

1.2.4. Consumer - to - Business (C2B)

In this model, a consumer approaches website showing multiple business organizations for a
particular service. Consumer places an estimate of amount he/she wants to spend for a particular
service. For example, comparison of interest rates of personal loan/ car loan provided by various
banks via website. Business organization who fulfills the consumer's requirement within specified
budget approaches the customer and provides its services.

Figure 1.5: Consumer to Business Model

1.2.5. Business - to - Government (B2G)

B2G model is a variant of B2B model. Such websites are used by government to trade and
exchange information with various business organizations. Such websites are accredited by the
government and provide a medium to businesses to submit application forms to the government.

Figure 1.6: Business to Government Model

1.2.6. Government - to - Business (G2B)
Government uses B2G model website to approach business organizations. Such websites support
auctions, tenders and application submission functionalities.

Figure 1.7: Government to Business Model

1.2.7. Government - to - Citizen (G2C)

Government uses G2C model website to approach citizen in general. Such websites support
auctions of vehicles, machinery or any other material. Such website also provides services like
registration for birth, marriage or death certificates. Main objectives of G2C website are to reduce
average time for fulfilling people requests for various government services.

Figure 1.8: Government to Citizen Model


Now a day’s e-commerce is a very vast topic. People does not have enough time to go physically
on the shop to buy things i.e. cloths, home appliances etc. so buying and selling things through
electronic network in a great idea for this purpose e commerce have to cover the whole world wide
network and this is not a very simple task because to run e-commerce just on website is not the
only task for different operating system i.e. Android, IOS, Window etc. you have required different
application for each of them so e-commerce will cover this vast field so there are various platforms
for e-commerce.

1.3.1. Web Application

In early times of e-commerce this is very difficult for developers to maintain e-commerce website
for different browser i.e. Internet explorer, Chrome, Firefox etc. because every browser has
different scaling so developer have to make different version for different browser and this become
more worse with different version of browsers but at last W3C handle this big problem of scaling
and with the concept of HTML5 & CSS3 this problem will resolved as a concept of Responsive
Nature created so developer has not to make different version of e-commerce websites because
the responsive nature will automatically manage their scaling at the runtime.

1.3.2. Mobile Application
Internet powered mobile phones have become celestial device by gathering critical mass. People
enjoy the luxury of on-the-go web access, searching for information and resources on the web with
their smartphones. Mobile shopping has become the new market trend with an increasing customer
base. So as to tap this potential market, E-commerce Support launches Mob-ecommerce, an
application for different mobiles i.e. Android, IOS, Windows etc. If you run an online store to sell
your products, you probably also have a nicely designed mobile web site, or responsive version of
your existing web site, that your visitors can visit on their mobile and tablet devices. Companies
like Zappos and Amazon have that, too – and they do extremely well. In addition to a great mobile
experience on their web site – both of those companies have native apps available in the Apple
Store and Google Play. You, as the provider, have to look at who your audience is. Online
retailers who have, for example, a large amount of iOS users would probably benefit from having
a free native app in the Apple Store that their users can download and browse and buy directly
from their mobile device.


The Internet allows people from all over the world to get connected inexpensively and reliably. As
a technical infrastructure, it is a global collection of networks, connected to share information
using a common set of protocols. Also, as a vast network of people and information, the Internet
is an enabler for e-commerce as it allows businesses to showcase and sell their products and
services online and gives potential customers, prospects, and business partners access to
information about these businesses and their products and services that would lead to purchase.

Before the Internet was utilized for commercial purposes, companies used private networks-such
as the EDI or Electronic Data Interchange-to transact business with each other. That was the early
form of e-commerce. However, installing and maintaining private networks was very expensive.
With the Internet, e-commerce spread rapidly because of the lower costs involved and because the
Internet is based on open standards.

E-Commerce advantages can be broadly classified in three major categories as providing benefits
to a number of organizations, consumers, society.

1.4.1. Organizational Benefits

 Using E-Commerce, organization can expand their market to national and international
markets with minimum capital investment. An organization can easily locate more customers,
best suppliers and suitable business partners across the globe.

 E-Commerce helps organization to reduce the cost to create process, distribute, retrieve and
manage the paper based information by digitizing the information.

 E-commerce improves the brand image of the company.

 E-commerce helps organization to provide better customer services.

 E-Commerce helps to simplify the business processes and make them faster and efficient.

 E-Commerce reduces paper work a lot.

 E-Commerce increased the productivity of the organization. It supports "pull" type supply
management. In "pull" type supply management, a business process starts when a request
comes from a customer and it uses just-in-time manufacturing way.

1.4.2. Advantages to Customers

 24x7 support. Customer can do transactions for the product or enquiry about any
product/services provided by a company anytime, anywhere from any location. Here 24x7
refers to 24 hours of each seven days of a week.

 E-Commerce application provides user more options and quicker delivery of products.

 E-Commerce application provides user more options to compare and select the cheaper and
better option.

 A customer can put review comments about a product and can see what others are buying or
see the review comments of other customers before making a final buy.

 E-Commerce provides option of virtual auctions.

 Readily available information. A customer can see the relevant detailed information within
seconds rather than waiting for days or weeks.

 E-Commerce increases competition among the organizations and as result organizations

provides substantial discounts to customers.

1.4.3. Advantages to Society

 Customers need not to travel to shop a product thus less traffic on road and low air pollution.

 E-Commerce helps reducing cost of products so less affluent people can also afford the

 E-Commerce has enabled access to services and products to rural areas as well which are
otherwise not available to them.

 E-Commerce helps government to deliver public services like health care, education, social
services at reduced cost and in improved way.

Besides providing benefits to the above mentioned areas, there are certain technical and non-
technical limitations that are associated with E-Commerce and defined in the next section.

1.4.4. Technical Limitations
 There can be lack of system security, reliability or standards owing to poor implementation
of e-Commerce.

 Software development industry is still evolving and keeps changing rapidly.

 In many countries, network bandwidth might cause an issue as there is insufficient

telecommunication bandwidth available.

 Special types of web server or other software might be required by the vendor setting the e-
commerce environment apart from network servers.

 Sometimes, it becomes difficult to integrate E-Commerce software or website with the

existing application or databases.

 There could be software/hardware compatibility issue as some E-Commerce software may be

incompatible with some operating system or any other component.

1.4.5. Non-Technical Disadvantages

 Initial cost: The cost of creating / building E-Commerce application in-house may be very high.
There could be delay in launching the E-Commerce application due to mistakes, lack of

 User resistance: User may not trust the site being unknown faceless seller. Such mistrust makes
it difficult to make user switch from physical stores to online/virtual stores.

 Security/ Privacy: Difficult to ensure security or privacy on online transactions.

 Lack of touch or feel of products during online shopping.

 E-Commerce applications are still evolving and changing rapidly.

 Internet access is still not cheaper and is inconvenient to use for many potential customers like
one living in remote villages.


E-Commerce or Electronics Commerce sites use electronic payment where electronic payment
refers to paperless monetary transactions. Electronic payment has revolutionized the business
processing by reducing paper work, transaction costs, labour cost. Being user friendly and less
time consuming than manual processing, helps business organization to expand its market reach /
expansion. Some of the modes of electronic payments are following.

1.5.1. Credit Card
Payment using credit card is one of most common mode of electronic payment. Credit card is small
plastic card with a unique number attached with an account. It has also a magnetic strip embedded
in it which is used to read credit card via card readers. When a customer purchases a product via
credit card, credit card issuer bank pays on behalf of the customer and customer has a certain time
period after which he/she can pay the credit card bill. It is usually credit card monthly payment
cycle. Following are the actors in the credit card system.

 The card holder - Customer

 The merchant - seller of product who can accept credit card payments.

 The card issuer bank - card holder's bank

 The acquirer bank - the merchant's bank

 The card brand - for example, visa or MasterCard.

1.5.2. Debit Card

Debit card, like credit card is a small plastic card with a unique number mapped with the bank
account number. It is required to have a bank account before getting a debit card from the bank.
The major difference between debit card and credit card is that in case of payment through debit
card, amount gets deducted from card's bank account immediately and there should be sufficient
balance in bank account for the transaction to get completed. Whereas in case of credit card there
is no such compulsion.

Debit cards free customer to carry cash, cheques and even merchants accepts debit card more
readily. Having restriction on amount being in bank account also helps customer to keep a check
on his/her spending.

1.5.3. E-Money
E-Money transactions refers to situation where payment is done over the network and amount gets
transferred from one financial body to another financial body without any involvement of a
middleman. E-money transactions are faster, convenient and saves a lot of time.

Online payments done via credit card, debit card or smart card are examples of e-money
transactions. Another popular example is e-cash. In case of e-cash, both customer and merchant
both have to sign up with the bank or company issuing e-cash.

1.5.4. Cash On Delivery

Cash on Delivery refers to a concept where customer is not bind to pay his dues online through
credit or debit card he can pay his/her dues to the person who is delivering the product after
checking that he is satisfied with the product or not. This is a new idea of e-commerce where they

check customer review about the product by requesting them to fill the review sheet so they will
get the record that their customer is satisfied with their product & services.


Traditional Commerce and electronic commerce have a many differences in their working manner
so in Table 1.1 there is a comparison of both.

Table 1.1: Traditional Commerce & E Commerce Comparison

Traditional Commerce E-Commerce
Information sharing is made easy via electronic
Heavy dependency on information exchange
1. communication channels making little dependency on
from person to person.
person to person information exchange.
Communication/ transaction are done in Communication or transaction can be done in
synchronous way. Manual intervention is asynchronous way. Electronics system automatically
required for each communication or handles when to pass communication to required
transaction. person or do the transactions.

It is difficult to establish and maintain standard A uniform strategy can be easily established and
practices in traditional commerce. maintain in e-commerce.

Communications of business depends upon In e-Commerce or Electronic Market, there is no

individual skills. human intervention.
Unavailability of a uniform platform as
E-Commerce website provides user a platform where
5. traditional commerce depends heavily on
al l information is available at one place.
personal communication.

No uniform platform for information sharing as E-Commerce provides a universal platform to support
it depends heavily on personal communication. commercial / business activities across the globe.


E-Commerce is a vast fields now a days. If you hit any search engine regarding any e-commerce
website there are thousands of websites are available for each and every model i.e. Business to
Business, Business to Consumer etc. Every model of e-commerce has different features and its
aspects of dealing with their co related company or a client. In this chapter we are discussing the
e-commerce models in details with one of their proposed system so it is easy to understand for the
readers to identify and differentiate between different models of e-commerce. Every system
contains full features and its usage and regarding its rolls. Mentioned below are the existing
websites of e-commerce that depicts various models of e-commerce.


A B2B (Business to Business) Trade Website is a new way of trade on the internet. It works
through many web portals that are known as B2B Websites or B2B Portals that have had a
directory or list of products, suppliers, manufacturers, traders, distributors and wholesalers of all
kinds of products across the world so it helps buyers and importers to connect with suppliers across
the globe. B2B Websites are very effective tool whether you have a small, medium or large sized
business because it could manage your key business functions with other business vendors and
partners through web-based applications. It serves as an effective platform for retailers,
wholesalers, distributors and producers to carry out business activities online. Some good
examples of world’s top B2B portals are Alibaba, GlobalSources, Made-In-China, TradeKey,
IndiaMart, ThomasNet, TradeFord and lot more.
In this topic we are discussing one of the website for discussing in detail about the B2B systems.
Founded by Jack Ma in the year 1999, is Mainland China based world’s largest B2B
Marketplace started with the aim of providing a decent b2b trading platform to international trade
community. The company is serving as a prominent e-commerce stage for small and medium
enterprises regardless of the fact that from which part of the world they are. There are many
privileges provided by using which small business can expand their reach to the
international markets. It is estimated that that by the end of December 2012 there were
approximately 36.7 million users registered at that shows the trust level of global
trade community on this website. comes from renowned Alibaba Group Holding Limited (NYSE: BABA), which is
basically a group of companies that are based upon internet and the focal point of their provided
services revolve around the approach that is related with making it simpler for people to buy and
sell products using the internet. This organization has a history of providing world class and quality
services to its valued customers. They have extended their reach to more than 240 countries and

parts of this world. Presently there are 25 business units operating under Alibaba Group Holding
Limited (NYSE: BABA) and the main aim is to cultivate the progress of a broad, shared and
affluent e-commerce environment.

Figure 2.1: Main Page

The main page of the is shown in Fig 2.1 which is consist of some general
information regarding the website as it is a Business to Business website so it consist of some
categories of Buyers and Suppliers because B2B website is not for those customer who are
interested in buying few products because this website is dealing in stock. Whenever you try to
buy something on this website you fill face a constraint for the minimum quantity just like the in
Fig 2.2.

Figure 2.2: Product with Minimum Quality Restriction

This Fig 2.2 show you that if you have to book an order for the listed fashion T-shirt the minimum
amount for this product is at least 1500 pieces which is a huge quantity so buyers can book any
product available on this website as this is one of the top and premium website regarding to B2B

model so this website consist of good categories like Apparel, Textile & leather Products, Fashion
Accessories. Fig 2.3 show a little glimpse of the categories menu available on the website.

Figure 2.3: Categories Section

This website has a very vast categories section. Buyers can check the categories on this website as
per their need that in which type of product they are interested in so when they select the product
then there is a button available for them which is stated in contact to supplier which is also shown
in Fig 2.4 when you click the button you have been transferred to a page where sending a request
to suppliers that you are interested in the product and you want to contact them and will send your
message which contains your contact number and number of quantity you want to book with a
message regarding your need for the product and then you have to send the message you can see
the page of Contact to Supplier which shown in Fig 2.4.

Figure 2.4: Contact Supplier Page

After sending the message you request will be send to the suppliers so he will contact within a
time frame of 24 to 48 hours regarding your need and also discuss with you regarding the shipping
details and product details.

The term business-to-consumer, often called B2C, refers to transactions between a business and
its end consumer. Examples of B2C transactions include individuals shopping for clothes to be
given as birthday gifts, diners ordering food and eating in a restaurant, and TV watchers
subscribing to satellite TV providers.

The term B2C differs from business-to-business (B2B) in that these transactions are done with no
intent on the consumer’s part to use the product or service for commercial purposes.

If, for the example given above, the shopper bought the clothes in order to resell it in her online
shop, that transaction would instead fall under B2B. If a person also buys food in bulk from a
restaurant, then uses the food to cater to party and charges for the catering services, then the
transaction will fall under B2B as well. For the third example above, if a business orders satellite
TV pay-per-view programming such as a popular boxing event, and shows it in their bar with the
intention of attracting more customers to come in for a drink, then that transaction would fall under
B2B instead of B2C.

Though B2C refers to all business-to-consumer transactions the term is most commonly used for
online selling of products. The effect of B2C transactions in the online scene is of such magnitude
that retailers have become very vigilant in keeping their websites up-to-date and optimized to get
the consumer traffic they want.

The website which we are discussed in this section is is one of the premium
online website in Pakistan for online shopping in this website you can get thousands of products
that you can buy online and delivered to you within 24 to 48 hours in the given Fig 2.5 you can
easily see the main page of the website which list main categories available on the website like
Men & Women Fashion Accessories, Mobile Phones etc.

Figure 2.5: Main Page

By clicking on of any of the following categories you will send to the page of that specific listed
product like in the Fig 2.6 when we click on the category of Men Fashion there is a sub Menu of
Men’s Jeans and when we click on this category it send us to the page where all the men’s jeans
are listed in Fig 2.6 you can easily see different jeans products with different colors.

Figure 2.6: Men’s Jeans Product Page

When you selected your desired product you just have to click that specific product and then you
just have to click the picture which forward you to Buy Now page where you can select the
quantity, color and size of the product and then your product will be added to the Shopping Cart
and you can select your payment system like PayPal or Cash On Delivery etc. and your desired
product will be send to you within next 24 – 48 hours.

Figure 2.7: Buy Now page

Have you ever bought or sold an item on or If so, you have participated
in consumer-to-consumer (C2C) e-commerce. People who come together to buy, sell or trade items
online take part in C2C e-commerce. This type of e-commerce is the modern version of using the
classified advertising section of your local newspaper or going to an auction. C2C e-commerce is
a convenient way for consumers to buy and sell goods without getting in their cars and driving to
a store.
C2C e-commerce differs from a business-to-business model or a business-to-consumer model
because consumers interact directly with each other. However, a business does operate the online
platform on which C2C transactions take place. Buyers can shop for free, but sellers sometimes
have to pay a fee to list their products. Consumers often play an active role in monitoring e-
commerce sites for scams and other inappropriate content.
The C2C model entails lower costs and higher profits for buyers and sellers. Sellers can store
inventory in a home office and it costs less to market and distribute products than in a traditional
business-to-consumer model. Both new and used goods are sold through C2C e-commerce and
fewer middlemen are involved in the transactions. Advances in technology and ease of access to
the Internet have also made it possible for a growing number of individuals to launch C2C e-
commerce businesses.
Craigslist is one of the top websites in the world and the leading service for classified ads.
Consumers can not only buy, sell, and trade items, but also conduct other transactions such as
housing and job searches. The site is very user-friendly, allowing consumers to register and list an
item for sale within minutes. For consumers looking to make a purchase, they simply go to the ‘for
sale’ category and choose the appropriate subcategory (e.g. computers, furniture, books, etc.).

Figure 2.8: Main Page

In Fig 2.8 you can see different links/advertisements from different consumers all over the world.
These are divided in different categories like jobs, housing, community etc. Consumer can visit
that website and find his concern link and click on it. For example when we see a job in job section

link accounting + finance it send us to a page of specific jobs listed in accounting and finance
categories and then we selected a job of Kingsland London Hotel job offer then it lead us to a
page of that job where you can easily apply for that post.

Figure 2.9: Kingsland London Hotel Job offer


In contrast with the more traditional business-to-consumer model, the C2B (consumer-to-business)
model allows businesses to extract value from consumers – and vice versa. In the C2B model,
businesses profit from the willingness of consumers to name their own price or contribute data or
marketing to the company, while consumers profit from flexibility, direct payment, or free or
reduced-price products and services.
C2B business models include reverse auctions, in which customers name the price for a product
or service they wish to buy. Another form of C2B occurs when a consumer provides a business
with a fee-based opportunity to market the business’s products on the consumer’s blog. For
example, food companies may ask food bloggers to include a new product in a recipe, and review
it for readers of their blogs. YouTube reviews may be incentivized by free products or direct
payment. This could also include paid advertisement space on the consumer website. Google
AdWords/AdSense has enabled this kind of relationship by simplifying the process in which
bloggers can be paid for ads. Services such as Amazon Affiliates allow website owners to earn
money by linking to a product for sale on Amazon.

The C2B model has flourished in the Internet age because of ready access to consumers who are
“plugged in” to brands. Where the business relationship was once strictly one-directional, with
companies pushing services and goods to consumers, the new bi-directional network has allowed
consumers to become their own businesses. Decreases in the cost of technologies such as video
cameras, high-quality printers and Web development services give consumers access to tools for
promotion and communication that were once limited to large companies. As a result, both
consumers and businesses can benefit from the C2B model.

For the C2B relationship to be fulfilled, the participants must be clearly defined. The consumer
could be any individual who has something to offer a business, either a service or a good. Examples
could be a blogger, as mentioned before, or a photographer offering stock images to businesses.
The consumer could also be someone answering a poll through a survey site, or offering job-hiring
services by referring someone through referral hiring sites such as

Figure 2.10: Main Page is a website where you can different consumer come to find the person who want to
do work virtually by sitting at their home generally known as freelancers. Freelancers find
different jobs on this website which are listed in Fig 2.11. For this concern they have to create an
account their and apply for the job for any of these categories in which they are interested. After
that they have to bit for an account that they can complete this job in this duration and the cost for
this job after that the main consumer who posted this jobs will decide that who will get this
opportunity all depends on the skills & experience of the person.

Figure 2.11: Job Categories Section for freelancers

Business-to-government (B2G) is a business model that refers to businesses selling products,
services or information to governments or government agencies. B2G networks or models provide
a way for businesses to bid on government projects or products that governments might purchase
or need for their organizations. This can encompass public sector organizations that propose the
bids. B2G activities are increasingly being conducted via the Internet through real-time
bidding. B2G is also referred to as public sector marketing.
Governments are contained within the federal, state and local arenas. Governments typically work
with prenegotiated contracts and they’ve usually vetted out contractors they’ve used before or for
whom there are standing contracts that might be grandfathered in. Types of B2G techniques called
integrated marketing communications encompass Web-based communications as well as strategic
public relations and electronic marketing.

Social platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter can be part of this vertical market,
although businesses largely neglect this form of B2G selling. Businesses can provide documents
such as a “Statement of Capabilities” which outlines the abilities, products and services of a
company that wishes to contract with government agencies. This document will frequently
accompany a “Proposal of Service” that can be supplied when submitting contract bids.
In Pakistan the most popular website for the category of Business to Government model is Official
Gateway to the Government of Pakistan in this website you can see all the information regarding
the Pakistan general information like Gazette, National Biography etc. these all things are for the
marketing for the foreign clients who visit this website. But this website is not only for the
marketing purpose it also contains different links which make the foreign visitor’s life easy like
they can apply for the passport by contacting the Regional Offices. They can apply for the
Immigration etc. All these links you can see in the Fig 2.12.

Figure 2.12: Gateway to Government of Pakistan website Main Page

Government to Business which also refers to G2B is an e-commerce model in which the
government of the country give support to their citizen by giving them a business opportunity by
helping them finically with the help of their Business Loan facility or by different offer. Through
this loan citizen can support their family and also the nation in the development sector.
In Pakistan the best example of Government to Business e-commerce example in Government of
Pakistan Ministry of Industries and Production by which government of Pakistan help their
citizens by promoting different Business Loan Offers you can see this website in the Fig 2.13.

Figure 2.13: Pakistan Ministry of Industries & Production website Main Page

You can apply for Business loans through this website which is announced by the government.
You can also check the investment by the government in different sectors of the country i.e.
Information Technology, Food Processing & Stone Development etc.

Figure 2.14: Business Loans offers at Government Sector Website


This model is also a part of e-governance. The objective of this model is to provide good and
effective services to each citizen. The Government provides the following facilities to the citizens
through website.

 Information of all government departments,

 Different welfare schemes,
 Different application forms to be used by the citizens.

The Pakistan government make a website of Government of Pakistan DIRECTORATE

GENERAL OF IMMIGRATION & PASSPORTS Ministry of Interior website to help their
citizen in the sector of immigration, jobs & identity card and also for the foreign citizen so they
can apply for the visa by contacting the regional office. You can see the website in Fig 2.15.

Figure 2.15: Pakistan Passport & Immigration website Main Page

You can see the all the information regarding your passport like policy, process etc. You can also
track your passport status that is your passport is ready or not or it is in progress right now as you
can see in the Fig 2.16 that there is a section of MRP Tracking. By clicking on this link you
transferred to a page where you have to enter your 16-Digit token number and it will tell you the
status of your passport.

Figure 2.16: Passport Information Page of website


E-commerce is a new prospect of doing business electronically by sitting in your house you are
selling and buying different products worldwide. This field is not only giving advantage to buyers
or seller it also includes government, citizens into this field so they take advantage from this
modern perspective. As e-commerce is divided in different models as dependents on the roles of
different people. Every models has its basic roles like in B2B there is no role of consumer because
this model is all dependent on two merchant who are selling and purchasing different products at
a restriction on minimum quality. Where B2C is dependent on consumer and merchant. Where
consumer is not restricted that they have to purchase a minimum quantity. Other models like G2C,
G2B, B2G where government of a particular country is playing a vital for their citizen and foreign
citizen by giving them an opportunity to invest in their country. C2C is also a very important model
in which different consumers are helping each other to find jobs, residential places and also if they
need any services. In short every models has its own advantages and roles so in the Table 2.1 we
mentioned different models and their roles in detail.

Table 2.1: Comparison Table of Different E-commerce Models

Models Roles
Business to Business Buyers Suppliers Categories Minimum Contact
Amount Suppliers
Business to Consumer Supplier Categories No Min. Payment
Consumer Amount System

Consumer to
Consumer Categories Ads Posting

Consumer to Consumer Freelancers Paid Job

Business Services Offering

Business to Investors Government Advertisem

Government ent
Government to Government Citizen Job
Business Application
Government to Government Citizens Foreign
Citizen Citizens


Since the development of the Internet, many things that was pretty hard to obtain or to do, like
information on a large variety of topics or communication with distant friends have become so
simple that anyone can have access to them just by using a computer or any mobile device. Among
the many advantages that the Internet gives us, one of the main ones is online shopping, an activity
that many have become addicted to.

“Quick Shop” is an online shopping utility for the customers who are too busy in their life and
they have no time to go to the market and buy products. It has all the major components which are
essential for a full-fledged web based application, especially in a Business environment, now your
online product searching, cart summery, shopping cart, order the products in an easy way, and all
the notifications via e-mail are available online.
It is a website which will provide maximum shopping facilities to users. “Quick Shop” is basically
for the different products available on the shop. The user can navigate and buy products very easily
and securely without wasting time from anywhere.
There are two types of users, one who can only visit the site called visitors and the other who want
to buy products called registered users. The registered user can view the products and add to cart
the product of his or her own choice.
There is one main Administrator and various vendors. The administrator can manage
add view and delete. A profile will be maintained for every vendor making a website a community.
Administrator will update the website and also update vendor. He can cancel the registration of
vendor violating the laws of the website.
The vendor can manage products for his shop. Basically “Quick Shop” is a shop by department
where each department is manages by each vendor. The website will be dynamic in nature and will
be online 24 Hours a day.
As the goal of the application is ease of use and to provide an interactive interface, extensive
research has been done to gain an insight into the needs and behaviors of various users. The
working of the application is made convenient and easy to use for the end user.
Users can be classified into two types based on their knowledge of the products that suit their
needs. They can be classified as users who know about the product that would satisfy their needs
and users who have to figure out the product that would satisfy their needs.
This application is created using Agile Developmental model which is also a type of Incremental
model. In this model QuickShop is made in rapid cycles. This results in small incremental releases
with each release building on previous functionality. Each release is thoroughly tested to

ensure software quality is maintained. It is used for time critical applications. Extreme
Programming (XP) is currently one of the most well-known agile development life cycle model.
The main reason to apply this model in development is because of its two main advantages like
working software is delivered frequently (weeks rather than months), Regular adaptation to
changing circumstances and even late changes in requirements are welcomed. So below there is a
detail information that contain Requirement Analysis of the Proposed System.


These are the requirement of the user from today modern ecommerce application. In beta phase of
Quick Shop few of them are processed in order to fulfill the need of the user. And the list of the
requirements are divided into three categories Tools, Programming Languages & Formatting
Languages and they are given below.

3.1.1. Tools
 Xamp (apache, MySQL)
 Dream viewer
 Premium Navicat
 Adobe Photoshop

3.1.2. Programing Languages

 Json
 Php
 JQuery
 JavaScript

3.1.3. Formatting Languages

 Xml
 Html
 Css


The proposed system must perform following requirements like Custom Site Design, Product
Management, Shopping Cart, Vendor Engagement, Security and many more which are explained

3.2.1. Custom Site Design

Custom designed site banner, logo design, navigation buttons (links), site’s layout and color
scheme of customers' choice. Home page with links to View Account, Shopping Cart, Checkout
page and site map

3.2.2. Product Management

 Customizable product input and management.

 Unlimited number of Departments, categories and detail product pages
 Assign products to multiple categories and sub-categories
 User may search products and also see the featured items.

3.2.3. Shopping Cart

 Shopping cart automatically totals all items in the shopping cart.

 Shopping cart automatically totals all the prices in the shopping cart.

3.2.4. Checkout

 Shopping cart/Checkout system with automatic calculation of totals, shipping cost.

 Email notification
 Customer receives order confirmation with order all the detail and description and shipping
confirmation when order ships. Vendor will be notified via email that an order is waiting
to be processed.

3.2.5. Vendors Engagement

 Voluntary vendors account registration

 Provides potential vendors with the opportunity to register for a vendor account
 View account information
 Allows vendors (s) to login to view and update vendors account information.

3.2.6. Administering the Application

For organization to be responsive to changing market dynamics, web application must remain
flexible and scalable. These considerations must be planned for and the application developed to
be adaptable to accommodate needs yet unknown. Additionally, functionality such as
administrative controls, to manipulate data stores, must be built in to make your e-commerce store
an ongoing success.

3.2.7. Planning for Security

 Security access history

 Assigns a unique ID to each person with access to the admin section.
 Full log-out capabilities for site administrator and vendors.


QuickShop is an ecommerce website where are the data is secure in MySQL database server and
the three main roles on this website is dependent on Vendors, Visitors and Administrator and
they have the following functionalities.

Figure 3.1: Context Level Data Flow Diagram of QuickShop

1. Visitor can come on this website for two purposes first is to view the products available on
the websites and secondly they can buy products available on the website.
2. Vendors manage their department’s products because there are more than one vendors
available on the website. Vendors are also manage their stock and reports and that customer
product is delivered on time or not and at the same time they manages the backup of the
reports, stock so they will reduce any risk in the future regarding their products.
3. Administrator is one of the important and main role of this website who is responsible to
create or delete any vendor. Administrator can also add any new category to the website
and assign to any vendor.
4. All the login information is also controlled by administrator.


Logical view describes the architecturally significant parts of the design model, such as its
decomposition into subsystems and packages. And for each significant package, its decomposition
into classes and class utilities.


name: string
contct: sring product
pID categorized product
EmailID name :string 1
Password:string image productID:integer
1 name:string
1 description:string
1 categoryID:integer
address:string 1 price:integer
1 contact:string quantity:integer

System ID
order Item name
logout orderId
oreder productId
contact info
status:string 1 address:string
ship address:string city:string
ship cost:float 0
first name :string
item cost:float last name:string
pId:float phone:integer
shipping carrier

name 1

name :string

Figure 3.2: Logical View of QuickShop

In this section we represent all the function of the QuckShop in detail. Using use case diagram this
section will include all the use cases through which user can easily understand the flow of the each
function and importance of each role.


Manage signup

Manage categories



Place order

Manage profile

Manage products

Manage reports

Figure 3.3: UseCase of complete functions of Quckshop

In the Fig 3.3 you see the whole architectural representation of the website QuickShop but it also
possible that new user can find it really hard to understand so in the below figure we are
representing each and every role of the website.

 Vendor

Manage Products

Manage price

Manage Quantity

Manage reports

Manage stock

Figure 3.4: UseCase of complete functions of Vendor

 User

Browse Products

Search products

Add/ delete/ modify

shopping list

View status of orders




Figure 3.5: UseCase of complete functions of User

 Administrator

Add/ delete/ modify

vendor’s information

Add/ delete/ modify

vendor accounts

Administrator Manage categories


Figure 3.6: UseCase of complete functions of Administrator


This Section contains the UseCase of different activities performing on the QuickShop website by
Users, Administrators & Vendors with all details that is required to understand them completely
for the user.

 Sign Up a new Account for vendors

Vendor have to enter his valid username and Enter their personal information to make an account
on the website if all information provide by vendor is valid so account will be successfully created.




Figure 3.7: Vendor Signup Activity

 Vendor Login
Vendor can easily login on it specific section by enter his/her valid email address and password.
He also has to enter his personal to successfully sign-in on the website. If any of the information
is wrong vendor has to re-enter all the information.


Select a valid Enter

Username Personal


Figure 3.8: Vendor Login Activity

 Vendor Add/Delete/Modify products

Vendor can add, delete and modify product by selecting the operational area available on vendor
section. Vendor can select product and after performing the desired operation vendor have to save
the product to complete the activity successfully.


Select Select Save the

Operation product
on Product

Figure 3.9: Vendor Product Modification Activity

 Account Modification for vendor

Vendor modify the account by login on the vendor section. Then vendor have to edit the specified
account and make changes in that account like change email or password etc. and save that account
to successfully.


Login Edit Save

account account
informati informati

Figure 3.10: Vendor Account Modification Activity

 Customer Browse the site

Customer has to enter the correct URL in his browser of system i.e. laptop. Desktop, Tablet or
Mobile to successfully browse the website.

Browse the site


Figure 3.11: Customer Site Browsing Activity

 Search Products
Customer can easily search any product on the website by just entering the name of the product in
the search box available on the website and if the product is available on the website so he can find
that product other a page appear that this product is not available.

Enter Search for

Search products


Figure 3.12: Customer Product Search Activity

 Product Shipped
Product delivered to customer is performed by vendor. Vendor login on the website in their specific
section enter the shipper information details and save changes and then dispatch this product to
the specific customer who ordered this product so that the product is shipped to the customer

Login Enter shipped Save
order details Change
s Failure

Figure 3.13: Vendor Product Shipping Activity

 Add/delete/Modify vendor Information

Administrator has full access of all the information of the vendor. Admin can easily modify
vendor’s information by login into the admin section by entering username & password select the
operation and select vendor from vendor list because more than one vendor is available on the
website modify the vendor information and save changes to successfully modify vendor's
information. Otherwise you can get an error and you have to perform all the step again for the
successful verification.

Login Select

Save changes

Success Failure
Figure 3.14: Administration Modify Vendor Information Activity

 Add/delete/Modify vendor Accounts
Administrator can Add, Delete and Modify the account of the vendor. By login on the
administrator section select on the operation of Modify Vendor where he do all the above given
functions. Select a vendor id in case of delete or modification and save changes so that the system
can easily erase or modify vendor.

Login Select Select vendor id in

Operation case of a

And add vendor info


Success Failure
Figure 3.15: Administrator Activity of Modification of Vendors Accounts


 Product Categories for Users.

 Complete Description of Products is available for Users.
 More than one Vendor is available on the website
 Each Vendor is controlling different department with unique products.
 Administrator create vendors
 Administrator is responsible for introducing different products for different vendors
 Accounts login handling controller by Administrator.
 Report system for product delivery handled by Vendor & Administrator.
 Product tracking system for Users.
 Fast delivery System for Users.
 Users Information Security
 Cash on Delivery Feature for Users.
 Users Review System on Delivery
 All Products delivered to Users backup is available for Administrator & Vendor.
And many other features for the user to enhance their shopping experience.


The purpose of this design is to develop an online Quick Shop that available products to customers
on the internet. Although the design is specifically for the implementation of an online Quick Shop.

A customer can browse through a product catalogue to select products of his choice. The selected
products are collected together in a shopping cart and presented as an order at the end of the
shopping period .At this point, some information like the customers postal and billing address of
him so as to facilitate a successful and efficient transaction.

The implementation phase provides interfaces for the customer, administrator and vendors. We
provides interface for user, administrator and vendor so that it could easy to make online shopping
for every kind of customer.

A shopping cart is provided to the customer in order to facilitate the process of the online purcha se.

The system was implemented using a 3 tier client/server computing environment designed on the
XAMP platform with an Apache Server as the middle tier and a web browser as the front end tier
employing design and scripting languages like PHP and HTML and using MySQL as the relational

Our Source code has been generated, software must be tested to uncover as many errors as possible
before delivery to customer. The goal is to design a series of test cases that have a high likelihood
of finding errors.

The implementation is the final and important phase. It involves user-training, system testing in
order to ensure successful running of the proposed system. The user tests the system and changes
are made according to their needs. The testing involves the testing of the developed system using
various kind of data. While testing, errors are noted and correctness in the mode.


The first step in the implementation of the design was the designing of the database which
consisted of the design of the relational tables using the MySQL console and the phpMyAdmin
software. The Quick shop database was created on the MySQL console and a total of 10 tables.

4.1.1. Database Creation

The basic structures of the tables composing the database are shown below along full description
and figures.

 Admin

This table contains all the information of the Administrator like the Username & Password of the
admin so admin is able to login on the admin panel. The figure of the admin table is given below.

Figure 4.1 Admin Table for storing login Details

 Categories

This table classifies the categories of products and assigned id that can be used to link it to another
table for searching purposes. This table contains two field Category-id and Category-name.

Figure 4.2 Categories table to store different products categories

 Products

This stores the details of the products available on the website.

Figure 4.3 Products table to store products for QuickShop

 Orders

This stores the details of the purchase made by a customer for the shipping/transportation of the
purchased items.

Figure 4.4 Order table to store the order details of Customer

 Order Items

The table stores the items that have been selected for purchase by the customer.

Figure 4.5 Order items Table store item purchased by Customer

 Price

This stores the detail of item price .

Figure 4.6 Price Table to store Products Price

 Vendors

This stores the details of the existing vendors of the Quick shop.

Figure 4.7 Vendor Table to store vendor details

The next step in the implementation was the design of the interfaces and the linking of the interface
to the database. This interfaces can also use on mobilephones because of its responsive nature the
website can easily adjust itself on the mobilephones.

4.1.2 Interface For Desktop Users

The design of the interface for desktop user was achieved using the PHP scripting language
embedded in HTML. The design consists of three interfaces, one for the Customer and another for
the administrator and vendors.

The website consists of a number of pages which have been adequately tested to produce the
screenshots described below. When the user types in the address of the web page, the index.php
file is displayed on the browser. The main page shows available category of products, so that the
user can browse through them.

 Admin Page

This is the main page for the administrator through which administrator control all the operation
of the website like add or delete vendors, manage products etc.

Figure 4.8 Admin Section to Control the QuickShop

A click on any of the categories displays the products in that category. The user can then decide to
search for more information on any of them by clicking on it or start a new search by clicking on
the continue shopping button.

 Main Page

This is the main page of categories where the customer can choose product by clicking on the

Figure 4.9 Main Index Page of QuickShop

 Product Description

By clicking any of the product on the main page the user will sent to the product description page
where user see full description and images of the selected product.

Figure 4.10 Product Description page on QuickShop

 Customer Account Login

If he decides to purchase a product by clicking on add to cart button and subsequently the checkout
button, login page will be displayed.

Figure 4.11 Customer login Page to Purchase Products

 Shopping Cart

The customer can login and then proceed to shopping. User will sent to the page of shopping cart
where user saw all the product he/she selected.

Figure 4.12 Shopping Cart Page for the Customer

 Billing Information Page

User proceeds from the shopping cart where some personal details are enquired for the payment
and shipping of the product. Details are then stored in the database for subsequent transactions.

Figure 4.13 Billing Address Page to take Delivery Information

 User Order Confirmation Page

After filling the form the customer order is placed and the product is delivered to customer against
the required shipping address. Thank you for your purchase page is displayed after placing the

Figure 4.14 Confirmation Page of Order Received

 Vendor Panel to Add/Delete Product Categories
By logging in Vendor is taken to an interface where he can choose the action he want to perform
like adding a new category update or editing the existing ones.

Figure 4.15 Vendor Section to Add Categories

 Administrator Change Password Page

Clicking on any of the buttons takes him to a new page with forms for effecting the changes and
posting the results to the database. He can change his password.

Figure 4.16 Administrator Change Password Section

 Administrator Sector to see Vendor
Administrator can see vendor information and also update vendors

Figure 4.17 Administrator Page to see Vendors

 Create Vendor Page

Administrator can create a new vendor for his shop .

Figure 4.18 Administrator Page to add new Vendor

 Manage Product Page
The vendor can manage the product add update delte etc.

Figure 4.19 Vendor Manage Products Page

 Product Detail Page

Vendor can view the product detail.

Figure 4.20 Vendor Product Detail Page

 Product Price Management
Vendor can manage price of products.

Figure 4.21 Vendor Page to Apply Discount to the Products

 Product Detail Page

Vendor can also view the price detail of the products

Figure 4.22 Vendor Product Detail Page


Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate
review of specification, design and code generation. Testing is the process of running a system
with the intention of finding errors. Testing enhances the integrity of a system by detecting
deviations in a design and errors in the system. This helps in the prevention of errors in a system.
Testing also adds value to the product by confirming to the user requirements.
The main purpose of testing is to detect errors in a system. Testing must be thorough and well -
planned. A partially test of system is as bad as an untested system and the price of an untested and
under-tested system is high.
Once source code has been generated, software must be tested to uncover as many errors as
possible before delivery to customer. The goal is to design a series of test cases that have a high
likelihood of finding errors.
The implementation is the final and important phase. It involves user-training, system testing in
order to ensure successful running of the proposed system. The user tests the system and changes
are made according to their needs. The testing involves the testing of the developed system using
various kind of data. While testing, errors are noted and correctness is the mode.

4.2.1 Testing Principle

 All tests should be traceable to customer requirement.
 Tests should be planned long before testing begins.
 Exhaustive testing is not possible.
 To be most effective, an independent third party should conduct testing.
So according to the testing principle we perform several testing method to ensure that our software
is bug free and does not contain error so given below are the list of testing methods and their
generated results.

4.2.2 Unit Testing

Unit testing focuses efforts on the smallest unit of software design. This is known as module
testing. The modules are tested separately. The test is carried out during programming stage itself.
In this step, each module is found to be working satisfactory as regards to the expected output from
the module. The unit test is white-box oriented and the step can be conducted in parallel for multiple

 Login Module for Users
In this step, each login module is found to be working satisfactory as regards to the expected output
from the module.
Table 4.1: Login Module testing for Users

Sr. Test Case Expected Observed Test

No Description Behavior behavior Result

Can ID field be ID cannot be Warning msg "ID

1 Null ID Success
Null? NULL can't be NULL"

Password Warning
Can password
2 Null password Can't be msg"password Success
be Null?
NULL can't be Null"

Login button is Button Perform login

3 Log in or not Success
working or not? pressed processing

 Server side Login Module for Administrator

In this step, server side login module is found to be working satisfactory for administrator as
regards to the expected output from the module.
Table 4.2: Server Side Login Module for Administrator

Sr. Test Case Expected Observed Test

No Description Behavior behavior Result

Is Database Connection No error during

1 Connection object is connection was Success
establishing? created found

Is able to retrieve
Able to fetch
Login ID and Login ID+ No error found
2 data from Success
password from Pass-Word during data fetching

Is able to match Login Login Id Proper

3 Matching done Success
ID &Password +Pass-word matching

 Add Record Module
In this last step of unit testing, add record module is found to be working satisfactory for
administrator as regards to the expected output from the module.
Table 4.3: Add Record Testing Module for Administrator

Sr. Test Case Expected Observed

Input Test Result
No Description Behavior behavior

Establishing Database Connection Connection No error during

1. object is connection was Success
Connection establishes
created found
Category Addition Success
2 Addition of categories. Name/sub Addition completed
Category Addition Addition is not
Addition of category if
3 Name/sub should not completed, because Success
already exits
category/ complete record already exists.

4.2.3 Integration Testing

Integration testing is a systematic approach for constructing the program structure, while at the
same time conducting test to uncover errors associated within the interface. The objective is to take
unit tested components and build a program structure.
Data can be lost across an interface. One module can have an adverse effect on another, sub
functions, when combined, may not be linked in desired manner in major functions. All the
modules are combined and tested as a whole.

 Login Module and Logout Module is Integrated

Login and logout module is integrated so module is found to be working satisfactory for
administrator, vendors and customers as regards to the expected output from the module.

Table 4.4: Integration testing of Login & Logout Module

Sr. Test Case Expected Observed Test

No Description Behavior behavior Result
No error
Is Database Connection
Connection during
1 Connection object is Success
establishes connection
establishing? created
was found

Is able to match Login Id

2 Login ID +Pass- Proper matching Matching done Success
&Password word

Does status No change in

3 changes to Logout Status should change. Success
'Logout status’? Status

 Add Record Module, Delete Record Module, Update Record Module is

Add Record Module, Delete Record Module, and Update Record Module is integrated so module is
found to be working satisfactory for administrator as regards to the expected output from the
 Table 4.5: Integration testing Update, Add & Delete Record Module

Sr. No Test Case Input Expected Observed

Description Behavior behavior Test

Is new Record Category Records should be Record is

Added in Name/sub added and added and
1 Success
database? _category displayed on the displayed on
view page the view
Record is
Records should be
Is existing Record Category deleted and
2 deleted and should Success
deleted from Name/sub not displayed
not be displayed on
database? _category/ on the view
the view page

Record is
Records should be
Is existing Record Category updated and
3 updated and should Success
updated into Name/sub displayed on
be displayed on the
database? _category/ the view
view page

Validation testing can be defined in many ways, but a simple definition is that the validation
succeeds when the software functions in a manner that is expected by the customer. After
validation test has been conducted, one of three possible conditions exists.
1. The function or performance characteristics confirm to specification and are accepted.
2. A deviation from specification is uncovered and a deficiency lists is created.
3. Proposed system under consideration has been tested by using validation test and found
to be working satisfactory.


After performing the validation testing, the next step is output testing of the proposed system, since
no system could be useful if it does not produce the required output in a specific format. The output
format on the screen is found to be correct. The format was designed in the system design time
according to the user needs.


User acceptance of a system is the key factor for the success of any system. The system under
consideration is tested for the user acceptance by constantly keeping in touch with the prospective
system users at the time of developing and making changes whenever required.
This is done in regard to the following point

 Input Screen Design

 Output Screen Design
 Format of reports and other outputs


The software will work efficiently and speedily when the following conditions will be satisfied:
 The server should be of high configuration.
 The client machine has larger RAM.
 Adequate free space on the client’s hard disk.
 The user waits until he gets the home page properly.
 No access to the database for writing, deleting or updating by any other except the authority.

 To provide a high accessibility of service the online shopping website is designed.
 The project envisages bridging the gap between the vendor and the customer.
 The project helps in understanding the creation of interactive web pages and
technologies used to implement it.
 Database connectivity.
 How data access and update.


It is concluded that the proposed Online Shopping Application is designed for web based users
and also reduces the problems that take place inside manual systems. The application take care all
the requirements of a shopping store and is capable to provide easy access and effective storage of
information related to the customer arise to the vendor and administrator.

It successfully register the vendor and customers, billing information of all the customers and send
notification regarding ordered products to the valid users. It helps to manage activities of a
shopping website on daily basis.

Moreover, its graphical user interface make it possible for the users to work through the application
in more user friendly manner.


In the future I will improve my QuickShop website by adding coupons and wish list so the buyer
can have some of things for free. I will fix bugs if they are found. More features will be added
into this application. For example,

 Payment methods such as Pay Pal or credit cards will be available on this online store.
 The Quick shop will require more secure encryption to provide more secure transaction.
 SMS and MMS Feature.
 Customer should be given more rewards for frequent purchase.
 Live support should be enabled

The future works also enables users to customize features. Moreover, object-oriented approach
will be applied throughout the application.


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6. PHP Extension. (2015). Retrieved from w3schools:
7. Php Functions. (2015). Retrieved from w3schools:
8. Php Get Request. (2015). Retrieved from w3schools:
9. Php Learning. (2015). Retrieved from Stack Overflow:
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