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Gene,.1 A••embly


10 R>vellber 1981

Thirty-.ixth ••••ion
Ag.nd. it_ 55

GENBRAL AND COMPLB'l'E DISARMAMBN'l', Belsiwa, Pr.nce, Ger_ny, Feder.l Republic of,, Netherl.nd., New ze.l.nd, O'lited KiftSdaII of Gr••t . .nd R>rthern Ir.l.nd, draft resolution
Preventing .n .r•• rac. in out.r .pace

Th. Gen.r.l AII••lIbly,

In.pir.d by the gre.t prosPeCt. opening up before unkind •• a r••ult of ..n'.
entry into outer .pace,
Believing that any .ctivity in outer .pace .hould be for peaceful purpo... and
c.rried on for the benefit of all people. irre.pectiv. of the degree of
economic .nd scientific development,
Rec.lling th.t the St.t•• parties to the treaty on principle. gov.rning the
.ctivitie. of State. in the .xplor.tion and us. of out.r .pac., including the .con
and other cele.ti.l bodie., undertaken in article III to carry on activiti••
in the exploration and u•• of out.r .pac., including the .con and oth.r cele.tial
bodie., in .ccordance with international law, including the Chart.r of the United
Nation., in the intere.t of int.rnational peace and security and
pro~ting intern.tion.l co-operation and und.r.tanding,

Recalling also article IV of the .aid !Teaty,

Rec.lling 80 of the fin.l docUMnt of the Xth Special ....ion of the
General Aa• .-bly d.voted to di..~nt which .tat.. that ·in order to ~.vent an
.na. r.c. in outer .pace, furth.r ....ur•••hould be tak.n and a~opr:iate
negotiation. be held in accordanc. with the .pirit of the !T.aty on pcincipl••
governing the activiti•• of Stat•• in the exploration and u.e of out.r .pace
including the .con and oth.r c.l••tial bodi••,·,

81-29692 (00291) (B) I .••

.... 2

Moti", the ~port.nt .nd growing contribution of ••tellite. both for civili.n
purpo. . . .nd the verification of di..~nt .gree_nt• •nd of the
po••ibilitie. of their u•• to pra.ot. pe.ce, .t.bility .nd int.rnation.l
co""Oper.t ion,
Mindful of the wideapr••d inter••t .xpc....d by meaber St.te. to en.ure th.t
the exploration and u.e of outer .pac••hou1d be for pe.c.fu1 purpo.e., inter a1i.
in the cour.. of the negoti.tion. on .nd following the adoption of the 1967 Tre.ty,
and taking not. of propo.a1••ua.itted to the fir.t .peci.l ••••ion of the Gener.l
Aa.-b1y devoted to di••r1I_nt, to the Gener.l Aa.eably and to the eo_ittee on
DiaarMMnt, of the need to pr.vent an a~. r.ce in outer .pace .nd in particular of
the thre.t po.ed by .nti-a.te11ite .y.t••••nd their de.tabilizing effect. for
international pe.c. and .ecurity,
COnvinced that furth.r ....ue•• are n.eded to prevent outer .pace from
beooaing .n are. of .i1it.ry confrontation, contr.ry to the .pirit of the outer
apace Tre.ty of 1967,
Con.idering it nec....ry for the int.rnation.l co. .unity to give attention to
.pecific ur•• reg.rding the que.tion of anti-aate1lit• •y.t... in the COmmittee
on Di••r nt,
...ring in .ind th.t the re.traint of .y.t... has already been
a .ubject in negoti.tion. betwe.n the unit.d St.t•• of Alter ic. and the union of
soviet SOcia1i.t Republic.,
1. ODnaider'. th.t further effective .ea.ur•• to prev.nt .n .r•• r.ce in out.r
apace .hould be adopted by the intern.tiona1 ~unity,
2. ur,es .11 Stat••, in particular tho•• with major space capabilities, to
actively contribut. to the go.l of pr.v.nting .n ar. . race in out.r .pace and to fro• •ny .ction contr.ry to that .i.,
3. !!9U!.t. the a..itt.. on Di..raaaent to, •• froa the beginning of
it•••••ion in 1982, the que.tion of negoti.ting .ffectiv. and v.rifiable
agr_nt••iMd at pr.venting .n .r.. race in outer apace, taking into account all
exi.ting .nd future propoaa1. d••igned to ...t this objective,

4. !!!qU••t. the a:..itt.. on DiNruMnt to con.ider a. a utt.r of priority the

que.tion of negoti.ting an .ffective .nd v.rifi.b1. agr....nt to prohibit
anti-aate11ite .y.t..., •••n ~rt.nt .tep tow.rd. the fu1fi1aent of the
objective••et out in the pr.ceding par.graph,
s. !!9U!.t. the a..itt.. on Di..r....nt to report on it. con.ideration of this
.ubject to the Gener.l M . .llbly .t its ftirty-••v.nth ••••ion,

/ ...

• - --- ----,--,.."..., .....
sngli.h 3

6. !!quest. the 8ecr.t.ry-Gener.l to tr.n••it to the oo.aitte. on Di••r....nt .11

docUllents rel.ting to the con.ider.tion of this subject by the Gener.l Aa...,ly .t
its !birty-.ixth .e••ion,
7. Decide. to include in the proyi.ion.l agenda of the Thirty-••venth ••••ion the
item .ntitled, Preventing an a~. race in OUt.r space, Prohibition of
Anti-Batellite Syst••••


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