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Illegal downloading and piracy

Hi, my name is Seila and I am going to be talking about the topic illegal downloading.
Piracy has been a huge problem for decades now. In the past when we had kind of
physical CDs and videos and stuff like that people would copy those things manually
and that is how they would make a pirate copy but nowadays, with the emergence of
difital technology, it is a lot easier to make copies of information and share with other
people. It is great for the consumer but it is a disaster for content creators so, people
who spend their lives or dedicate their lives to making music or actors I think they lose
out in this situation but at the same time, they get paid such huge amount of money
that really doesn’t make a different if people download their stuff. Also, if we think
about programs computers software dramatically overpriced, so the content providers
have changed the situation. For example, now we have apps like spotify where you can
download music for free but you have to pay 10 euros a month and really during that
month you can download as much music as you want. So that is a good deal, I started
using Spotify 3 years ago and it is really good, in the past I would download songs from
youtube so that will take me like a lot of time. I willing to pay 10 euros a month for
that. I thing there is going to be a turn towards subscriptions, now we live in a
subscription society . Again, Netflix that is kind of replacing the whole kind of
downloading that was happening with films and series.

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