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three-arm rackerc: which nil1 deliver up to two hundred forty age during cellar operations. Beer is lost by being admixed
half-barrel< per hour n ithout foaming or other loss oi beer. with yeast crops in tank or cask iedinients, by entrainment,
The washing and cleaning of the kegs are an important part and by admixture with witer used to flush out conduits, such
of the finiihing operatiom. Theae containers are &ject to as pipe and hose lines, and in filters. Process shrinkage to
all kind< of contamination, particularly those packages which rome extent depends upon the size of units coi1,qtituting the
hare been used for shipping trade. Recently great progress hrewery equipment, and therefore is smaller in large brew-
has been inade in developing more efficient and automatically eries and greater in the small plants. I n general, a well-
operating keg-washing machine.. These function on the conducted brewery will turn out about 97 barrels of beer per
.pray principle whereby streams of hot and cold water a t 100 barrels of wort brought into the starting tub, whereas in
preq-ures up to 60 pounds per square inch are injected into smaller plants a final yield of 88 to 90 barrels generally is ob-
the package to dislodge and wash out dried beer remain.: and tained.
other accumulated foreign substanceb. A sound, clean trade d third economic Triewpoint involve,? the engineering ser-
package i i just as important as the maintenance of sanitary vices required for brewery operations-that is, production of
conditions in other parts of the brewery. steam, electric power, refrigeration, and the maintenance of
wat'er and air supplies. Much has been done during the last
Economic lspects few years to correlate and coordinate the development of
t,hese services with breming procedure, but the so-called en-
Unmalted cereals, and products derived therefrom, furnisli gineering departments of breweries still offer a splendid field
to the brewers' wort colids or extract in amount.: which are for the mechanical and chemical engineer. As in any factory
almost equal to the laboratory or theoretical yield. The using process steam, the brewery offers many opportunities
brewery yield obtained from barley malt, the main in- for steam to do considerable work before and after i t has been
gredient of beer, varieq between 62 and 72 per cent for malt< used in the actual brewing processes. Many mechanical
produced from American six-rowed barley, depending upon improvements can be introduced into existing breweries to
the quality of this brewing material and the nature and con- reduce operating costs without in any way reducing quality
dition of the brewhouse equipment. With the conventional of finished product.
combination ma\h and lauter tub, the brewhouqe yield from
malt rnay be 4 to 8 per cent below the laboratory figure. With Acknowledgment
the separate mash and lauter tubs, laboratory yield may be Acknowledgment is made of the helpful assistance of S.
approached more closcly, and with a mash filter i t is often Laufer and A. R. Erda in preparing material for this paper.
The iecond econoinic aspect is presented by process shrink- RECEIVED
.ipril 26, 1935.

Chemistry of Alcoholic Fermentation

The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York, N. Y.

LCOHOLIC fermentation has h e n known catalytic reaction* could easily he separated from the living
and utilized from times immeniorial, but cells simply by extraction with water.
amroaches to the understanding of the

chemical and biological processes underlying it are of rather ~i~~~~~~~of a Cell-Free Fermenting .iigent
aecent date. I t is unnecessarv to dwell uDon the stages
represented by such names as Schwann, Gay-Lussac, Liebig,
~- Bucliner ( I ) dixovered in 1897 that by special methods t'he
Wohler, Pasteur. The results of their works may be sum- fermenting agent of the yeast cell can also be separated froin
iiiarized as follows: Fermentation is caused by a living or- the living cell. This discovery made it clear that alcoholic
ganism, the yeast cell, and con- fermentation, like ot'her enzy-
sists mainly in the conversion matic reactions, is caused by a
of sugar into a l c o h o l and car- c h e m i c a l substance or rather
bon dioxide although other end A brief reviewis given Of what is known at by a complicated s y s t e m of
product,s may also be forined present about the chemical processes in- chemical substances which can
in smaller q u a n t i t i e s . T h e valved in alcoholic fermentation. The by no means be c a l l e d l i v i n g
essential difficulty in a further large field ofa~coho~ic fermentation is With- m a t t e r . The achievement' of
the living cell is to produce these
to the
approach consisted
problem the
in theOf fact out boundary and is interlinked with all the Hut once
that no chemical agent endowed adjacent territories of chemistry and bi- produced, these agents act in a
v-ith the faculty of causing fer- ology. The alluring feature is the fact that purely chemical way, even in t,he
mentation could be isolated from any progress in its exploration has always absence of the living material by
the living yeast cell. This was meant a simultaneous progress in the field xhich they were produced.
in c o n t r a s t t o t h e f a c t that of general metabolism both of animals and Buchner's
method cells
many other agents, now called
e n z y m e s , which bring about Plants, and vice versa. sand and Kieselguhr and, after
o t h e r biologically i m p o r t a n t coniplet'e crushing of the cellh J

pressing the mass with a hydraulic press. Thus a press juice Rockefeller Institute laboratory this salt has been perfectly
is obtained which is a turbid but otherwise homogeneous crystallized.
liquid with the faculty of fermenting sugar. The press The theory suggests itself that these phosphate esters are
juice contains no living cell and exhibits fermentation even intermediate products in the fermentation. There is a
in the presence of drastic antiseptics, such as toluene. Rleth- criterion as to whether a substance is a n intermediate prod-
ods other than Buchner's have been since described. Lebe- uct. When instead of sugar the supposedly intermediate
dew (11) prepared another active extract from yeast, which product is mixed with yeast juice, the fermentation should
is now even more frequently used than Buchner's. H e dries proceed at least a t the same rate as, or even a t a higher rate
the yeast a t 25" C. for several days and grinds the dry mass than, the fermentation of sugar. The most plausible theory
in a mill to a very fine powder. A suspension of this powder would be that first a monophosphate is formed and then a di-
in water is kept for 2 hours a t 37" C. and then centrifuged. phosphate, and then that further steps of the development
The supernatant fluid is a turbid solution with the faculty of will follow. If this is true, diphosphate should be a t least as
fermenting. From this solution a durable dry preparation rapidly fermented as sugar. However, diphosphate is con-
may be obtained by precipitation with acetone. The liquid siderably more slowly fermented. Monophosphate i., in
Lebedew juice itself, very active in the beginning, gradually general, more rapidly fermented than diphosphate. The
becomes inactive on standing, probably because of the pro- crystallized monophosphate is fermented a t a rate comparable
teolytic enzymes which are also present in such a juice and to glucose but only in the initial stage of fermentation. The
gradually decompose the fermenting agent. role of the phosphate esters may be better understood by the
The discovery of a cell-free fermenting agent made pos- following experiment: When yeast juice is mixed with
sible a deeper insight both into the nature of the enzymes glucoqe, a certain time elapses before fermentation begins.
and the chemical processes underlying fermentation. On This is called the induction time. This induction time is
working with living yeast cells, all chemical processes take abolished when, besides glucose. a small amount of hexose
place &hin the celi. Sugar diffuses into the cell across phosphate ester'is added: I n this case fermentation starts
the cell wall; the end products of fermentation diffuse out of the immediately. Thus it appears that the phosphate esters are
cell into the medium, and no insight can be gained into the not only intermediate products, but that some interaction be-
series of intracellular chemical processes which finally lead to tween the free sugar and the phosphate ester takes place. The
the end products. This is different when the fermentation is monophosphate seems to be the more important, or better, the
brought about by cell-free extracts. Here i t is possible to more active one, and the accumulation of diphosphate during
discover stages of the chemical processes intermediate be- fermentation seems to be something like a retarding reaction.
tween sugar and alcohol. On describing these various inter- Probably the diphosphate is a reserve from which the more
mediate steps, it is advisable to follow their natural order and active monophosphate is to be rebuilt during t h e further
not the order in which they have been discovered. It is stages of fermentation. This problem, however, is not yet
characteristic of the advancement of knowledge that the de- definitely settled.
scription of the processes now can be made according to their
natural order instead of a historical one. Breakdown of the 6-Carbon Chain
Combination of Sugar and Phosphoric Acid The next step is the breakdown of the 6-carbon chain of
glucose or the hexose phosphate esters into two molecules,
The first chemical process is, astonishingly, a synthetic one each containing a 3-carbon chain. This type of splitting had
and not a breakdown. I t consists in the combination of sugar been surmised for a long time, but only recently has experi-
with phosphoric acid to form various hexose phosphate esters. mental evidence been given to support it. The scheme for the
S o fermentation takes place in the absence of phosphates. appearance and further fermentation of these 3-carbon phos-
Harden and Young (9) discovered that during the firbt stage phoric esters was the last achievement of Embden (4) be-
of fermentation the inorganic phosphate is diminished and fore his premature death, and was not only confirmed but
organic phosphate compounds are formed. They have been also supplemented in a rather surprising way by Meyerhof
recognized by Harden and Young (7) as phosphate esters of and Lohmann (18). As matters stand according to present
hexoses. A series of such phosphate esters has been dis- developments this splitting process is as follows: Hexose
covered. The first one described by Harden and Young (IO) diphosphate is split by an enzyme to give two molecules of
is a hexose diphosphate which, according to our prebent a triose monophosphate. There are two trioses, dioxyace-
knowledge, is combined with one phosphoric acid molecule tone and glycerol aldehyde-the one a ketose, the other a n
a t carbon atom 1, and another a t 6. The hexose of this eater aldose. Meyerhof and Lohmann stated that the triose phos-
appears to be fructose even when the sugar from which it phate developed to be the ester of dioxyacetone. The split-
generated is pure glucose. Furthermore, hexose mono- ting of the hexose into the two trioses does not go on to com-
phosphate esters have been isolated. I n the first place, pletion but leads to a n equilibrium. Hexose diphosphate is
there is the so-called Robison ester (8), which contains only split by this enzyme to a certain extent. On the other hand,
one phosphoric acid molecule a t carbon atom 6. This prepa- triose esters are synthesized by the same enzyme to form hex-
ration appears to be a mixture of a glucose ester and a fruc- ose diphosphate. The equilibrium reached is the same,
tose ester. There is, besides, a trehalose monophosphate whether we start from the one side or the other. The equi-
(24). Another hexose monophosphate ester, the Neuberg librium is brought about in less than a minute. The situa-
ester (ZO), has been prepared also by partially hydrolyzing tion of this equilibrium depends largely on temperature.
Harden's diphosphate ester. This ester seems to be identical Surprisingly, t h e synthesis is favored by increasing the tem-
with the fructose part of Robison's ester. We have not yet perature.
reached a complete insight into the possible varieties of these Before proceeding farther, we may hint a t a weak point in
esters. It is difficult to obtain them in crystallized form. our present knowledge. This breakdown of the 6-carbon
Two hexose monophosphate esters have also been synthesized chain has been demonstrated as yet only for hexose diphos-
by Levene and Raymond (12); one is probably identical with phate, not for monophosphate. As stated above, the hexose
Robison's but has not yet been crystallized. Recently War- monophosphate is more likely to be a faster reacting inter-
burg (27) succeeded in obtaining the Robison ester in the mediate product than the diphosphate. Perhaps the dis-
form of its calcium salt in a microcrystalline form. I n the crepancy may be solved by a future discovery which would

not be quite unexpected-namely, that a comparable split- maceration juice. On working with living yeast, the ap-
ting process is also possible for hexose monophosphate. pearance of the phosphate esters and most of the other in-
termediate products escapes detection because everything
Dismutations occurs inside the cell. Hexose phosphates, added to living
yeast, are not fermented, or, at best, are very sluggishly
The dioxyacetone phosphate formed from hexose diphos- fermented. These esters cannot penetrate the cell wall and
phate immediately undergoes further changes. If we as- are not accessible to the enzymes within the cell. But even
sume that dioxyacetone phosphate is in equilibrium with its on working with the cell-free extract, obtaining the interme-
isomer, glycerol aldehyde phosphate, we may expect that a diate products is not an easy matter. The hexose phos-
reaction common to aldehydes occurs; that is, two molecules phates can be prepared by interrupting the fermentation
react upon each other in such a way that one is reduced by the a t a suitable stage. The system is fixed with trichloroacetic
other which, in turn, is oxidized. Such a process is called a acid, and the filtrate is treated with lead acetate; from this
Cannizzaro reaction or a dismutation, and other examples precipitate the phosphate esters can be isolated by compli-
will be encountered later on in the further stages I-If fermenta- cated processes in the form of their barium or calcium salts.
tion. This prqcess converts two molecules of dioxyacetone Certain poisons were especially useful to obtain the other
phosphate into one molecule of glycerophosphoric acid and intermediate products. Sodium fluoride has a specific in-
one molecule of what is called phosphoglyceric acid. hibiting action on the enzyme which splits phosphoglyceric
Phosphoglyceric acid undergoes a remarkable further en- acid. When a triose phosphoric acid ib added to the enzyme
zymatic alteration discovered by Embden. Free phosphoric containing also sodium fluoride, the dismutation into glyc-
acid is split out, not hydrolytically by adding a molecule of erophosphoric acid and phosphoglyceric acid takes place,
water in the way an ester is usually split by water, but in such but further processes are inhibited. In this way Meyerhof
a way that the hydrogen atom which is necessary to supple- succeeded in accumulating these two otherwise transitory
ment the phosphoric acid residue to phosphoric acid is with- substances. Addition of sodium sulfite prevents the acetal-
drawn from the organic part of the molecule. What is left dehyde from further chemical alteration as stated above and
is then pyruvic acid. Quite recently, Lohmann and hIeyer- so permits its detection. Pyruvic acid cannot be obtained
hof (16), studying this process in the metabolism of frog in the same way, although pyruvic acid also forms a bisulfite
muscle, discovered that this reaction is not direct but goes compound. Unfortunately this compound is just as easily
through the intermediate state of a phosphate ester of pyru- fermented as pyruvic acid itself, whereas the acetaldehyde-
vic acid. The process is as follows: Phosphoglyceric acid is bisulfite compound is not attacked by yeast. The best evi-
converted by an enzyme to phosphopyruvic acid, and the dence that pyruvic acid is an intermediate product of fer-
latter is hydrolysed in the presence of a coenzyme to pyruvic mentation is given by Seuberg's discovery that pyruvic acid
acid and phosphoric acid. The fate of pyruvic acid ha3 been is fermented by yeast a t least as fast as glycose itself.
known for many years by Neuberg's discovery (22) that, The splitting of the 6-carbon chain into two 3-carbon
because of a sDecial enzvme called carboxvlase., Iilvruvic
" chains has been moved s t r i c t l y e x p e r i m e n t a l l y by
acid is split inio carbon dioxide and acetaldkhyde. Acet- Embden and by *Meyerhof and -Lohmann f o r m u s c Ik
aldehyde as an intermediate product of fermentation had extract. From analogy, we transfer this idea also to
been surmised for a long time and has been definitely yeast fermentation. Later on we shall d e m o n s t r a t e
proved by Neuburg (23) to arise during fermentation. the justification of drawing a n a 1o gi e4 f r o m muwle
When fermentation takes plgce in the presence of sodium metabolism to yeast metabolism.
sulfite or calcium sulfite, the aldehyde combines with this
reagent to form the well-known aldehyde bisulfite compound. Enzymes
Because of this reaction, acetaldehyde escapes further al-
terations by yeast and can be recovered quantitatively. All of the chemical processes discusbed to this point are
Under ordinary conditions, without sulfite, acetaldehyde un- caused by enzymes. More than enough enzymes in yeast are
dergoes a further change. We recall now the above-men- known to account for the many chemical reactions discussed.
tioned glycerophosphoric acid which is the other moiety of h'one of these enzymes has been prepared in a pure condition.
the splitting process of the 6-carbon chain. This substance But a great many of them can be separated and isolated from
is oxidized by acetaldehyde to form a phosphate ester of each other in such a may as to ascertain the hypothesis that
glycerol aldehyde, and the acetaldehyde in its turn is reduced we have to deal with a great number of different enzyme-.
to ethyl alcohol. Here we come t o the desired end product It is certain that there are many enzymes each with a special
of fermentation. The other end product, carbon dioxide, has function and not a single enzyme that would exhibit different
been accounted for already; it is generated from the splitting functions under different conditions. There are even more
of pyruvic acid. enzymes than those concerned with the chemical reaction-
We now come to the phosphate ester of glycerol aldehyde. already mentioned. Some of these enzymes are not con-
By another process of dismutation this ester is again converted cerned a t all with fermentation, such as the enzymes capable
into equal parts of glycerophosphoric acid and phospho- of splitting polypeptides. We shall pass over the complicated
glyceric acid. A fresh portion of phosphoglyceric acid is enzyme system involved in respiration. Other enzymes are
thus produced which undergoes the changes already de- linked with fermentation only in a preparatory way. Thus,
scribed. It furnishes a new portion of alcohol and the re- invertase hydrolyzes sucrose, and maltase hydrolyzes maltose
mainder undergoes the cycle described above. Thus the to a simple, fermentable hexose, although it is almost certain
cycle is started over again until all sugar is finally converted that these disaccharides are accessible to fermentation to a
into alcohol and carbon dioxide. certain extent, even without this preparatory hydrolysis.
There is also a phosphatase which is generally able to hy-
Sources of Knowledge of Chemical Processes drolyze phosphate esters, and probably the same enzyme can
also, according to conditions, bring about the synthesis of
The methods by which the present knowledge of the chemi- phosphate ester. Furthermore, there is the enzyme that
cal processes during fermentation has been reached can be splits phosphoglyceric acid into phosphoric acid and pyruvic
only briefly mentioned here. The foundation of all experi- acid, and another enzyme (Neuberg's carboxylase) that splits
mentation is, as stated above, the cell-free press juice or carbon dioxide from pyruvic acid. There is also an enzyme

that converts methylglyoxal into lactic acid, discovered by yeast becomes acid on fermentation. When artificially the
Dakin ( 8 ) and by Neuberg (19). The presence of such an fermentation is forced on an alkaline medium, glycerol and
enzyme conveyed the idea that methylglyoxal is an interne- also acetic acid are formed instead of alcohol and carbon
diate product of fermentation, although lactic acid is not an dioxide, as Seuberg (91) discovered.
end product, or a t least not a conspicuous end product of Other important by-products of fermentation are the fusel
fermentation by yeast. Methylglyoxal was thought of as oils and the higher alcohols, especially isoamyl and d-amyl.
that 3-carbon compound which originates from the breaking The origin of fusel oil has been discovered by Ehrlich (3).
of the hexose in two halves. This idea has a t present been The parent substance is not a carbohydrate but consists of
abandoned, and the process described above adopted in- amino acids, although the presence of a fermentable sugar is
stead. It is hard to imagine that the occurrence of methyl- requisite for the action of yeast on amino acids. The source
glyoxalase is quite fortuitous and of no purpoqe, and it is of these acids is the protein of the fermenting mixture. T h e
possible that some day methylglyoxal will be again given a amino acid is first converted into a keto acid. The latter,
part to play in the drama of fermentation. like pyruvic acid, loses carbon dioxide, and the remaining
Some of these enzymes are in a certain sense simple, since material is an aldehyde. Just as acetaldehyde is reduced to
they need no coenzyme for their action. Among the enzymes ethyl alcohol, these aldehydes are reduced to their correspond-
concerned with the processes proper of fermentation, car- ing alcohols. From isoleucin d-amyl alcohol is formed, and
boxylase may be mentioned. Other enzymes need home from leucin isoamyl alcohol is formed. If the amino
supplementary agent to develop their faculties. Rlethyl- arid happens to be dicarboxylic, such as aspartic acid,
glyoxalase requires the presence of glutathione, as Loh- it is first converted into the keto acid. The latter loses
mann (13)
. , has shown. The enzymes concerned with the only one molecule of carbon dioxide, and the resulting
first stages of fermentation are of a still more complicated
nature. When yeast juice is dialyzed, neither the remaining
aldehyde-carbonic acid is, instead of being reduced to
hydroxy acid, oxidized to a dicarboxylic acid with one car-
juice nor the dialyzate is capable of fermenting. A mixture of bon atom less than the original amino acid. From aspartic
both is again active. Thus the enzyme consists of two constitu- acid succinic acid is developed, which has been known for a
ents, one of a more colloidal nature, not dialyzable, the other long time to be one of the minor end products of alcoholic
of obviously smaller molecular weight and easily diffusible. fermentation. Other amino acids furnish in the same way a
They are distinguished as zymase and cozymase. Zymase is part of those substances responsible for the various flavors of
very sensitive to heat, whereas cozymase is rather resistant to fermented beverages.
heat, almost up to the boiling point. I t has been further shown The mechanism by which a carbohydrate breaks down by
by Lohmann (14) that, besides these two constituents of the the metabolism of yeast appears a t first glance to be very
enzyme system, a small amount of a magnesium salt is indis- different from the may a carbohydrate is utilized by the cell\
pensable. S o t much purification of the zymase has been of higher living organisms. Here the end products of the
attained as yet. The cozymase has been prepared by Euler normal aerobic metabolism are carbon dioxide and water.
(6)in a much purer state, but not yet nearly pure enough to Under anaerobic conditions however, the main end product i5
be designated a definable chemical compound. Carboxylase lactic acid. This production of lactic acid is comparable to
can easily be separated from most of the other enzymes. An- that of alcohol by yeast and is often also referred to as fermen-
other auxiliary substance has been found by Euler (6)which tation, in distinction to respiration which takes place in the
he called the a-factor. It is very heat-resistant (much more presence of oxygen. The eqergy evolved from the respira-
than cozymasej and increases considerably the ferment’ation tion of one gram of sugar is about twenty times the energy
with living yeast cells, but it has no effect on the fermentation evolved by fermentation. Here two important problems
with yeast juice. 4 great number of other substances of a ariqe: I n which way is the lactic acid production by higher
more or less enzymatic nature can find no place in this paper cells correlated with the alcohol production by yeast; and
because they are not involved in the fermentation of carbo- what explanation can be given for the difference of metabo-
hydrates-namely, the vitamins of yeast. lism in the presence and in the absence of oxygen in higher
cells, and is there such a difference also in the metabolism of
Origin of Secondary End Products yeast?

Returning to the chemical processes in fermentation, we Correlation of Lactic Acid and Alcohol
have accounted for what may be called the normal end prod-
ucts of fermentation-ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide. The As regards the correlation between lactic acid and alcohol,
origin of the other end products, which may occur sometimes it bas been shown that relatively slight changes of the enzyme
only in small amounts, sometimes to such an extent as to ex- system are able to bring about this difference in the end prod-
ceed the normal end products in quantity, will now be dis- uct. On the whole, the intermediate products of fermenta-
cussed. tion in higher organisms and yeast are rather similar. In
Glycerol in small quantities is usually found among the end either case, sugar is subjected to phosphorylation. The two
products of fermentation. The normally developed small cases are not comparable in all details, however. I n the
amount of glycerol is probably formed from phosphoglyceric metabolism of muscle there is a chain of phosphorylations in
acid, which in part escapes the cyclic process described above which not only carbohydrates but also creatinine and ade-
and is hydrolyzed instead by an enzyme called phosphatase nylic acid are involved. Otherwise, the similarity is striking
into glycerol and phosphoric acid. Under special conditions, (17) until we arrive a t the stage where pyruvic acid is formed.
however, the course of fermentation can be artificially modi- We have seen how this acid leads to formation of alcohol in
fied in such a may as to furnish glycerol as a main product of yeast, mainly because of the action of carboxylase, which
fermentation. When fermentation occurs in the presence of splits out carbon dioxide from pyruvic acid. I n higher or-
sodium sulfite, acetaldehyde is thrown out of the reaction and ganisms this process does not take place, but pyruvic acid i;
can no longer be reduced to alcohol. Instead, other com- transformed into lactic acid by a simple reduction. In the
pounds are reduced. The trioses, when subjected to this re- presence of oxygen, according to Neyerhof’s discovery, only
duction which normally takes place with acetaldehyde, will about one-fifth of the lactic acid is oxidized to carbon dioxide
give glycerol even in the absence of sodium sulfite when the plus water, and the remainder is resynthesized to form a car-
fermentation takes place in a n alkaline medium. Sormally bohydrate, glycogen, which now can serve as a further sub-
d r a t e for fermentation and respiration. The energy evolved Thus it i i obvious that the ~netabolibinof yeaht ia intere.t-
hy the combustion of that small fraction of lactic iicid is suffi- ing on it. own account, either from the purely scientific or
cient not only for the energy required for the life of the cell from the industrial point of view. It is no exaggeration to
but also for t'he resynthesis of the remainder of lactic acid to assert that any progre+ in the knowledge of yea\t fernienta-
glycogen. The problem arises as to whether a comparable tion immediately brings about an advancement in the under-
change of metabolisni according to the presence or absence of itanding of the metaboliTm of all other living organi5nii, and
oxygen occurs also in yeast. Such a problem has heen clearly \?ice versa.
stated already by Pasteur. He advanced the idea that fer-
inentation is & saris air; that is, the energy evolved in the Some Compounds Involved in Fermentation
absence of air by fermentation is the .source of energy for the
cell in the same way that the energy evolved from respira-
tion is the source of energy for respiring cell..
Effect of Air on Fermentation
This ingenious idea led Pasteur to the postulate that a cell CHiOH CHOH CHO GI>cerolaldehyde
CHzOH CO CH20H Dioxyatetone
capable of fermenting sugar should do so only in the absence CHzOH CHOH COOH a-Glycerlc acid
of air and that the same cell in the presence of air should burn
up the carbohydrate to carbon dioxide and water. However,
he did not succeed in proving this postulate satisfactorily by
experiment. Yeast ferments sugar both in the absence and in
the presence of oxygen. But in the presence of oxygen, be- 1 2 3 4 5 6
sides fermentation there is also combustion t o carbon dioxide CHOH CHOH CHOH CHOH CH CHiOH Aldose (glucose)
L- 0 _1
and water-in other words, respiration. When this respira- 1 2 5
3 6 4
tion takes place, the extent of the fermentation is somewhat CHzOH CH CHOH CHOH CHOH CHIOH Ketose ( h i tose)
diminished. This is a certain approach to his postulate, but L
- 02
1 2 3 4 5 6
it does not justify t'he claim that in the presence of oxygen CHOH CHOH CHOH CH CHOH CH O(POaH9) Hexoee monophos-
-~ 0 phoric acid
respiration entirely replace,? the fermentation which occurs CH>O(POBHI)
CH CHOH CHOH COH CH?O(PO?Hg) Hexose diphos-
without oxygen. -- 0-- phorrc acid
The experimental test for the soundness of Pasteur's idea
was demonstrated niuch later by lleyerhof (16). Instead of C H: hTPak?I
I 1
working with cultivated strains of yeast, such as are used in CHO'_H_- - __ I +
manufacturing beer or mine, he studied naturally occurring JOOH
wild yeast varieties and found the variety Torula utilis

Phosphoglycerir acid
especially suitable. This variety complies with Pasteur's
hypothesis. It ferments in the absence of oxygen, hut fails CH2 CH3
to ferment a1moi;t entirely in the presence of oxygen and re- O
<!!( or CO
+ HsPOi
.spires instead. =llso this behavior is quit'e analogous to what
happens in inost higher organisms; they produce lactic acid
(enolic form) (ketonic form)
in the absence of oxygen but none or very little lactic acid in Pyruvic acid
the presence of oxygen, in which case they respire instead.
This phenomenon that an anaerobic fermentation is quantit'a- Literature Cited
tively shifted to respiration by the presence of oxygen has
Buchner, E., Ber., 30,117, 1110 (1897).
been termed by Warburg ( 2 5 , 26) the Pasteur-Meyerhof re- Dakin, H . D . , and Dudley, H. \T., J . B i d . Chern., 14, 155, 423;
action to show that t'he occurrence of this phenomenon was 15, 127 (1913).
predicted by Pasteur and experimentally confirmed by Meyer- Ehrlich, F., Jahr. I'ersuchs- I A m n s t a l t BraiLerie Berlin, 10,515
hof. This Pasteur-lleyerhof reaction is not necessarily corn- (1907); Ehrlich, F., and Jarohsen, K. A,, Ber.. 44,888 (1911);
Ehrlich, F., and Piotschimuka, P., Ibid.,45,1006 (1912).
plete in all types of cells. Sometimes the various enzyme Embden, G. H . , Deuticke, J., and Graff, G., Klin. Woehschr., 12,
systems of a cell may not be entirely adapted to the purpose 213 (1933).
of shifting anaerobic fermentation quantitatively to aerobic Euler, H . von, and Myrbkck, K., 2. physiol. Chem., 131, 179
respiration. This may be thought of as a kind of insuffi- (1923); 133,260; 136,107; 139,15, 287 (1924).
Ihid., 141,297 (1924).
ciency of the chemical structure or coordination of the organ- Harden, A., ".llcoholic Fermentation," hlonographs in Bio-
ism. I n such a case a smaller or greater percentage of the chemistry, 4th ed., London, 1932.
fermentation may persist even during the aerobic respiration. Harden, d., and Robison, R., Proc. C'hern. Soc., 30,10 (1914).
The industrially used cultivated yeasts show this phenomenon Harden, -1.. and Young, W.,J., Ihid., 21,189 (1905).
Harden, A,, and Young, IT. ,J., Proc. Rou. Soc. ( L o ~ ~ d o i i ) ,
to a particularly high extent. They are cultivated for t,he B80,299 (1908).
purpose of fermentation and possess this faculty in so high a Lebedew, A. Ton, Conapt. rend., 152,49, 1129 (1911).
degree that aerobic respiration cannot cope with the enormous Lerene, P. A., and Raymond, A. L., J . B i d . Chert&.,89, 479
amount of fermentation products. Thus Pasteur happened (1930); 92,765 (1931).
to meet in his cultivated yeast a somewhat unnatural, do- Lohmann, K.,Biochem.Z.,254,332 (193%).
Lohmann, K., Saturwi'ssei~schaften,19,180 (1931).
mesticated organism. Later, Warburg (25) demonstrated Lohmann, K., and Meyerhof, O., Biochem. Z., 272,60 (1934).
that certain tissues in higher animals also show what we may Meyerhof, O., Ihid., 162,43 (1925) ; .\'uturwissensc/iuften, 13,
call an incomplete Pasteur reaction. They produce lactic 980 (1925).
acid even when respiring in oxygen, although to a smaller Meyerhof, O., "Die cheniischcn Vorginge in1 Muskel," Berlin,
extent than in absence of oxygen. He showed this to be Meyerhof, O., and Kiessling, H., Biochem. Z., 264,40; 267,318
true especially for embryonic cells and, what is most, interest- (1933).
ing, for the cells of malignant tumors. These cells, like do- Neuberg, C., Ibid., 49,6 0 2 ; 51,484 (1913).
mesticated yeast, cause such a high fermentation that res- Ibid., 88,432 (1818).
Neuberg, C., and F i r b e r , E., Biochem. Z., 78,238 (1917); Neu-
piration is incapable of burning u p all the products of fer- berg, C., and Hirsch, J., Ibid., 98,141 (1919).
mentation. Neuberg, O., and Hildesheimer, A , , I h i d . , 31,170 (1911).

(23) Neuberg, O., and Reinfurth, E., Ibid., 89,365 (1918)

I (26) Warburg, O., “Uber die katalytischen Wirkungen der leben-
(24) Robison, R., and Morgan, W. T. J., B i o c h a . J., 22, 1277 digen Substanz,” Berlin, 1928.
(1928). (27) Warburg, O., and Christian, W., Biochem. Z.,254, 438 (1932).
(25) Warburg, O., “Uber den Stoffwechsel der Tumoren,” Berlin,
April 27, 1935.

Application of Oxidation-Reduction
Potential to Brewing Control
The theory of the oxidation-reduction generally expressed by the symbol, rH (the
systems and their potentials has recently negative logarithm of the pressure of the re-
been applied to brewing control work and ducing hydrogen present in the solution).
the preliminary results appear to justify a The oxidizing power of a solution is the
. more intense study. greater the higher its potential, and the re-
Certain factors influencing the flavor and ducing power is greater the lower its poten-
keeping quality of beer, which have been tial. An electrometric and a colorimetric
little understood, may thereby find an ex- method are available for the determination
planation. Outstanding are the influence of rH, providing means for a methodical
of aeration during the various stages of the study of the oxidation factor wherever it
brewing process, the propagation of micro- occurs during the entire brewing process.
organisms, and the effect of oxidizing and Its application is described in the study of
reducing reactions on beer flavor. aeration, of the so-called light-taste, and of
The oxidation-reduction potential is yeast turbidities.

URING the past F. P. SIEBEL, JR., ARD E. SINGRUENJ’ French wineries recognize the effect
five decades the Siebel Institute of Technology, of the oxygen in the air on the wine
brewing industry aroma and are now investigating the
has more and more turned to science Chicago, Ill. oxidation-reduction potential as a
for assistance in the solution of its possible means of controlling aera-
practical problems. The advancements in physical, colloidal, tion. It also finds application in sewage treatment and in the
and biochemistry, in particular, have contributed a great study of the biological condition of soils.
deal to the better understanding of purely empirical experi- De Clerck in France ( 1 ) and iMendlik in Holland (2) were
ence and rule-of-thumb methods. I n many cases brewing the first to study the merits of the oxidation-reduction poten-
scientists have traced the causes of frequent disturbances tial for brewing control work. Although their investigations
and, based on this knowledge, have been successful in devising are still in the experimental stage, the preliminary results a p
means to remedy faulty conditions and eliminate them for the pear to be deserving of attention.
The application of the theory of hydrogen-ion concentra- Theory of Oxidation-Reduction Systems
tion to malting and brewing has become a well-known, com- Under oxidation, originally all those reactions were classi-
paratively simple, and effective method for controlling proc- fied in which oxygen combined with another substance to
essing methods. Sumerous other problems of physico- form a new compound. I n the meantime, however, a better
chemical character, however, have remained unsolved. It understanding of intermolecular arrangement has taught us
is only during the past year that European brewing scientists that atoms consist of an inner, positively charged nucleus
have put another modern theory-that of the oxidation-re- (protons) around which particles with negative charges
duction systems-to work, to study into some of the hereto- (electrons) revolve. Atoms which lose a n electron in the
fore least understood factors influencing the flavor and the course of a chemical reaction gain a positive charge.
keeping quality of the beer. These include all oxidation and For instance, an increase in valence constitutes a gain of a
reduction reactions which take place during beer production. positive charge-in other words, an oxidation. Since no
Outstanding in this respect are the influence of aeration, the electron can exist by itself, it will be bound by another sub-
propagation of microorganisms, and the effect of oxidation stance which is thereby reduced. It is evident, therefore,
and reduction on the beer flavor. that neither oxidation nor reduction can take place alone but
Other industries are already making practical use of the oxi- that both reactions always are concurrent and consist in the
dation-reduction potential. I n the dairy industry the de- transfer of electrons from the oxidized to the reduced sub-
gree and, to a certain extent, the nature of milk infections are stance, If we consider the gain of a positive electric charge
determined by means of suitable oxidation-reduction indica- as oxidation, although no oxygen may be involved at all in the
tors; it is also claimed that the suitability of milk for certain reaction, and the gain of a negative electric charge as reduc-
types of cheese can be predicted by this method. tion, the modern definition of oxidation would be “loss of
1 Present address, 542 Arlington Place, Chicago, Ill. electrons.”

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