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Braidwood Central School


Course: Faculty: Task number:

HSC English Studies English 1

Student’s Name: ______________________________ Sign the task registration sheet to indicate that you have received this notification.

Teacher’s Name: Mrs Elisa James

Task Value: 30 marks Task weighting as indicated in assessment booklet: 30%

Module: Texts and Human Experiences Assessment Task Title: Multimedia task

Task Length: Power point presentation (including two texts, visuals and speech) Date Due: Term 1 (week TBA)

Task Outline
Students use power point to compare the representation of the different human experiences between children and adults

through examining the features and communication of ideas in two texts.

Use the marking criteria to guide you in your preparation and presentation.
Outcomes Task Outline: Marking Criteria:

ES12-2 identifies, Students compose a power point, exploring two different texts and You will be marked on
uses and assesses respond to the following question, using the three steps below: your ability to:
strategies to How do composers represent the different human experiences?
comprehend  Identify and
increasingly STEP ONE: explain
complex and Students select ONE scene from the film “Billy Elliot” that represents a human connections
sustained written, experience from the perspective of an adult OR a child. between
spoken, visual, Students use power point software to screen capture this scene and, using composers’ choices
multimodal and visual/labelling or ‘speech recording’ features from power point, they then and
digital texts that explain HOW THE FILM TECHNIQUES REPRESENT THIS (childlike or adult) representations of
have been HUMAN EXPERIENCE FOR THE AUDIENCE. human experiences
composed for  Use power point
different purposes STEP TWO: technologies to
and contexts Students select ONE related text that represents the opposite human experience present and
to their previously selected scene from “Billy Elliot” – an adult or a child human structure ideas in
ES12-6 uses experience. order to
appropriate This related text can be of the students own choosing and could be something communicate a
strategies to like a picture book or a newspaper article. clear response
compose texts for e.g. Picture Book: “Erika’s Story” by Ruth Vander Zee or “Piggy book” by  Reflect upon
different modes, Anthony Browne different
media, audiences, e.g. Newspaper article: composers’ choices
contexts and “Why Men Should Care about Gender Stereotypes” Alex Gibson and consider why
purposes they’re appropriate
“Is that the best we can do on fatherhood?” The Guardian
understands and a-good-dad-is-this-the-best-we-can-do-on-fatherhood
explains the Students use power point software to screen shot and annotate (label
relationships techniques) their related text, and then using visual, written and/or speech
between texts recording features in power point they explain HOW THE COMPOSERS CHOICES

Reflect (verbally or in writing) on the differences between the two texts and
consider why the creators of texts represent the human experiences of adults
and children differently
Marking guidelines

A student: Mark range

 Identifies and explains substantial connections between 25–30
composers’ choices and representations of a specific human
experiences in each text
 Uses power point technologies skilfully to present and
structure ideas in order to communicate a clear response
 Reflects upon different composers’ choices and thoughtfully
considers why they’re appropriate
 Identifies and explains some connections between 19–24
composers’ choices and representations of specific human
experiences in each text
 Uses power point technologies to present and structure
ideas in order to communicate an adequate response
 Reflects upon different composers’ choices and considers
some specific reasons as to why they’re appropriate
 Identifies and describes some connections between 13–18
composers’ choices and representations of specific human
experiences in each text, with some minor inconsistencies.
 Uses power point technologies to present ideas in order to
communicate a basic response
 Reflects upon different composers’ choices and considers
some broad reasons for their choices
 Identifies and describes the composers’ choices and general 7–12
human experiences in at least one text
 Uses power point technologies demonstrating an attempt to
 Communicates basic reflection on composers choices
and/or representation
 Identifies techniques or ideas in a text. 1–6
 Variably organises ideas into a minimal response.
 Communicates little to no reflection on choice and/or


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