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Multiple Choice Questions D.

Decreased serum renin

FK UPH 2014
Wednesday, 23 Mar. 16 08.30 – 11.00 7. 42 years old male, came with history of gout-arthritis.
He complains colicky right back pain. Lab result
1. Man, 27 years old, datang dgn keluhan severe sepsis show high ureum and creatinine. Plain abdominal
krn community acquired pneumonia di ICU. Urine X-ray were normal. What is your diagnosis?
output turun 50 cc per day. Causes of decrease
A. Prerenal azotemia
urine is ...
B. Renal azotemia
A. Hypoxia
C. Postrenal azotemia
B. Renal vasoconstriction
D. Acute on Chronic Kidney Disease Prerenal
C. Systemic vasodilate
E. Acute on Chronic Kidney Disease Postrenal
D. Immune complex
E. Ga tau hehehe
8. A 57 years old female came to the clinic. She had an
uncontrolled diabetes since 5 years ago, she took
2. 34 years old man came with laboratory result. The glimepiride 2 mg. She had a history of myocardial
result was unremarkable only high blood infarction. Blood test result showed ureum 85.
pressure. Proteinuria +2, hematuria with cast. 24 Creatinine 2,1, contrast protein +3. What is the
h urine / 2g. USG abdomen was normal. What is
causal of her diagnosis?
the diagnosis?
A. Hyperglycemia
A. Nephrotic syndrome
B. Contrast agent
B. Isolated proteinuria
C. Hypertension
C. Nephritic syndrome D. Cardiorenal syndrome
D. Hematuria unclassified
E. Antidiabetic drug
E. Proteinuria
9. Ibu 45 th, diabetus melitus selama 17 th and passing
3. 56 y.o. woman, serum creatinine 1,8 mg/dL. 3 year kidney stones. Sejak itu dia minum obat anti
controlled DM type 2. Last month she underwent diabetic rutin. Lalu dia ada diare 10x/day and
an annual check up, at the time there is no sign of profuse vomitting. Creatinine 2.5, ureum 156. Usg
proteinuria and her creatinine 0,8. for 2 weeks
results, early ckd. Apa yang nyebabin ureum dia
she takes cox2-inhibitor to release her knee pain.
What is the pathophysiology for her condition?
A. Hypertension
A. Glomerulosclerosis
B. Acute Tubular Necrosis B. Urolithiasis
C. Long standing diabetes
C. interstitial nephritis
D. (lupa)
D. Glomerulonephritis
E. thickening GBM
10. Women 34 y.o. came with dysuria, pain on
suprapubic region, nitrite + on urinalysis. What
4. Pasien dengan edema, hematuria, proteinuria.
further tests to confirm diagnosis?
A. nidus formation
A. IgA Nephropathy
B. Complex immune deposition B. bacteria + on urinalysis
C. Nephrosclerosis C. erythrocyte >20
D. Podocyte detachment D. leucocyte >10
E. urine culture bacteria >10
5. Screening dari renal osteodystrophy pakai pemeriksaan
serum apa? 11. A 32 year old man come w/ severe uncontrolled
A. Hormon PTH hypertension. The doctor said he might be got
B. (lainnya lupa) stenosis in the kidney vessel. What is that?
A. A. Renal Arteriole Afferent
6. 60 years old man with long history of smoking, B. A. Peritubular
myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke. Recently C. A. Renal arteriole efferent
had worsen hypertension, with blood pressure
D. V. Renalis
200/110. Diagnosed with renal artery stenosis.
E. V. Peritubular
What is more likely to be present?
A. Increased serum potassium
12. Man comes to hospital with left colicky pain di
B. Decreased serum bicarbonate flank. Usg : left kidney membesar, no acoustic
C. Increased serum aldosterone shadow di renal or ureter, right kidney normal.
Possible obstruction? osmo receptor
A. Pelvic renalis D. Increase serum sodium decreases
B. Ureter extracellular volume and intracellular
C. Vesicoureteric junction volume in hypothalamic osmo receptor
D. Vesica urinaria E. Increase serum sodium increases
E. Urethra extracellular volume and decreases
intracellular volume in hypothalamic
13. A 30 y.o sexually active man came to doctor with osmo receptor
complain no sperm come out when he was 17. 54 year old woman with diabetic nephropathy
ejaculating. The doctor said that there might be comes to office because she has vomitting,
obstruction in his genitalia but he said no problen fatigue and metalic taste in the mouth for the past
when he got urination. Where is the possible two weeks. Respi 32x/min. PF shows urine like
place of the obstruction? odor of the breath and 2+ pitting edema. MDRD is
A. Right ureter 14 ml/min/1.73 m2. Additional studies are most
B. Left ureter likely to show ?
C. Vas deferens A. Hypokalemia
D. Urethra pars prostatica B. Hypocalcemia
E. Urethra pars membranosa C. Metabolic alkalosis
D. Metabolic acidosis
14. Young woman, suffer head injury but recovered, E. Respiratory acidosis
get thristy all the time and increase urine output,
total urine examination 5L. No diabetes, gula 18. Female 24 years old came with fatigue since 2
darah normal. What malfunction? months. Diagnosed with CKD. Lipid profile
A. Insertion of Aquaporin 1 in distal convoluted normal. Elevated creatinine and ureum. No sign
tubule of UTI. What is the most common cast to be
B. Secondary active transport of kalium in found during urinalysis?
collecting tubule A. Hyaline cast
C. Insertion of Aquaporin 2 in collecting tubule B. Waxy cast
D. V1 receptor in collecting tubule C. RBC cast
E. Primary active secretion of kalium in collecting D. leukocyte cast
tubule E. Oval fat bodies

15. Man 60 y.o. edema di kedua kaki. Kemudian 19. 34 year old male victim of earthquake came to ER
dikasih diuretic. Sehari setelah dikasih diuretic, suffering from compartment syndrome. Lab
edema nya membaik. Dimana tempat terjadinya results: Ureum 120, creatinine 6.7, sodium 132,
mekanisme obat tsb? potassium 7.2, chlorine, 112. Was given insulin +
dextrose bolus 40% and potassium decreased to
7.0. Management plan?
B. Thick descending loop of henle
A. Give extra insulin
C. Collecting tubule
B. extra fluid
D. Thick ascending loop of henle
C. hemodialysis
D. furosemide
16. A man 24 year old man swam at the seashore.
21.A 65 years old male came with gross hematuria. From
He drank a little sea water. After sometime, he felt
physical examination revealed mass in
thirsty and decreasing his urine volume. What is
left abdomen with + ballotement. The urinalysis showed
the pathophysiology of the thirst?
full hematuria & several RBC cast. What do you advice to
A. Increase serum sodium increases
extracellular volume and intracellular perform?
volume in hypothalamic osmo receptor A. Repeated urinalysis
B. Renal Ultrasoud
C. Abdomen CT scan
B. Increase serum sodium in extracellular
volume and intracellular volume D. Ct Urography
E. Uroflowmetry
decreases extracellular volume and
intracellular volume in hypothalamic
22. 25 y.o woman penderita SLE dateng ke UGD
osmo receptor karena short of breath sejak 4 hari yg lalu. Di
C. Increase serum sodium decreases physical examination dia BP 160/100, ada rales di
extracellular volume and increases basal lung dan leg edem. Waktu di cek di lab Ht
intracellular volume in hypothalamic
turun, Hb turun, bicarbonate turun, urea naik, 29. 33 tahun cowo datang dengan purulent urethral
creatinine naik. Management buat anemia? discharge dan dysuria sejak 3 hari lalu, punya
A. Watchful waitinh history unprotected sexual intercourse with
B. Iron supplement different partners, hasil dri gram stain of urethral
C. Erythropoietin supplement swab: gram negative diplococci, what is the most
D. Folate supplement appropriate management: (Maaf gue ga mampu
E. PRC menghafalkan dosis)
A. Cipro IV + ofloxacin PO
23. Female 22 tahun, mengalamai frequency and B. Penicillin + doksosiklin
urgency selama 2 hari. Pada urinalisis di temukan C. Ampicilin + doksosiklin
leukosit 12-20 dan eritrosit 0-2. Nitrit + leukosit D. Ceftriaxone + azithromycin
esterase +. Apa yg mau di lakukan : E. Cotrimoxazole BID 10 hari (500 mg)
A. Biopsy
B. CT scan 30. 8 years old girl with generalized edema since 1
C. USG week ago. Physical Examination shows palpebral
D. Give (obat lupa) edema, shifting dullness +, pretibial edema in
E. Mid stream urinalysis lagi both legs. Lab shows Albumin decrease.
Urinalysis : Protein +4, with oval fat body cast.
24. 45 years old woman come with LUTS especially What is the most likely pathological diagnosis?
frequency. She has already had this symptom A. Minimal Change Disease
several times in the 3 months. Urinalysis reveals B. Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis
leukocytes 8-10, erythrocytes 2-4, positive C. Membranous Glomerulonephritis
leukocyte esterase. What is the underlying D. Membranoproliferative
A. Stone obstruction 31. Berat badan 50 kg. Proteinuria hilang 10 mg.
B. Abnormal contraction of bladder. Berapa Protein Intake ?
C. Renal infection. A. 30 mg
D. Short Urethra. B. 40 mg
E. Gastrointestinal parasitic infection. C. 50 mg
D. 60 mg
25. 27yo pregnant woman suprapubic pain, dysuria, 32. Pria berusia 47 tahun dengan riwayat hipertensi
nitrite+, leukosit +, leukosit esterase +. What drug datang dngan keluhan ..... ( sorry zev lupa ) Yg
recommended? menyebabkan hipertensinya itu apa ?
A. Azythromycin A. Primary hypertension
B. Ciprofloxaxin B. CKD
C. Cefixime C. Hyperaldosterone
D. Amoxicillin D. DM
E. Clindamycin 33. 57 years old male presents with fatigue, vomitting,
BP 140/70 mmHg, Hb 8.4, Leukocyte 7000,
26. A 32 Years old came to the clinic with pain when Platelet 324000, MCV 84, MHC 28, Urea 3.4,
ejaculating and slight fever. Rectal touche is Ureum 57. The common findings?
performed, bilateral prostate tenderness is found. A. Decrease EPO
Urinalysis show leukocyte 10-12, Erithrocyte 0-2, B. Decrease Folic
positive nitrit. What is the diagnosis? C. Decrease Vitamin B12
A. Urethritis D. Decrease RBC
B. Orchitis 34. Male 57 year old uncontrolled HT dan DM, udh
C. Prostatitis ganti life stlye cuma gagal, obat apa yg disaranin?
D. Epidimitis
E. Vesiculitis A. ARB
27. 28 woman fishy odour flour albus positif
C. Beta Blocker
erythrocyte and leukocyte,symptoms is caused
D. Adrenergic receptor blocker
E. Diuretik
A. n.gonnorhae
35. 57 years old female has history hypertension.
B. chlamydia trachomatis
Keluhan edema, pucat, BP 200/100 mmHg,
C. s.aureus
ureum 178, creatinine 7.8, Kalium 3.7.
D. g.vaginalis Pathophysiology dari hipertensi adalah?
E. p.mirabilis
A. Renal artery stenosis D. Renal tubular system
B. VE E. Collecting duct
C. Hyperaldosterone
D. Hypoxia 41. A 35-years-old man complain about left flank pain
E. Hypertiroid repeated since 1 week. Urine cloudy. Blood
normal. erytrocyte 20-24, leucocyte 10-15,
36. 5 years old boy comes to ER because having no positive nitrit and leukosit esterase. Positif oxalate
testis at the right scrotum. PE there is hernia crystal. What is the GOLD STANDARD for single
inguinalis. Diagnosis ? radiograph examination?
A. epispadia A. Ultrasound
B. hypospadia B. MRI
C. phimosis C. IVP
D. chriptorchidism D. Abdominal CT Scan
E. orchitis E. Abdominal X-Ray

37. A 60 year old male experiences the onzet of 42. 67 years old man came with difficult to start
headache, naussea ,vomitting fo 1 urination since 2 weeks ago. Cloudy urine,
month.Physical examination reveals hypertention, erythrocytes 20-22, leukocyte normal, no
subfebril. Pyelogram showed the affected kidney proteinuria, RT showed symmetric prostate with
assymmetrically contracted with deformity of the no nodule. What is the pathophysiology of his
calyceal system. Gross of the affected kidney problem?
showed contracted and has irregular granular A. Enlargement of prostate tissue
surface.The parenchyma is atrophic and replace B. Repeated infection
by fibrosis. Microscopic showed glomerular C. Decreased stone formation inhibitor factor
sclerosis, hyalinization and atrophi in cortical D. DNA mutation
area. Another areas showed fibrosis, chronic E. Congenital anomaly
inflammatory cells with limpocytes agregation.
What is the most likely lesions occur in this 43. A 63 years old male came with difficult to urinate
kidney? since 2 days ago. He did not feel anything. He
A. Renal cell carcinoma was sudden could not move his feet after fell
B. Chronic pyelonephritis down from his house rooftop. He also could not
C. Acute nephritis feel sensation from his abdominal to feet. What is
D. Nephrotic syndrome pathophysiology of his problem ?
E. Diabetic nephropathy A. Enlargement of prostate tissue
B. Obstruction urethra by stone
38. A 5-year-old boy child who had a palpable C. Fibroses of urethra
abdominal mass brought to hospital by his mother D. Hyperactivity bladder
. The child later had abdominal distention from E. Neurogenic bladder
bowel obstruction. An USG reveals a 6 cm left
renal mass with necrosis and hemorrhage. 44. 67 year old female cannot control her urination.
Microscopic showed embryonal tissue with Since then she wears diapers. She felt urgent
abortive of tubular and glomerular structures. before urination. Pain during urination. No
What is the diagnosis ot this patient? evidence of cough before. Possible cause:
A. Teratoma A. Stress incontinence
B. Retinoblastoma B. Obstruction urethra
C. Wilms’tumor C. Fibroses of urethra
D. Hanarthoma D. Hyperactive bladder
E. Hemangioma E. Neurogenic bladder

40. A patient came to OPD. Physical examination 45. 45 years old male came with chills since 3 days
shows swelling on his hands, feet, abdomen and ago. he has got fever, right flank pain, and cloudy
face. Urinalysis shows foamy and bubbly urine. urine. complete blood count showed leucocytes
Patient is suspected to have glomerular damage. 25.000 urinalysis showed 20-30 leucocytes, 5-10
Glomerular damage can specifically damage erythrocytes and protein +1. what do you
which of the following structure: recomend to give for him?
A. Renal corpuscle A. oral ciprofloxacin 500mg 2x daily
B. Renal pyramids B. oral cefixime 100mg 2x daily
C. Loop of Henle C. iv ciprofloxacin 400 mg twice daily
D. iv ceftazidime 1 mg 3x daily 51. 70 y.o man with suprapubic tenderness and
E. wait for urine culture burning during urination, admits that for the past 6
months, urinary flow has progressively
46. Pada pemeriksaan urine cytology ditemukan decreased. CVA -, leucocyte esterase and nitrite
Transitional Cell Carcinoma. Jaringan apa yang +. What is the possible risk factor?
paling less common utk terkena TCC? A. Dismobility
A. Renal pelvis B. Pelvic floor weakness
B. Vesica urinaria C. Immune deficiency
C. Kaliks minor renal pelvis D. Impacted vesicoureter junction
D. Proximal ureter
E. Osteum uretra external 52. A 59 years old man is evaluated for worsening
kidney function. He was hospital 24 hours ago
47. Man came with flank pain, USG finding there is an with a diabetic foot ulcer and cellulitis of 4 weeks
acoustic shadow in the left pooled kidney. The duration. He has history of chronic diabetic kidney
disease and hypertension. On Physical
stone is count 2cm what is the next treatment?
examination, BP 160/100 mmHg, other vitalsigns
A. Lifestyle modification are normal. An area of erythema extends about 3
B. ESWL cm around ulcer on the right heel which is tender
C. wait and see and warm. There is pedal edema. Lab shows
D. PCNL leukocytes, decrease complement C3 and C4 and
serum Creatinine 4.1 mg/dl. Urinalysis shows 25
48. A 68 years old male came with difficulty to start n erythrocytes/hpf and 3-5 erythrocytes cas/hpf,
stop urination. From rectal toucher was found and urine albumin creatinine ratio 1500 mg/g.
enlargement of bilateral prostate with no nodule. Which of the following is the most likely cause of
PSA level was 1,2 mg/ml. He has already taken this patient acute kidney injury?
Tamsulosin 1x0,4 mg for 6 months but there was A. Diabetic nephropathy
no improvement. What you advice to him? B. IgA nephropathy
A. Increase dose of drug C. Postinfectionus glomerulonephritis
B. Prostatectomy D. Primary membranous glomerulopathy
C. Transurethral resection of prostate E. Nephrotic Syndrome
D. Chemotherapy
E. Hormon therapy 53. A 24 years old man came with repeated colicky
flank pain right abdomen since 1 month ago.
49. A 50 y.o. woman came to you arthralgia on her Ureum and creatinine were 24 and 0.6 mg/dl.
right wrist and index finger. Shown chronic kidney Ultrasonography showed hydronephrosis dextra.
disease. On X-Ray, there is a calcification of soft What is the next step to manage his problem?
tissue. What is the possible cause? A. IVP
A. Metabolic bone disease B. Urinalysis
B. Arthritis Rheumatoid C. Magnetic resonance angiograph
C. Gout arthritis D. Nephrostomy
D. Pseudo-gout arthritis E. Watch and wait
E. Atherosclerosis
54. A 21 years old woman came to you brought
50. 67 years old female with history of uncontrolled several urinalysis. The result were microscopic
diabetes come to the clinic for evaluation of hematuria. She alson had done ultrasound
decrease of urinary since 3 days prior. She report examination and all of the results were normal.
that since 2 weeks ago she regularly take What is the next advice would you give to her?
Ibuprofen and mefenamic acid to relieve her A. Repeated urinalysis
progressive back pain. Her blood pressure is
B. Renal biopsy
150/90 mmHg and there is bilateral pedal edema.
C. Magnetic Resonance Angiography
Lab reveals ureum 30, creatinine 1.6. What is the
D. Retrograde pyelography
most likely etiology of patient’s AKI?
A. Dilatation of afferent arteriole thus reducing E. Abdominal CT scan
filtration fraction.
55. 18 years old with history of criphtosporidism had
B. Injure Proximal tubule cell cause necrosis.
history of surgery , beberapa tahun kemudian
C. Constriction of afferent arteriole dateng dengan massa, 4 cm, ternyata seminoma,
D. Increase sodium load thus increase back leak What will you do?
of glomerulus filtrate.
A. Chemotheraphy
E. Trigger glomerulus inflammation and fibrosis.
B. Radiotherapy decrease. What is the cause of decrease
urination in this patient?
56. 75 yr old male has difficulty controlling his A. Altered renal hemodynamic
urination. He has been using diapers since then. B. Acute tubular necrosis
He feels it is difficult for him to start urinating in C. Interstitial nephritis
the beginning (of his urination(?)). Rectal touche: D. Glomerulonephritis
prostat membesar. Most likely pathophysiology: E. Intratubular obstruction
A. Stress incontinence
B. Overflow incontinence 62. 58-year-old man with history of CKD. Blood
C. Urethral fibrosis pressure controlled. Hb 8.5, potassium 5, GFR 5.
D. Neurogenic bladder Suggestion:
E. Hyperactive bladder A. Watchful waiting
B. Correct Anemia
57. 47 years old female. Urinalysis shows C. Iron examination
erythrocytes 0-2, leukocytes 1, and there is hifa. D. Hemodialysis
What is your advice? E. Phosphate Binder
A. Repeat urinalysis
B. Midstream Culture 63. A 63 years old male with no medical past history
C. CT scan came with increase PSA from 2.2 to 4.3ng/ml.
D. Biopsy DRE founds 0.5 cm nodules in the left lobes of
E. Fluconazole prostate. What your next step?
A. Watchful watching
58. 25 years old with weakness. Extremities check B. Biopsy
motoric 3333/3333 (upper and lower). BP 150/90 C. Prostatectomy
mmHg. Potassium 2.1. What is the cause of D. Monitor PSA in a few months.
hypertension? E. Bone scan
A. Sympathetic Overactive
B. Hypertiroid 64. Patient with hypertension, BP 160/100 mmHg,
C. Chronic Kidney Disease Conjunctive anemia. The rest of physical
D. Renal Artery Stenosis examination was normal. He had azotemia, GFR
15. What is the malfunction?
59. A 25 years old came with painless, gross A. Reactive Oxygen Species
hematuria, slight edema in pretibial and slight B. Destruction of tubule
increase of BP. The ureum and Creatinine were C. Destruction of glomeruli
slightly elevated. The USG showed normal result.
D. Glomerusclerosis
What is the possible found in the urinalysis? E. Renal Parenchyme destruction due to
A. Oval Fat bodies cast inflammation
B. Dysmorphic erythrocyte
C. Uric acid crystal 65. Anak kecil dibawa mama nya ke rumah sakit.
D. Triple phosphate Katanya pas pagi ada edema tp pas dibawa udh
E. Calcium Oxalate gak ada edem trs pas di cek sore jam 5 dia juga
ga ada edema. Dia harus di cek apa? (ini
60. A young man recovered from head injury due to pilihannya lupa, mungkin : )
motorcycle accident. Later on, however, he A. Albumin, Protenuria, CRP
becomes very thirsty and his urine output B. Albumin, urine sediment, C3
increases greatly, more than 4L. Portion of the
C. Albumin, Proteinuria, urinalysis.
renal tubule responsible for this is
D. Albumin, Proteinuria, Urine sediment
A. Proximal convoluted tubule E. Albumin, urine profile, urine sediment.
B. Thin ascending part loop of Henle
C. Descending part loop of Henle 67. A 55 years old male came with sharp pain of his
D. Early distal convoluted tubule left flank because of renal stone. His Blood
E. Cortical collecting duct pressure 130/80 mmHg, pulse rate 88,
respiratory rate 14 tpm, Ureum 55, Cr 1.7.
61. 78 y.o woman is hospitalized because of femur Intravenous Pyelography shows stone study. Re-
fracture. After being operated on, she present examination shows dyspnea, Cr 2.8. What is the
with fever and aminoglycoside antibiotic is cause of kidney failure?
prescribed. After 5 days, the patient's condition A. Stone on his left kidney pass down to ureter
deteriorates and reported her urine output
B. Sepsis because stone caused infection B. Afferent Arteriole Constriction
C. The use of contrast in pyelography C. Efferent Arteriole Dilatation
D. Nosocomial infection D. Efferent Arteriole Constriction
E. Lab error E. Vascular smooth muscle dilatation

68. 45year-old male come to ER with foot ulcer. He 73. An old lady, lost 8 kg in past month. She is a
has uncontrolled diabetes for 16 years. He is heavy smokers. She has history of kidney stones
nausea so he can't drink and urine output removal 6 months ago. What will you found in
decreased. Blood pressure 80/60, pulse rate histology?
120bpm, respiratory rate 24, temperature 38.5,
A. Thinning of basemembrane
ureum 234, creatinine 2,8. Urinalysis found
proteinuria. What is the next management you B. Fibrosis
hsould give to the patient? C. Sclerosis
A. IV fluid and maintain fluid D. Tubular cell with clear cytoplasm
B. empiric antibiotic
74. 68 years old man, diare 2 hari, water frequency 6-
8x sehari, no bloody stool, urine saat di
D. Renal replacement therapy
Emergency Room hanya 30 cc. What is the
E. Soon start hemodialysis
pathophysiology of his condition?
69. GFR 18 ml/min/1,73m . What is the next A. uropelvic obstruction
management you should give to the patient B. cystitis infection spread
according to his stage? C. tubular cell damage
A. Watchful watching D. loss of blood volume
B. Reduce the risk factor E. glomerulosclerosis
C. Prepare fo hemodialysis
D. Initiate dialysis 75. In the histology appearance of genitourinary tract
E. Treat for . . . there is gland that have many strands of smooth
muscle in intersitisial tissue. There is also several
70. Man come to follow up after an elevated serum glands hat have corpora amylacea (konkrement).
creatinine. He has Pneumonia 2 days ago and What is this?
take Floxacib. He has no family history A. Seminal vesicle
hypertension. He had BPH treated with dozin. BP B. Prostat gland
180. Pulse Rate 64. Urinalysis : leukocyte C. Bulbourethral gland
esterase, erythrocyte 3-5, leukocyte 0-2. Serum : D. External spinchter
Kalium 5.7. What’s next?
A. Cystekinin 76. 4 years old boy presents with peritibial edema. No
B. Serum Creatinine Kinase fever. Urinalysis shows proteinuria +4, no blood
C. Ultrasound cast, and oval fat bodies. What is the cause of
D. Biopsy this idiopathic?
A. Minimal Change
71. 7 years old woman comes into you with B. Membranous nephritis
complaints of pinky cloudy urine in the morning. C. Membranous glomerulopathy
She also complained of having light headache. All D. Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis
vitals are normal except BP 130/88 and slightly E. Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
edema legs. What is the primary lab test will you
suggest? 78. A 21 years old male come into your private clinic
A. Urine sedimentation, albumin, ASTO because of pus out in the morning. He has uncontrolled
B. Urine culture, urine profile, albumin sexually activity last week. Apa yang termasuk dalam
C. Urine culture, urine profile, ASTO NGU infection?
D. Urine sedimentation, renal function, ASTO A. Neisseria gonorrhea
E. Urine profile, renal function, albumin B. Neisseria meningitidis
C. Treponema palidum
72. Iwan, 16 years old, is going to represent his D. Serratia marcescens
school in a marathon. When doing marathon, his E. Chlamydia trachomatis
BP were raised and can injure his kidney. What
renal autoregulation mechanism will prevent this 80. Seorang ahli patologi sedang memeriksa jaringan
from happening? ginjal dengan mikroskop cahaya. Ia
A. Afferent Arteriole Dilatation mendapatkan struktur tubuler yang memiliki

brush border, inti maksimal 5, sitoplasma
asidofilik. Manakah struktur berikut ini yang
sedang diamati ahli patologi itu?
A. Tubulus kontortus distal
B. Tubulus kontortus proksimal
C. Ansa Henle segmen tipis
D. Ansa Henle segmen tebal
E. Duktus koligens

81. Soalnya 40 taun dateng ke ugd, back stabbing,

renal kena injury , apa mechanism yang terjadi
kalo renal blood flow injury ?

A. Increase RAAS activity

82. Males 62 year old, unconscious with intracranial

hemorrhage. 3 days fever at night and xray found
no abnormality. Urine leukocyte 5-10/hpf, nitrite +.
what is pathogenesis of the fever ?
A. short urethra
B. bacteria from blood stream
C. biofilm production from cathether
D. colon's bacteria at urethra
E. ascending infection from urethra to kidney

83. Seorang laki-laki 57 tahun datang dengan

keluhan bengkak di kedua kaki. tekanan darah
180/90, tempratur 37,5, dengan gallop S4, dan
rales pada paru nya. Creatinine 5,4, dan dia
anuria. Abnormality apa yang terjadi ?
A. decrease renin secretion
B. decrease mesangial proliferation
C. decrease Na retention
D. decrease GFR
E. decrease water excretion

84. A 23 years old lady came to the hospital. Her physical

examination revealed bp 220/120. She felt dizzy and
swelling on both legs. Her laboratory result shows
creatinine 5.5 and potassium 3.5. What is the possible
mechanism causing her condition?
A. Nitric oxide production
C. increase juxtaglomerular venous pressure
E. Activation of RAAS system
85. Orang Diabetes dan hipertensi, minum obat metmorfin
dan captopril, namun gejala belum hilang. Tidak mau
minum 2 obat, mau nya 1 doang. Diberi obat apa?
A. Methydopa
B. Captropil

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