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Animal Parts

Animal parts atau bagian-bagian tubuh hewan adalah aspek yang biasanya paling mudah untuk kita
deskripsikan. Untuk itu, kita bisa memulai deskripsinya dengan menceritakan bagian-bagian tubuh atau
penampilan hewan yang sedang dideskripsikan.

Beberapa adjective (kata Beberapa kosa kata Beberapa Habitat tempat

sifat) untuk mengenai animal parts: Karakteristik tinggal
mendeskripsikan animal Hewan
Fluffy Tail Carnivorous Dessert
Scaly Beak Herbivorous Mountain
Wide Fins Energetic Rivers
Thick Wings Intelligent Lakes
Sharp Fur Lazy Pond
Big Feathers Playful Ocean
Large Snout Shy Forest
Smooth Shells Tame
Tiny Claws Dangerous
Strong Trunks Poisonous
Long Whiskers Domestic
Horn Wild
a reddish-brown skin tone
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My Rabbit

I have a rabbit. Its fur is soft. Its fur is white and has black spots. It has long ears and a short tail. It
also has cute red big eyes! My rabbit likes to eat carrot and other vegetables. When I release my rabbit
out of his cage, It uses jump everywhere and hard to catch. So, I can just put him on his cage because
I'm afraid that It might running away. I don't wanna lost my rabbit because I love its very much

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