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Screen violence is connected to real-life violence for these reasons:

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Now that it has become clear that most television shows are harmful to children as such early ages.
Today we’ve seen three reasons why screen violence is connected to real-life violence:
I have five younger siblings in school. I see the effects that violent television programming has on my brothers and sister.
Screen violence is reaching directly to today’s youth through video game consoles.
1) Children spend countless hours viewing violent activity on television. 2) Screen violence is reaching directly to today’s youth
through video game consoles. 3) Real-life violence that is influenced by TV/media programming is hurting the population of our
Children spend countless hours viewing violent activity on television.
A. Explain how violence is “faked” and what might happen if people tried the same stunts in real life. Ask how the conflict could
have been resolved without violence.
B. Establish screen time limits that include TV, computer, and video game screens and stick to them. Set a timer to signal when to
turn off the set. Delay TV viewing until homework and chores are done.
1) countless amounts of violent activity is viewed through television. 2) Screen violence is reaching directly to today’s youth through
video game consoles. 3) Real-life violence that is influenced by TV/media programming is hurting the population and our society.
The relationship between violence on the screen and violence in real life is extremely complicated. But while the relationship may
not be that of direct cause and effect, we must bear it in mind. Violent programs may depress some people, shock others, de-
sensitize some and encourage imitation by a few” (BBC Handbook-Guidelines for TV Producers Regarding Violence and Censorship).
A. Twenty-two to thirty-four percent of young male felons imprisoned for committing violent crimes (homicide, rape, or assault)
report having consciously imitated crime techniques watched on TV (Journal of American Medical Association- Studies in Violence
and Television).
B. All Canadian and US studies of the effect of prolonged childhood exposure to television show a positive relationship between
earlier exposure to TV violence and later physical aggressiveness (Public communication and behavior—Academic Press).
A. I feel that violence in computer games is becoming a lot more of a problem than it once was. Due to the increase in technology,
computer games are now more like films, with very realistic-looking characters and settings. An example of such a game is Grand
Theft Auto 3 for Playstation 2. It is a controversial game in which you ‘become’ the man who is able to run people over, shoot
people, and become involved in police chases.
B. Parents are the most important role models for their children. In our society, television is the second most important source of
information. Watch shows together and review the video games the kids are playing. Let them know your feelings about violence on
TV and seek their help in making a change in your family’s TV and video game use.
Real-life violence that is influenced by TV/media programming is hurting the population of our society.
The media is all around us and for this reason I feel it is inevitable that it will have some sort of effect on us. Television is the most
popular and accessible form of media; nearly everybody has at least one television set in their home. It is also said to be the most
vivid portrayal of the world. Screen violence is a term given to violence seen in television programs, videos and films—basically any
violence viewed on a screen.
Viewing violence poses a harmful risk to children. Critics of the research challenge this conclusion and dispute claims that exposure
to violence leads to real-life aggression.
I agree that children and the mentally ill are vulnerable and should always be protected by film classifications and watersheds, so
that they do not view unsuitable material.

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