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Hello! My name is Ana. I am twenty-five years old. I live in Miami, Florida with my husband and
two children. I have one son in kindergarten and one daughter in first grade. They both attend
public school. My husband is a mechanic. On weekends, he works at a restaurant as a
dishwasher. The restaurant usually gets more customers on weekends, so they need extra
people to wash dishes.

Q1: Who is introducing herself?

A1: Ana is introducing herself.

Q2: How old is she?

A2: She is twenty-five years old.

Q3: Where does Ana live?

A3: She lives in Miami, Florida.

Q4: What is her husband’s profession?

A4: He is a mechanic.

Q5: Where does he work on weekends?

A5: On weekends, he works at a restaurant. He washes dishes.

Q6: How many children does Ana have?

A6: She has two children; one son and one daughter.

My name is Sangeeta. I am 11. I live in New Delhi, India with my father, mother, two brothers
and three sisters. My grandparents also live with us. In India, family is very important. It is
common to have grandparents, aunts, uncles and/or cousins living in the same house. My
aunts, uncles and cousins also live nearby. We see each other often. My older brother is a
computer programmer. Right now, he is in Australia. His company sent him there for one year.
We all miss him a lot. We write him letters every week. I want him to come home soon.

Q1: How old is Sangeeta?

A1: Sangeeta is eleven years old.

Q2: Which country does she live in?

A2: She lives in India.

Q3: Does she live with her parents? Who else lives with her?
A3: Yes, she lives with her parents. Her brothers, sisters and grandparents live with her too.

Q4: What does her older brother do?

A4: Her older brother is a computer programmer.

Q5: Where is he right now?

A5: His company sent him to Australia for a year.

Q6: Does the family miss him? How do you know?

A6: Yes, the family misses him a lot. They write him letters every week.

Francisco stands outside his new house. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the key. He
turns the key in the lock and opens the door. He steps into the living room and looks around.
The paint is peeling off the walls. There is no furniture. The house is dirty and smells bad. He
tries to open a window but it is broken. The house does not have a kitchen or a bedroom but
there is a microwave on the floor on one side of the room. He wonders if it works. The place
looks terrible but it is all he can afford. He covers his nose and mouth with his hand and opens
the bathroom door. It is in bad condition.

Q1: Is Francisco's new house clean?

A1: No, the house is very dirty.

Q2: Is the house in good condition?

A2: No, the house is in terrible condition.

Q3: How many bedrooms does the house have?

A3: There are no bedrooms. It only has a living room and one bathroom.

Q4: Does the house need to be repainted?

A4: Yes, the paint is peeling off the walls.

Q5: Why did Francisco buy a house that is in such bad condition?
A5: Because he doesn’t have enough money to buy a better house.

Marcelo and his friend Chris are exploring a new country in a rented car. They are looking for a
restaurant called 'The Best Steak in Town'. However, they are completely lost. The directions
they were given were very difficult to follow, so they stop a stranger by the side of the road to
ask him for directions. The stranger smiles and replies: “Oh, that’s a really popular restaurant. I
can tell you how to get there. It’s really simple”. Chris takes out a paper and pencil and begins
to make notes. The stranger continues.
“Drive straight ahead until you see a house with a broken fence. Make a right after that house
and keep going until you pass two big rocks on the left. Soon after that you will see a bush that
looks like a giant cockroach. Turn left at that bush and keep going for another twenty minutes.
You should pass two gas stations on your right. About a mile after the second gas station, you
will see three mounds of dirt and a house with a horse tied to a tree. Make a right at that
house and it will be the second restaurant on your left. The sign is broken but you can’t miss it.
It has a rock next to it that looks like a bear holding a sword. You may see a few people
standing outside drinking beer. Good luck!”

Q1: What is the name of the restaurant that Marcelo and Chris are looking for?
A1: The restaurant is called 'The Best Steak in Town'.

Q2: Why are they lost?

A2: They are in a foreign country and the directions they were given are really hard to follow.

Q3: So what do they do to find the restaurant?

A3: They stop a stranger on the road and ask him for directions to the restaurant.

Q4: Are the stranger’s directions easy to follow?

A4: Not really. If they are from a big city, those directions probably sound pretty vague.
Q5: Can they identify the restaurant by the sign in front?
A5: No, the sign is broken. They will have to look for a restaurant that has a rock next to it that
looks like a bear holding a sword.

Family Celebration in Ecuador

Hello this is Jack reporting from the Annual Family Celebration in Quito, Ecuador. People are
having a wonderful time. Most men are cooking a traditional dish called Fanesca. Some women
are playing hide-and-seek with their children. The elderly are listening to old music and telling
stories from the past.
I am here with Mario Velasco, the event organizer, and I want to ask him a couple of questions:
Reporter: Mario, how long is the event?
Mario: Well, it started yesterday at 7 am and it’ll finish tomorrow at 9 pm with a concert.
Reporter: Is this event meaningful for Ecuadorian families?
Mario: Yes, absolutely. Just look at the people. They are laughing, dancing or just relaxing.
Reporter: Thank Mario for your time and for the event.
That is all for now. I am Jack Baker. Bye-bye.

How often does this celebration take place?

Once a month
Once a year
Every other year

What is “Fanesca”?
a typical Ecuadorian food
a game
a kind of music

What are the children doing?

they are eating.
They are playing.
They are cooking.

How long is the event?

one day
two days
three days

Who is talking about the past?

The children
The men
The old people

Who are Jack and Mario?

Jack is a reporter and Mario is the person who organized the event
Jack is a tourist and Mario is the event organizer
They are reporters

Mary Brian
Reporter: Mary, please tell us what you think about Australia and The United States.
Mary: Well, they are really nice countries and I love both of them. They are quite different,
Reporter: Tell us about those differences.
Mary: For starters, the US is larger than Australia and there are more people there than in
Reporter: What about the food?
Mary: I love Australian food, especially Cabanossi; it is a type of sausage. Food in Australia is
more traditional and spicier than in the States.
Reporter: I’ve heard that Americans drive faster than Australians.
Mary: Yeah, that’s right. Roads in the US are usually safer and bigger than in Australia so people
can drive faster.
Reporter: Is it true that people in Australia are taller and thinner than in the US?
Mary: I don’t know. Probably you are right, but I am not sure.
Reporter: Finally, lets talk about men.
Mary: Men are most of the times more handsome in Australia. However, my husband is
American and he is pretty attractive.
Reporter: Thank you Mary for your time.

-Does Mary think Australia and The United States are very similar?
Yes, she does
No, she doesn't
Not mentioned

-The expression “For starters” is close in meaning to:

Almost never
To begin with

-Is the food in Australia more conventional than in the US?

Yes, it is
No, it isn't
Not mentioned

-Are cars in the US bigger, safer and faster than in Australia?

Yes, they are
No, they aren't
Not mentioned

-According to Mary, who are taller and thinner?

We don't know

-According to Mary, most of the times men in Australia ____________________.

make better husbands than Americans
are more good-looking than Americans
are not as attractive as Americans.

Dear Francesca,
I arrived in Liverpool two days ago and I just met my roommates. I have three roommates. Bill
is from Switzerland; he is tall and heavy; he has got hazel eyes. He is friendly and outgoing.
Suzanne is gorgeous; she is from Cape Verde so she speaks Portuguese and English quite well.
She seems to have a strong personality; I think we will get along well. Felipe comes from Peru.
He is short, thin and athletic. He loves sports, especially rugby. He is reserved so he doesn’t talk
I am so excited because tomorrow we are going to the Beatles museum. I hope you are having
a great time in The Bahamas. Tell me about all what you’ve done there.

-How long has Arnold been Liverpool?

for 12 days.
For a long time
For a couple of days

-Bill is _____________.

_____________ is beautiful and speaks two languages.


_____________ isn’t fat and isn’t tall.


-The word “reserved” is close in meaning to:


-Who is in the Bahamas?


Nelson Mandela biography

Nelson Mandela was a South African activist and politician, who was convicted to life in prison
in 1962 for trying to overthrow the apartheid government. He got out of prison in 1990 after
apartheid ended. Mandela used his popularity and charisma to become President of South
Africa from 1994 to 1999.
After his presidency, Nelson Mandela continued to fight for equality and justice. Even
retirement couldn’t stop Mandela from speaking his mind to people all over the world.
He became a popular speaker who toured the world, inspiring people with his message. Nelson
Mandela received many awards during his life, including the Nobel Peace Prize and the
Presidential Medal of Freedom. He fathered six children during his life. He passed away on
December 5, 2013 at the age of 95.

Did Nelson Mandela support apartheid?

Yes, he did
No, he didn't

Mandela was the president of South Africa for _____________.

five years
seven years
four years

The word “prison” is close in meaning to:


Which of the following statements IS NOT true?

Mandela was a charismatic and popular political leader.
Mandela received only two awards in his life: the Nobel Peace Prize and the Presidential Medal
of Freedom.
Mandela spoke before audiences around the world about justice and equality.

The expression “He passed away” is close in meaning to:

He surrendered
He died
He left

There is no way to deny the importance of having a Facebook account in the modern world. It’s
almost like a social pressure standard that you have to get a Facebook account or people will
label you as an anti-social person. The truth is that it should never matter what people think
about something like that, but there are some things about Facebook that everyone should
now. Once you join, you will be exposed to positive and negative things and that is what this
article is about.

2. _________________________
Facebook is an excellent place for people who want to stay in touch with their friends and
family and if you use it for this purpose, you will find it to be very rewarding. It’s also a great
way to remember birthdays and there is no question that most people find this feature to be a

Another pro about Facebook is that you can turn it into a daily feed of news from all over the
world. All you have to do is subscribe to the top news networks and newspapers and you will
be getting all the relevant information on a daily basis.

3. _________________________
There are many cons about Facebook that people don’t really take into consideration. The first
one is that if you start accepting friend request from everyone you know, you will start to lower
the quality of the interactions with your closest friends and family.

There is also the large number of publications that contain plenty of spyware and a large
assortment of virus threats that you could end up catching. Another serious con about
Facebook is that you can easily get caught up in this network and you can start wasting your
time that could be used for more productive things.
Facebook can be a great platform to use as long as you take the time to learn how to use it
properly and you never let yourself get caught up in it.

Choose the best title for the article:

Pros and cons about using Facebook
The history of Facebook
How to open a Facebook account

Choose the best subtitle for the article:

The disadvantages
How Facebook saved my life
The pros

Choose the best subtitle for the article:

The cons
Facebook requests
Spyware and Viruses on Facebook

-According to the article, Facebook has advantages and disadvantages.

Not given

-The disadvantages of Facebook are much worse than the advantages.

Not given

-The quality of interactions with family will be lower if people accept requests from everyone
on Facebook. .
Not given

-To get the most relevant news people should sent request to the top news networks. .
Not given

-According to the article, there isn’t a significant number of virus threats and spyware on
Not given

While eating at a restaurant is an enjoyable and convenient occasional treat, most individuals
and families prepare their meals at home. To make breakfast, lunch, and dinner daily, these
persons must have the required foods and ingredients on hand and ready to go; foods and
ingredients are typically purchased from a grocery store, or an establishment that distributes
foods, drinks, household products, and other items that're used by the typical consumer.

Produce, or the term used to describe fresh fruits and vegetables, is commonly purchased by
grocery store shoppers. In terms of fruit, most grocery stores offer bananas, apples, oranges,
blackberries, raspberries, grapes, pineapples, cantaloupes, watermelons, and more; other
grocery stores with larger produce selections might offer the listed fruits in addition to less
common fruits, including mangoes, honeydews, starfruits, coconuts, and more.

Depending on the grocery store, customers can purchase fruits in a few different ways. Some
stores will charge a set amount per pound of fruit, and will weigh customers' fruit purchases
and bill them accordingly; other stores will charge customers for each piece of fruit they buy, or
for bundles of fruit (a bag of bananas, a bag of apples, etc.); other stores yet will simply charge
by the container.

Vegetables, including lettuce, corn, tomatoes, onions, celery, cucumbers, mushrooms, and
more are also sold at many grocery stores, and are purchased similarly to the way that fruits
are. Grocery stores typically stock more vegetables than fruit at any given time, as vegetables
remain fresh longer than fruits do, generally speaking.

It'd take quite a while to list everything else that today's massive grocery stores sell, but most
customers take the opportunity to shop for staples, or foods that play a prominent role in the
average diet, at the establishments. Staples include pasta, rice, flour, sugar, milk, meat, and
eggs, and bread. All the listed staples are available in prepackaged containers, but can be
purchased "fresh" in some grocery stores, wherein employees will measure and weigh fresh
products and then provide them to customers.

Pregunta 1:
What is a grocery store?
1 An establishment that cooks food for customers
2 There are several definitions of a grocery store
3 A place to sell and trade goods
4 An establishment that distributes foods, drinks, household products, and other items that're
used by the typical consumer

Pregunta 2:
Fresh fruits and vegetables are collectively referred to as which of the following terms?
1 Produce
2 Feggies
3 Veggies
4 Famine

Pregunta 3:
What are staples?
1 Small pieces of metal used to hold papers together
2 Rare foods
3 Foods that play a prominent role in the average diet
4 Green fruits and vegetables

Pregunta 4:
More vegetables are stocked in grocery stores than fruits because:
1 Fruits stay fresh for less time than vegetables
2 Vegetables are more popular than fruits, generally speaking
3 Grocery store managers prefer fruits
4 A and B

Pregunta 5:
"Fresh" groceries are:
1 Prepared by employees
2 Measured manually
3 Charged by the pound
4 All of the Above

Jobs and Professions

As has been the case for many years, jobs, or forms of employment wherein employees
perform a service or duty in exchange for financial compensation, play a prominent role in
society. Furthermore, all jobs—even those of seemingly little significance—are important, as
they simply wouldn't exist if their specific responsibilities weren't of value to employers
(companies or persons that pay others for their work), customers (individuals who pay money
for a product or service), and the economy generally.
Teachers, or educational professionals tasked with helping students understand certain
subjects and topics, are especially crucial today. In short, teachers help their students to
become qualified for their future careers.
Doctors, or medical professionals who specialize in providing health-related assistance to
patients, are some of the most respected individuals in America and the world. It's the
responsibility of doctors to help those who feel less-than-stellar to determine the underlying
health issue(s) and recommend an effective treatment (or remedy to a disease, disorder, or
There are quite a few types of specialty doctors in America (besides MD, which simply means
"medical doctor"), all of whom can be referred to simply as "Doctor (Name)." Dentists
(mouth/teeth doctors), dermatologists (skin doctors), and psychiatrists (mental-health doctors)
are just a few examples of the many different types of doctors.
Additionally, nurses are medical professionals who help to administer doctor-ordered
treatments to patients.
Police officers are law enforcement professionals whose job it is to protect citizens, solve
crimes, and assure that rules and regulations are followed. Similarly, firefighters serve the
public by responding to fires (and other emergency situations) and using high-tech equipment
to extinguish these fires, while bringing any individuals who're in danger to safety.
Farmers maintain fields of crops (or vegetable/fruit plants) and/or collections of animals with
the intention of selling these products as food.
Chefs/cooks prepare meals in professional settings, including restaurants, cafeterias, and other
venues wherein food and drink are sold, for customers. Chefs are generally experienced in
cooking and managing kitchens.
Waiters bring menus, beverages, meals, and ultimately, the check (or a bill of the foods and
drinks purchased in a transaction) to tables in restaurants and other establishments that serve
Artists produce art, or works of creative significance, including music, paintings, drawings,
poetry, writing, and more.

Pregunta 1:
Jobs are best defined as which of the following?
1 Activities used to pass the time
2 Activities used to have fun
3 Forms of employment wherein employees perform a service or duty in exchange for financial
4 There is no exact definition of jobs

Pregunta 2:
Which of the following are types of doctors?
1 Dermatologist
2 Nurse
3 Dentist
4 A and C

Pregunta 3:
Chefs are culinary professionals who:
1 Prepare foods in commercial settings
2 Respond to the preferences of diners
3 A and B
4 Serve food to diners

Pregunta 4:
Which of the following is not a type of art?
1 Scientific reports
2 Writing
3 Paintings
4 Music

Pregunta 5:
Which of the following professionals are responsible for helping individuals to learn specific
1 Police officers
2 Teachers/professors
3 Doctors
4 Farmers

The Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty, arguably one of New York City’s most iconic symbols, is a popular tourist
attraction for first-time visitors to the city. This 150-foot monument was gifted to the United
States from France in order to celebrate 100 years of America’s independence. The statue is
located on Liberty Island, and it is accessible by taking a ferry from either Battery Park in New
York City or Liberty State Park in Jersey City.
When Claire visited the Statue of Liberty for the first time, she instantly admired it as a symbol
of freedom. Claire made sure to make reservations before her visit because only 240 people
are permitted to climb the staircase to the top of the statue every day. After climbing almost
400 stairs, Claire received spectacular views of the city from the statue’s crown.
During her visit, Claire learned that the Statue of Liberty was not always the color that it is now.
She found out that because the statue’s exterior is made of copper, the statue oxidized over
time, giving it the greenish appearance it has in present day. When it was first constructed, the
statue was the same color as a shiny penny!
After touring the Statue of Liberty, Claire spent the rest of the day in New York City visiting
other important monuments and historic landmarks. Claire left New York hoping to have had
the time to explore more sites, but she can’t wait to return to the city in the future.

Pregunta 1:
Who gifted the Statue of Liberty to the United States?
1 The French
2 The British
3 The Dutch
4 The Spanish

Pregunta 2:
What was the Statue of Liberty intended to celebrate?
1 A century of American independence
2 Open immigration to the United States
3 Economic recovery from the Great Depression
4 The end of the Civil War

Pregunta 3:
How many people are permitted to climb the statue’s stairs per day?
1 150
2 400
3 240
4 100

Pregunta 4:
From which part of the statue did Claire receive spectacular views of the city?
1 The nose
2 The eyes
3 The mouth
4 The crown

Pregunta 5:
Why has the Statue of Liberty changed color over time?
1 The statue is poorly maintained by the city.
2 Its copper exterior oxidized.
3 New York’s poor air quality has eroded the statue.
4 It was painted green during restorations.

Human body parts and organs

It goes without saying that humans (mammals identifiable as those that stand upright and are
comparatively advanced and capable of detailed thought) have pretty remarkable bodies, given
all that they've accomplished. (Furthermore, an especially intelligent human brain produced
this text!) To be sure, humans have overcome predators, disease, and all sorts of other
obstacles over thousands of years.
To fully understand and appreciate these accomplishments, let's take at some of the most well-
known parts of the human body!
The head, or the spherical body part that contains the brain and rests at the top of the human
body, has quite a few individual organs and body parts on it. (It should quickly be mentioned
that hair occupies the space on top of the head, and the ears, the organs responsible for
hearing, are located on either side of the head.) From top to bottom, the eyebrows, or
horizontal strips of hair that can be found above the eye, are the first components of the head.
The eyes are below them, and are round, orb-like organs that allow humans to see.
The eyes make way for the nose, or an external (sticking-out) organ that plays an important
part in the breathing and bacteria-elimination processes. Below that is the mouth, or a wide,
cavernous organ that chews food, removes bacteria, helps with breathing, and more. The
mouth contains teeth, or small, white-colored, pointed body parts used to chew food, and the
tongue, or a red-colored, boneless organ used to chew food and speak.
The neck is the long body part that connects the head to the chest (the muscular body part
that protects the heart and lungs), and the stomach, or the part of the body that contains food
and liquid-processing organs, comes below that.
The legs are the long, muscular body parts that allow humans to move from one spot to
another and perform a variety of actions. Each leg contains a thigh (a thick, especially muscular
body part used to perform strenuous motions; the upper part of the leg) and a calf (thinner,
more flexible body part that absorbs the shock associated with movement; the lower part of
the leg). Feet can be found at the bottom of legs, and each foot is comprised of five toes, or
small appendages that help balance.
Arms are long, powerful body parts that are located on either side of chest, below the
shoulders; arms are comprised of biceps (the thicker, more powerful upper portion), and
forearms (the thinner, more flexible lower portion). Hands, or small, gripping body parts used
for a tremendous number of actions, are at the end of arms. Each hand contains five fingers, or
small appendages used to grip objects.
The aforementioned shoulders are rounded body parts that aid arms' flexibility. One's back is
found on the opposite side of the stomach, and is a flat section of the body that contains
important muscles that're intended to protect the lungs and other internal organs, in addition
to helping humans perform certain motions and actions.

Pregunta 1:
Which of the following body parts is not located on the head or face?
1 Eye
2 Nose
3 Mouth
4 Leg

Pregunta 2:
Legs are comprised of which of the following?
1 Feet
2 Calves
3 Thighs
4 All of the above

Pregunta 3:
How many toes and fingers are on each foot/hand?
1 Ten
2 Five
3 Four
4 Two

Pregunta 4:
The part of the body that contains important organs that aid digestion is:
1 The back
2 The head
3 The stomach
4 The neck

Pregunta 5:
Which of the following is not a body part/organ on the human body?
1 Quilt
2 Neck
3 Head
4 Arm

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