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-Small trades are good, just 1 auto attack is fine

-Make trades when you know the enemy speels are on cd

-Try to always keep in a line with adc, so one is not ahead of other
-Trade with enemy adc when they last hit and enemy support can't counter
-Trade with enemy support if they walk up too far
-Be careful about jungle ganks
-Always auto enemy minion wave to get a wave lead, unless enemy adc can't contest
or setting a freeze or any other wave mangament
-In unfavorable matchup (like playing janna into soraka) trade whenever the
enemies main spells are down (soraka q immediately, and e)
-Lvl 2 comes when second wave and 3 melee minion die, make sure to auto wave when
wave 2 comes, level 3 takes the first 3 waves and 3 melee minions

3 Wave Strategy:
Wave 1: Get a minion advantage, try to auto minions without killing them
Wave 2: Slow push wave, allow the minion lead to overtake, and just last hit
Wave 3: Crash wave into tower, hard push
When pushed into tower, auto tower first, since enemy will last hit melees and
cannon. Then auto champs when enemy adc last hit casters
Common mistakes to watch: Don't overpush, make sure there are still some enemy
minions left when second wave comes, also try to damage enemy minions without
killing, to make sure wave arrives to center.
CHAMPIONS Best for this: High ranged champs and those with cc (for both adc and

To counter 3 wave strategy:

Make sure to try to push back, or damage minions

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