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Contract Answer Guide:

Contract based question:

Look at agreement, establish parties, and find out their obligations

Look if parties have capacities to enter K

Look at intention if present otherwise skip

Look at certainty, if parties agreed to what they singed

Check parties consideration, a K must have valid consideration

Consideration/part payment/estoppel:

Look at basic elements of K, establish the K if needed

For Part payment: look through pinnels rule + foakes v beer

Estoppel, look for elements where parties promised a K for performance, but left once performed


Look if person contracting is a minor/mentally ill/ drunkard

- Contract is voidable at the option of the lunatic, idiot or drunkard. (Gibbons v Wright)
- Will only need to pay reasonable price
- Consider the power and vulnerability of the party and if it would be equitable to enforce
such a contract.


Look at basic element of K, establish the K

Look at 3rd party rights in the K, see if the 3rd party is covered in K (Himalaya clause, exclusion clause)

Terms to k:

Statement: Mere rep: puff or opinion

Term: binding in a K, issue would be is term valid/reliable upon

- Types: condition: major to K, warranty: minor to K

- Terms expressed or implied

Exclusion clause:

Is the clause incorporated into the K?

- What type of exclusion clause is it? where is it located? Whom does it cover? Is it binding?
- Is the clause restrictive?
- Does the clause cover 3rd party, is there a 3rd party issue?


How was the discharge done?

- Was it by: agreement, performance, breach, frustration, law?


Could the statement made be seen as a misrep?

- Types of misrep: fraudulent, innocent, negligent


One or more parties misunderstanding some factor of formation of K

- 3 types of mistake: common, unilateral, mutual mistake



Unlawful pressure upon a party to K, into entering the K

- 3 types: person, goods, economic


Undue Influence:

Dominant party uses influence over weaker party to obtain benefit that wasn’t avail

- 2 types: presumed: some form of relationship, actual: no relationship


K so unfair that it is unconscionable to enter

Harshness is not unconscionable

- Look at elements of amadio case


K is illegal, how does K become illegal


Apply based on above.

Specific performance: breach, threatened breach

Damages (equity): UC, unfairness, laches, hardship, delay, unclean hands

Damages (K): party suffers loss by breach, placed in pos before breach

Damages (T): award of money to put in place so far as possible if tort not committed

Restitution: restoring property/money to P to place in situation P was b4 entering K

QM: half work done, payment for that work done.

Injunction: breach ongoing, must get crt order, not avail where party will be forced into act they
weren’t supposed to

LOOK for mitigation.

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