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Industrial 1 4 Michael Jackson Related to the large-scale production of goods or of substances such as coal

and steel
Unemployment 1 4 Michael Jackson not having any job
Gang 1 4 Michael Jackson group of criminals
Mill 1 4 Michael Jackson a factory that produces materials such as cotton, cloth, or steel
Shore 1 4 Michael Jackson Beach
Awful 1 4 Michael Jackson Very bad
Complain 1 4 Michael Jackson Protest, criticize
Come alive 1 4 Michael Jackson Wake up
Nightlife 1 4 Michael Jackson entertainment in the evening
Sin 1 4 Michael Jackson an action that is against religious rules and is considered to be an offence
against God
Divorce 1 4 Michael Jackson To separate
Obedience 1 4 Michael Jackson To respect and do what you are asked to
Pupils 1 4 Michael Jackson Students
Survival 1 4 Michael Jackson To stay alive
Discipline 1 4 Michael Jackson Rules
Strict 1 4 Michael Jackson expecting people to obey rules or to do what you say
Drop out 1 4 Michael Jackson To stop participating in a game, club, or school
Boxer 1 4 Michael Jackson Someone who does boxing as a job
Consideration 1 5 Michael Jackson careful thought and attention, especially before making an official or
important decision
Boring 1 5 Michael Jackson not interesting in any way
Tiny 1 5 Michael Jackson Very small
Triple 1 5 Michael Jackson having three parts or involving three groups, people, events
Bunk bed 1 5 Michael Jackson one of a pair of beds constructed one above the other
Sofa 1 5 Michael Jackson a comfortable seat with raised arms and a back, that is wide enough for two
or three people to sit on
Stove 1 5 Michael Jackson a piece of kitchen equipment on which you cook food in pots and pans
Raise a family 1 5 Michael Jackson to support a family
Salary 1 5 Michael Jackson money that you receive as payment from the organization you work for,
usually paid to you every month
Bologna 1 5 Michael Jackson a type of cooked meat often eaten in sandwiches
Career 1 5 Michael Jackson Job, profession
Salvation army 1 5 Michael Jackson a Christian organization that tries to help poor people
Performer 1 6 Michael Jackson an actor, musician etc who performs to entertain people
Traditional 1 6 Michael Jackson following ideas and methods that have existed for a long time, rather than
doing anything new or different
Talent 1 6 Michael Jackson a natural ability to do something well
String 1 6 Michael Jackson ne of the long thin pieces of wire, nylon etc that is stretched across a musical
instrument and produces sound
Clarinet 2 8 Michael Jackson a musical instrument like a long black tube, that you play by blowing into it
and pressing keys to change the notes
Influence (V) 2 9 Michael Jackson to affect the way someone or something develops, behaves, thinks etc
without directly forcing or ordering them
Soul music 2 9 Michael Jackson a type of popular music that often expresses deep emotions, usually
performed by black singers and musicians
Determined 2 10 Michael Jackson having a strong desire to do something, so that you will not let anyone stop
Tough 2 10 Michael Jackson difficult to do or deal with
Rehearse 2 10 Michael Jackson to practice or make people practice something such as a play or concert in
order to prepare for a public performance
Gonna 2 10 Michael Jackson Going to
Violence 2 10 Michael Jackson behavior that is intended to hurt other people physically
To be worth 3 11 Michael Jackson used to say that something is interesting, useful, or helpful
Rush 3 11 Michael Jackson to do something very quickly and without delay
Contest 3 11 Michael Jackson Show (n)
Perfection 3 11 Michael Jackson the state of being perfect
Impress 3 11 Michael Jackson To make someone feel admiration and respect
Audience 3 11 Michael Jackson All the people who watch or listen to a play or concert
Cheer 3 11 Michael Jackson To encourage someone and make him happy
Applaud 3 11 Michael Jackson To clap your hands for someone to show your interest
Trophy 3 11 Michael Jackson A silver cup that you get for winning a competition
Taste 3 12 Michael Jackson What a person likes or prefers
Pants 3 12 Michael Jackson Trousers
Acts 3 12 Michael Jackson Actions of a particular kind
Appeared 3 12 Michael Jackson Come in view of public
Producer 3 13 Michael Jackson The person who pays for a program or concert
Cruel 3 13 Michael Jackson Unkind
Destroyed 3 13 Michael Jackson Ruin something
Spin 3 13 Michael Jackson Turn around
Assassinated 3 13 Michael Jackson Killed
District 4 14 Michael Jackson An area of the city
Amateur 4 14 Michael Jackson Not professional
Honor 4 14 Michael Jackson Public respect
Nickname 4 16 Michael Jackson A name used to call someone, especially the short form of his name
Appeal 5 17 Michael Jackson Strong request for something
Audition 5 17 Michael Jackson A test for a singer or actor to be chosen to play in a program
Crew 5 17 Michael Jackson Group of people who have a role in a movie or concert
Used to do 5 17 Michael Jackson Doing something as a habit in the past
Mansion 5 17 Michael Jackson Very big house
Cute 5 18 Michael Jackson Nice
Confident 5 18 Michael Jackson To be trusted
Move in with 5 19 Michael Jackson To move to someone else's apartment to live with him
Charts 5 19 Michael Jackson Records over a period of time
Release 5 19 Michael Jackson To publish a movie or song
Hit 5 20 Michael Jackson A success
Manner 6 21 Michael Jackson Way of behaving
Fan 6 21 Michael Jackson Someone who likes a singer, actor, …
Pour 6 21 Michael Jackson To take a liquid into something
Hosted 6 21 Michael Jackson A person to introduce the artists who are going to perform
Backstage 6 22 Michael Jackson Behind the stage where artists have make up and change clothes
Mayor 6 23 Michael Jackson Head of the city
Fad 6 23 Michael Jackson Short-life interest in something
Allowance 7 24 Michael Jackson The money given to children each week
Privacy 7 24 Michael Jackson someone's right to keep their personal matters and relationships secret
Suburb 7 24 Michael Jackson an area on the edge of a large town or city where people who work in the
town or city often liv
Fence 7 24 Michael Jackson an area on the edge of a large town or city where people who work in the
town or city often liv
Tennis court 7 24 Michael Jackson an area drawn out on the ground that is used for playing tennis
Lifestyle 7 24 Michael Jackson the particular way that a person or group lives and the values and ideas
supported by that person or group
Closeness 7 24 Michael Jackson the quality of knowing someone very well, liking them a lot, and wanting to
spend a lot of time together
Tutor 7 25 Michael Jackson a teacher paid to work privately with one student or a small group
Touring 7 25 Michael Jackson going on a tour somewhere
Surround 7 25 Michael Jackson to be around something on all sides
Hire 7 25 Michael Jackson To start to pay someone to work or do a job for you
Limousine 7 25 Michael Jackson a large, comfortable car, or a small bus that takes people to and from an
Impersonator 7 25 Michael Jackson Someone who intentionally copy another person's characteristics, such as
their behavior, speech, appearance, or expressions, especially to make
people laugh
Disguise 7 25 Michael Jackson A new appearance to a person or thing which hide its true form
Grow apart 7 25 Michael Jackson If two people in a close relationship grow apart, they gradually begin to have
a less close relationship, usually because they no longer have the same
interests and want the same things
Celebrity 7 27 Michael Jackson someone who is famous, esp. in the entertainment business
Tuxedo 7 27 Michael Jackson a type of black jacket, or jacket and pants, worn by men on formal occasions,
usually with a bow tie
Pearl 7 27 Michael Jackson a small, shiny, hard ball, usually white or blue-gray, that forms around a grain
of sand inside some oyster shells and is valued as a jewel
Solo 7 27 Michael Jackson a musical performance done by one person or one instrument alone
Rat 7 27 Michael Jackson a small animal that looks like a large mouse
Creative 7 27 Michael Jackson producing or using new and unusual ideas
Right 7 28 Michael Jackson if a person, company, or organization has the rights to something, they are
legally allowed to buy, sell, broadcast, etc. that thing
Entertain 7 28 Michael Jackson to keep a person or a group of people interested or amused
Recognize 7 28 Michael Jackson to know someone because you have seen that person before
Acne 7 28 Michael Jackson a disease of the skin in which small red spots appear, usually on the face and
neck, esp. in young people
Mess up 7 28 Michael Jackson Do something badly
Lack 7 29 Michael Jackson to not have any or enough of something, esp. something necessary or
Area 7 29 Michael Jackson a particular part of anything
Outgoing 7 29 Michael Jackson friendly and willing to meet new people
Outgrowing 7 29 Michael Jackson growing too large for something
Promote 8 29 Michael Jackson to encourage or support something, or to help something become successful
Avoided 8 29 Michael Jackson stayed away from someone
Hatred 8 29 Michael Jackson a strong feeling of dislike; hate
Unfaithful 8 30 Michael Jackson not loyal or able to be trusted; having a physical relationship with a person
who is not your husband or wife
Horrify 8 30 Michael Jackson to cause someone to experience shock, fear, or disgust
Tradition 8 30 Michael Jackson a way of behaving or a belief that has been established for a long time
Loyalty 8 31 Michael Jackson a feeling of strong support for someone or something
Back (v) 8 31 Michael Jackson to give support to someone or something
Garbage 8 31 Michael Jackson waste material, esp. unwanted food, or a container in which waste is kept
Highpoint 8 31 Michael Jackson the best part of an experience
Ruin 8 33 Michael Jackson to spoil or destroy something
Rude 8 33 Michael Jackson behaving in a way that hurts other people’s feelings; not polite
Understanding (adj) 8 33 Michael Jackson showing, esp. by what you say, that you understand and care about
someone’s problems or suffering:
Vote 8 33 Michael Jackson to express your choice or opinion as one member of a group in order to
decide a matter of importance to the whole group or to elect someone to an
Deal 9 34 Michael Jackson an agreement or arrangement, esp. in business
Admit 9 34 Michael Jackson to agree that something is true, especially unwillingly
Incredible 9 34 Michael Jackson impossible or very difficult to believe
Headquarter 9 34 Michael Jackson the main offices of an organization in a particular place
Comfort 9 36 Michael Jackson the pleasant feeling of being free from pain and suffering
Legal 9 36 Michael Jackson connected with or allowed by the law
Make a show 10 37 Michael Jackson Produce a T.V show
Silly 10 37 Michael Jackson not serious and not showing much intelligence
Leave behind 10 37 Michael Jackson to go away and not take something or someone with you
Executive 10 38 Michael Jackson someone in a high position who makes decisions and acts according to them
Drop 10 38 Michael Jackson to stop including someone in a group or team
Broadway 10 38 Michael Jackson street in the entertainment section of New York City where there are many
theaters, or the theater in this area
Scarecrow 10 38 Michael Jackson an object that looks like a person dressed in old, torn clothes and that stands
in a garden or field to frighten birds away
Talented 10 39 Michael Jackson People who have a special natural ability to do something well
Wig 10 39 Michael Jackson False hair
Embarrassed 10 39 Michael Jackson Ashamed and uncomfortable
Prepared 11 41 Michael Jackson ready for something that will happen in the future:
Wise 11 41 Michael Jackson Someone who has the ability to make good judgments
Amazed 11 43 Michael Jackson extremely surprised
Sensitive 12 44 Michael Jackson easily upset
Grammy awards 12 44 Michael Jackson one of a set of prizes given in the US each year to people in the music
Publicist 12 44 Michael Jackson someone whose job is to draw attention to events and give information to
reporters and broadcasters
Beg 12 44 Michael Jackson to ask someone to do something in an urgent way:
Have a nose job 13 46 Michael Jackson to have an operation to change the shape of your nose
Surgery 13 46 Michael Jackson cutting open the body and removing or repairing the damaged part
Greasy 13 46 Michael Jackson covered with or full of grease
Vegetarian 13 16 Michael Jackson a person who does not eat meat for health or religious reasons or because
they want to avoid being cruel to animals
Mend 13 47 Michael Jackson To repair
Effort 13 47 Michael Jackson An attempt needed to achieve something
Fantasy 14 48 Michael Jackson a pleasant but unlikely situation that you enjoy thinking about
Pirate 14 50 Michael Jackson a person who sails on the sea and attacks and steals from other ships
Puppet 14 50 Michael Jackson a type of toy that looks like a person or animal and is moved by a person
using strings or putting a hand inside it
Tropical 14 50 Michael Jackson Of the hottest area of the earth
Deer 14 50 Michael Jackson a large animal, the males of which have wide horns that stick out like
branches, that lives in forests and eats grass and leaves
Llama 14 50 Michael Jackson a South American animal with a long neck and long hair, used to carry loads
and to provide wool
Mannequin 14 50 Michael Jackson an artificial model made in the form of a human being, used esp. to show
clothes in a store
Ankle 15 50 Michael Jackson the joint connecting the foot to the leg
Take part 16 53 Michael Jackson to be actively involved in something with other people:
Sponsor 16 54 Michael Jackson to support a person, organization, or activity by giving money,
encouragement, or other help
Commercial 16 54 Michael Jackson a paid advertisement on radio or television
Auditorium 16 54 Michael Jackson a large room with rows of seats and often a stage which is used for
Complicated 16 55 Michael Jackson having many parts that are organized in a way that may be difficult to
Assistant 16 55 Michael Jackson a person who helps someone else to do a job
Honored 16 56 Michael Jackson great respect for someone, or the feeling of pride and pleasure resulting
when respect is shown to you
Criticize 16 56 Michael Jackson to express disagreement with or disapproval of something or someone
Greedy 16 56 Michael Jackson Someone who desires to continually get more of something, esp. money:
Selfish 16 57 Michael Jackson caring only about what you want or need without any thought for the needs or
wishes of other people
Charity 16 57 Michael Jackson the giving of money, food, or help to those who need it, or an organization
that does this
Cleft 17 58 Michael Jackson an opening or crack, esp. in a rock or the ground
Bleach 17 58 Michael Jackson a liquid or powder used to clean or make something whiter or lighter in color
Vitiligo 17 58 Michael Jackson A kind of disease
Theory 17 58 Michael Jackson something suggested as a reasonable explanation for facts, a condition, or
an event
Macho 17 58 Michael Jackson behaving in a way that is thought to be typical of a man, esp. by seeming
strong and powerful but also seeming too determined to avoid showing
weakness and sympathy
Advice 17 59 Michael Jackson an opinion that someone offers you about what you should do or how you
should act in a particular situation
Partnership 17 59 Michael Jackson one of two people who do something together or are closely involved in some
Wacko 17 61 Michael Jackson a person whose behavior is strange
Record 17 61 Michael Jackson the best or fastest ever done
Acre 18 61 Michael Jackson a unit for measuring area, equal to 4,047 square metres or 4,840 square
Estate 18 61 Michael Jackson a large area of land in the country that is owned by a family or an
organization and is often used for growing crops or raising animals
Ranch 18 62 Michael Jackson a very large farm on which animals are kept, especially in North and South
Fantasy 18 62 Michael Jackson a pleasant situation that you enjoy thinking about but is unlikely to happen
Belonging 18 62 Michael Jackson the things that a person owns, especially those that can be carried
Profit 18 63 Michael Jackson money that is earned in trade or business

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