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Etymologically, the term poem comes from Greek, Poeima, "making", or poetic, "making".

In English it is
called poem or poetry (Aminuddin, 1995: 134). Poetry is a form of literary work that uses beautiful
words and rich in meaning.1

Some literary experts and writers try to define poetry, such as:

William Wordsworth, who stated "poetry is a spontaneous overflow of feelings that are gathered in

Lord Byron, who stated "poetry is lava of imagination that holds back earthquakes".

Watt Dunton, who stated "poetry is a concrete and artistic expression of human thought in rhythmic
emotional language"2

Isah Cahyani,”Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia”,direktorat jendral pendidikan islam kementerian agama RI,2012.
Halaman 290
Isah Cahyani,”Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia”,direktorat jendral pendidikan islam kementerian agama RI,2012.
Halaman 291

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