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2ARET36 Architectural Criticism Milan Kothari

Faculty: Dr. Mansee Bal Bhargava 15bar57

Role of Architects and Architecture Criticism

Shelter is one of the three basic needs of the people. The social responsibility of the architects
lies in believing that architecture can create better spaces, that architecture can affect society, and that
it can even have a role in making a place civilized by making a community more livable. Spaces
affect the quality of life of the people It is the role of architects in improving the well being of
communities. Architecture is not only about designing building. It's about the thought process to come
up with an optimized design which is best suited for the occupants and the environment.

Usually architects because of being insensitive fail to address the smaller needs of the people who are
the real users of the designs. Main aim of architecture is to serve the occupants which is misguided in
creating iconic structures which fail to fulfil their functionality. Real iconicity lies in building for
people. If the building is able to serve its purpose towards the society then it can be called as an iconic

By seeing beyond the novelty of forms, it is criticism which helps to promote the positive change
architecture can bring to society. Architecture Criticism /Appraisal is much more than giving
comments about a structure. As the inhabitants are the first respondents to any impact caused by the
building their consultancy need to be kept in mind first. By accepting the criticism it helps to create
harmony and avoid haphazard and destructive construction from emerging. it further helps to spread
awareness about the immense possibilities around the world where people think that they have no
option and thus give a better end product. If that is the goal that architects strive for and if criticism is
the tool that helps achieve the goal and then some why are we not embracing it and using it to our

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