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Allyssa Marie Samulde BSTM1A

Tuesday 2:30 – 5:530

MATTHEW 1:18 – 24

I’m just a human, who gets hurt, cry and have tough moments in life where I’m starting to have
doubts and questions. Those were the times, when I am questioning my faith. I couldn’t avoid
to ask my self if my faith, was it that strong? In times where I am very down, devastated, and
have to risk something, I am very aware that God has something for me. That, it is his way for
me to strengthen my trust to him and his plans. Joseph being taught of surprising ways in which
God works in this gospel is a proof that nothing is impossible for me as long as I am with God.
So if by the time comes that I will face a heart-breaking dilemma, I will and always keep in my
mind that God is with me. There is something good in bad situations and that I should stick with
him and follow my heart. I’ll pray first before making decisions because with him, I make my
own soul every day of my earthly life. I need have no fear of the changes of life. Instead, I see
them for what they are – as surprising stages along my journey home with him

Dear Father, thank You for the example of faith, love, and fidelity we find in St. Joseph. Please
grant me the courage, wisdom, and desire to always strive to do Your will, so as to usher love
and peace into the world around me.

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