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Message Outline

- To understand the unconditional love of the Father.
- To be able to change the way we think about God as a Father and how we relate to Him.
- To be able to Live Free from the world’s concept of love and experience the true love of

When do you feel most loved? When do you feel unloved?
Are there times when you don’t feel the love and acceptance of your own family?
What do you think God thinks about you? Do you think God loves you?
Is He pleased with what you are doing in your life right now?

What do we think does God thinks about us?
We assume that God’s thinking is based on:
- What we think about ourselves
o If we think we had a good day, we think God is happy with us. If we think we had a
bad day, we think God is not happy with us.
o We think that God’s thinking is a mirror of what we think about ourselves.
- What other people think about us
o Our behavior influences what other people think about us.
o We assume that God looks at our behavior and uses it as a basis for what He thinks
about us
- What the culture says we should be
o Culture says we have to perform in order to be loved. We have to perform in school,
at work, in our families, and in our relationships to be loved.
o We think God’s measure of love is performance based.

What does God really thinks about us?

- There is nothing we can do to make Him love us more and there is also nothing we can do to
make Him love us less
- Our behavior doesn’t influence how God views us.
- We are missing out on something when we cannot understand the love of God.
- God doesn’t love – He is Love! He is the very essence of love

Luke 15
The parable of the lost sheep
The parable of the lost coin
The parable of the lost son

Characteristics of human Love Characteristics of God’s Love

It is selfish and gain based Sacrificial

It has strings and expects something in return No strings attached

It is conditional It is unconditional

It could partial and unholy Holy

It is sensual Spiritual

Gives to get Gives to be a blessing

Could be offended and may stop when not

Continues against all odds

Expects returns from recipients Expects returns from God

Go to limited length to help other Go to every length possible to help others

When disappointed totally discouraged May be disappointed but never discouraged

God’s love is not based on performance. God doesn’t view you the way you view yourself, the way
people views you, or even the way culture views you. God loves you unconditionally.
Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ
died for us.
While we were still sinners, God loves us. He already removed sin from the equation. Long before we
made the decision to come to God, Jesus already died for us. God wants us to experience and enjoy His
love in having a personal relationship with Him.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in
him shall not perish but have eternal life.

He Loves Us by Andy Stanley

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