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Field of Research Project: Environment


Getas Amblas "Roof tile Paper waste and Bagase As A heat Insulator in the

Arranged by :

Eka Verawati


Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Lamongan


Validity sheet

1. Title of work : Asbestos tile Waste Paper and Pulp Cane

For Isolator Heat Indoor "
2. Field of Research Projects : Environment
3. Chairman
a. Name : Eka Verawati
b. School Origin : Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Lamongan
c. Home address :Ds.Deket Wetan Kec.Deket
d. No. Phone / Mobile : 085815889078
e. E-mail :
4. Tutor
a. Name Siti Khofilah S.Pd., M.Pd
b. NIP : 19740901998032002
c. Address : Perum Graha Indah
d. No.Telp / HP : 081217176400

Lamongan, 28 November 2019

Tutor, Team Leader,

Siti Khofilah S.Pd., M.Pd Eka Verawati

NIP.19740901998032002 NIS.12484
Principal MAN 1 Lamongan

Drs.Akhmad Najikh, M.Ag



In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, Most Merciful, worship and praise the
author panjantkan Allah SWT, for any whole mercy, grace, and inayahNya so that I can
finish the preparation work of scientific writing teenagers entitled: brittle vanish "tile
Waste Paper and AmpaTebu as a heat insulator Indoor "in a timely manner. Not to forget
sholawat and greetings may always terlimpah lavished upon Prophet Muhammad always
lead humanity toward a bright road benerang.
The preparation of this scientific work did not escape the assistance of the parties,
to the author to convey gratitude as possible to:
1. Mr Akhmad Najikh M.Ag as head of MAN 1 Lamongan who always supported
us to participate in this race.
2. Ibu Siti Khofilah S.Pd M.Pd who continues to provide guidance and direction in
resolving this scientific paper.
3. Supreme Firdamansyah S.Kom as our mentor in resolving this scientific paper.
4. As well as friends - friends who have worked together to resolve this scientific
research, which can not mention one by one author.

May Allah SWT bestow His mercy to us all, and do not forget ucapa thanks for all
the help, hopefully get rewarded and better than Allah and become acts of worship before
All the flaws and imperfections in scientific papers, the author, has urged the
suggestions and constructive criticism of this scientific paper on the ladder of a better
Thus, the authors hope that this scientific paper can inspire and create a useful thing
in the morning readers.


VALIDITY SHEET .................................................................................................. ii

ORIGINALITY SHEET ........................................................................................... iii

FOREWORD ............................................................................................................ iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................... v

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 1

1. preliminary ............................................................................................... 1
2. Formulation of the problem ...................................................................... 2
3. Research purposes .................................................................................... 2
4. Benefits of Research ................................................................................. 3
CHAPTER II LITERATURE .....................................................................................4
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS ...................................................................8
CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .........................................................11
CHAPTER V CLOSING ............................................................................................19



1.1 preliminary
Tile is a material that serves to the roof of a building. Formerly tile comes
from clay molded and heated to dry. Tile is a major part of a building to cover
the roof of the house. The main function is to resist heat tile sunshine and rainfall
(Aryadi, Y., 2010).

Paper is one requirement that is in need to meet human needs in all activities
ranging from writing, printing, and painting, and even paper has become the
primary needs such as rice. Consumption of paper in their daily lives is still very
high, especially in education. Indonesia's paper consumption per capita of 27
kg / person / year or 11 reams / 11 trunks with the amount of paper waste per
day in Indonesia reached 17 thousand tons ( In our own
neighborhood wider use of paper, plain paper is used as a food wrap, fried foods,
to be used as a shopping bag, it also results in excessive waste paper due to the
use of continuous paper

On the other hand, the current effort ice cane also mushroomed, especially
when the weather is hot which is a distinct advantage for the merchant ice cane
that is often found in the madrasas to scoop up the purse - purse rupiah, it turns
out this has resulted in increased waste bagasse resulting from the sugar mill. Of
more concern is sometimes bagasse sugarcane waste disposed of in any place
without regard to the impact of such environments seem more dirty. Based on
the Ministry of Agriculture in 2014, the result of a sugar cane plantation can
reach 2,943,897 tons / year with a total area of 449 873 hectares spread
throughout Indonesia. The use of sugarcane for the majority is used as a raw
material sugar and beverage industries. However, the utilization of the waste
will still rare. Waste bagasse can reach 35-40% by weight of cane milled

(Indriani and Sumarsih, 1992). Therefore, waste bagasse can still be used to use
a product that has a use value more.

From the description above problems, it can be seen that the garbage has
become a serious problem in Indonesia, especially in schools / madrasah and the
environment around the school / madrasah. Viewing these facts, we had the idea
to utilize the waste into items that can sell high value and can meet the needs of
practical and economical to process them into "Getas Collapsed (Tile Waste
Paper and Pulp Cane For Isolator Heat Indoor". It is hoped that this innovation
can addressing environmental problems in Indonesia due to sewage

1.2 Formulation of the problem

1. Is the paper waste and bagasse can be made of material to make roof tiles?

2. How to manufacture roof tiles from waste paper and bagasse?

3. What are the benefits of tile waste paper and bagasse can be used as heat
insulation in the room?

1.3 Research purposes

To know that waste paper and bagasse can be used as materials for home
1. To find out how to manufacture home ceiling paper waste and bagasse as an
indoor heat insulator.
2. To determine the benefits ceiling paper waste and bagasse as an indoor heat

1.4 Benefits of Research

a. for researchers

Can provide knowledge about the waste that they can be used again, an also

adds to the authors' knowledge in knowing the making "Ceiling

Waste Paper and Pulp Cane For Indoor Thermal Insulation ".

for the people

Can provide knowledge to the reader on waste that can still be recycled and knowing
how to treat waste paper and bagasse to be the ceiling of the house. In addition to
practical functions, there are also economic function which could increase
employment in the local environment that can increase people's incomes.

c. for academic
Can impart knowledge to students to be more creative in using and processing waste.



2.1 Scope of problem

Limitation of problems in the research can be described as follows:
1. Tile is a material that serves to the roof of a building. Formerly tile comes from
clay molded and heated to dry. Tile is a major part of a building to cover the roof
of the house. Bermacammacam tile types, there is a concrete tile, clay tile,
ceramic tile, tile roof zinc and wood (shingles). (Aryadi, Y., 2010). In the
manufacture of tile, we use basic materials such as waste paper and bagasse.

2. Waste paper waste means the result of using waste paper or paper production
results that are not used. In the manufacture of tile, we use waste paper such as
newspaper paper.

3. Sugarcane Dregs Waste means the use of sugar cane waste as ice cane or sugar
cane production waste that has been unused. In the manufacture of these tiles,
waste bagasse used are sugar cane waste leftover ice cane production.

4. Heat insulators are objects that are not easy and slowly dissipates heat. Our
thermal insulator is tested tile.

5. The room according to KBBI comes from the word that means room space,
booths, field. Limitation of room in our study is the room in the house.

2.2 quotations Problems

Starting from a pile of paper waste that often we encounter when to and from
school, including in schools, and also waste bagasse from the merchant ice in school,
we had the idea to use waste paper and bagasse into a product that can reuse. hence in
this research paper waste and bagasse in kompositkan with wood glue to be made in
the manufacture of roof tiles. (Source: observation)
2.3 Theoretical basis
2.3.1 SNI tile
According to the Indonesian national standard (SNI) 0099: 2007, Quality
requirements tile includes:

1. Personality looks
Tile must have a smooth surface, there are no cracks or other defects that affect the
nature of its use.
2. Penyeran water
Water absorption up to 10%
3. Resilience against water infiltration (impermeability)
There should be no water droplets on the bottom surface of the tile is less than 20
hours ± 5 minutes.

2.3.2 roof tile

Tile is a material that serves to the roof of a building. Formerly tile comes
from clay molded and heated to dry. Tile is a major part of a building to cover
the roof of the house. The main function is to resist heat tile sunlight and rainfall.
Bermacammacam tile types, there is a concrete tile, clay tile, ceramic tile, tile
roof zinc and wood (shingles). (Aryadi, Y., 2010).

Figure 2.3.2 Tile

2.3.3 Paper
Paper is a thin and flat material produced by the compression of fibers derived
from pulp. Digunakann the fiber is a natural fiber containing cellulose and
hemicellulose. The use of materials papermaking fibers often use a combination
of long and short fibers to produce strong and smooth paper. Paper is one of human

needs in daily activities - day, so pemakaiann paper every day in vast numbers.
Paper needs large amounts of it in addition to encouraging the production of paper,
it also raises issues - other issues such as environmental problems, which also
includes issues pennebangan forest trees, garbage, water and air pecemaran
(Rasyida, 2013).

Paper waste as goods is wasted can be utilized by means of paper recycled into a
unique and artistic. Before the recycled paper used as souvenir products is carried
out election papers. Through the recycling of paper means in addition to
addressing environmental concerns, can also be used as an alternative in creating
a work of art (new jobs) as well as an alternative to creating an entrepreneurial
family (Lopez, 2002).

Figure 2.3.3 Waste Paper

2.3.4 Sugarcane
Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) is the main source of the sweetener in the
world, nearly 70% of the source of sweetener derived from sugar cane, while the
rest comes from the beet sugar in the domestic market gula.Prospek real potential.
Indonesia with a population of 237.6 million people on average consume sugar 17
kg per capita per year, resulting in the need of sugar per year 4039.2 million tons
of refined sugar. This requirement is met by imports because the domestic sugar
production reached 2.318 million tons (CBS, 2012).

Figure 2.3.4 Sugarcane
Bagasse or commonly called bagasse, is a byproduct of the extraction process
(milking) of sugar cane. From one factory bagasse produced approximately 35-
40% of the weight of cane milled (Penebar Governmental, 1992). Meanwhile,
according Mui Technology Journal, Volume 4 Number 2, December 2011, 180-
188 (1996) sugarcane bagasse resulting from sugar production amount is 30% of
the sugarcane processed, and according Gandana (1982), sugarcane bagasse
resulting from sugar production numbers 31.34% of cane milled. Husin (2007)
adds, based on data from the Indonesian Sugar Plantation Research Center (P3GI)
bagasse generated as much as 32% of the weight of cane milled. However, as
much as 60% of bagasse is utilized by the sugar mills as fuel, bahanbaku for paper,
brake pads industrial raw materials, industrial molds, and others. Therefore, it is
estimated that 45% of the untapped bagasse (Husin, 2007) contains mostly sugar
cane .Ampas ligno-cellulose. Antara1,7 fiber length up to 2 mm with a diameter
of about 20 μm, so that the bagasse could meet the requirements to be processed
into boards of artificial (Husin, 2007).



3.1 Time and Place of Research

Table 3.1.1 The place and time of the study
No. Description of activities The place Time
1. Literature collection MAN 1 Lamongan August 11th,
2. Waste collection bagasse and MAN 1 Lamongan August 16, 2019
waste paper

3. Making of "brittle vanish" MAN 1 Lamongan 18 to 25 August


4. Tests on the brittle vanish Biology Laboratory 26-31 August

MAN 1 Lamongan 2019

5. manufacture Papers MAN 1 Lamongan 1-14 August


3.2 Equipment and Materials

Table 3.2 Equipment and Materials
No. Tool material
1. Basin Paper
2. Scissor bagasse
3. Spoon Water 800 ml
4. Molds (asbestos) Wood glue
5. blender white cement

3.3 Design of Experiments

In our study, done some using three samples.

Table 3.3 Design of Experiments
samples I II III
Waste paper: 70: 30 50: 50 30: 70

3.4 How It Works

Equipment and sublimate waste Mixing all the

materials dough

Tile ready for drying the dough Print the dough

use in a container

Picture. 3.3 The making of the schemen

Here we will create a tile with a size of 10x15 inches. Adapaun step - a step in the
manufacture of roof tiles with a mixture of waste paper and bagasse are as follows:
1. Equipment and materials needed
2. Paper soak for 24 hours with 600 ml of water
3. Destroy waste paper using a blender to a pulp, do not forget to add as much
as 200 ml of water so that the paper is not difficult to destroy.
4. Destroying waste bagasse by using a blender
5. Considering all the ingredients to be mixed
6. Mix all the ingredients with a volume ratio of waste paper, waste bagasse
suit each sample, with the addition of 50 grams and 20 grams of cement
7. Print the dough in the mold in the form of asbestos
8. Drying the mixture under the sun.
9. Spending the dough from the container.
10. Data Collection tile is ready for use.
3.4 Data Acquisition

The data we obtained in this study of:

1. Experiments or experiment with making roof tiles from waste paper and
bagasse which will produce a product.
2. The study of literature, the way to solve the problem by searching for
sources of writings that have been made previously associated with
the topics raised in a study. The study of literature can be obtained from
various sources, journals, books documentation, internet and library.

3.5 Analysis of Data

Data analysis techniques in this study using a qualitative descriptive
analysis. Qualitative analysis means researchers analyzed using descriptive
sentences of the existing data in the results of product then did the description
and interpretation based on literature studied.


4.1 Data analysis

4.1.1 Physical Test Results
Test the feasibility of the "brittle vanish" under the provisions of SNI:
Table 4.1.1 Physical Test Results
No. SNI Conditions Getas Amblas
1. Personality Looks ✓
2. water absorption ✓
3. impermeability ✓
1. In terms of morphology, or shape, of the same tile with tile shapes in general.
The meaning of the properties appear is tile must have a smooth surface, which
means that there should be no cracks or defects that affect the nature of its use.
To the texture of "brittle vanish" is a little rough akibar penagruh from sugar
cane fiber, but the texture will not affect siifat use.

Figure 4.1.1 Test Results

2. water absorption
Maximum water absorption is 10% in the Indonesian national standard.
Table 4.1.1 Water absorption
material The volume of The end of percentage
initial water the water absorption
Asbestos 600 ml 595 ml 0.83%
Clay tile 600 ml 550 ml 8.3%
Getas Amblas 600 ml 550 ml 8.3%
sample I
Getas amblas 600 ml 550 ml 8.3%
samples II
Getas amblas 600 ml 550 ml 8.3%
samples III
From the experimental data above can be seen that the Asbestos has a percentage
of 0.83% absorption, clay tile has preentase following absorption of 8.3% and
also the same as the percentage of absorption of the sample Collapsed Getas I,
II, and III. In calculating the percentage of the above can be obtained by
reduction of the initial volume and final volume and dividing by the initial
volume will be obtained percentage of absorption. In the Indonesian national
standard tile manufacture, determined maximum water absorption of 10%, it can
be seen across the sample of Getas Collapsed meet national standards Indonesia
a tile.

3. Resistance to water permeation

In the national standard of the roof water seepage prescribed maximum of 20

hours, it is used in order to anticipate the heavy rain.
Table 4.1.1 Resistance to water seepage
material Time Status permeation
Asbestos 20 hours not perk

Clay tile 20 hours not perk
Getas Amblas sample I 20 hours not perk
Getas Amblas sample II 20 hours not perk
Getas Amblas sample 20 hours not perk

In a test of resistance to permeation of water, it is known that asbestos and clay tile
and Getas Collapsed samples I, II, III, did not experience water seepage to the
drainage water for 20 hours.
4.1.2 Heat Insulation Test
1. Equipment and materials to be used (Tool: Knives. Material: Cork measuring
32x32 cm, 25 watt bulb lights, insulation, glue)

Figure 4.1.1 Preparation tool and materials

2. Glue the cork one by one with the glue to form a cube building, you need to
know here we will make a cube without cap
Figure 4.1.2 Gluing Cardboard

3. Provide insulation at each corner of the cube outside to ensure they do not
enter the room air from outside.

Figure 4.1.3 Gluing cardboard using insulation
4. Placing a thermometer on the side of the cube

Figure 4.1.4 Installation of thermometer

5. Laying tiles on the inside of the cube

Figure 4.1.5 The laying of tiles on the upper side of the cube

6. Installing lights at the top of the tile

Figure 4.1.6 Laying of the lamp and thermometer

7. Observed changes in temperature on the thermometer every 10 minutes on
asbestos, clay tile and brittle vanish.
Table 4.1.2 Test Isolator heat on asbestos
Heat insulators
The temperature in the Outdoor temperature
(10 minutes)
room (◦C) (◦ C)

1 30 35
2 31 36
3 32 38
4 33 43
5 34 44

Average 32 39.2

Table 4.1.2 Test of heat insulation on clay tile

Heat insulators
The temperature in the Outdoor
(10 minutes)
room (◦C) temperature (◦ C)

1 30 35
2 30 36
3 31 38
4 31 43
5 32 44
Average 30.8 39.2

Table 4.1.2 Test of heat insulation on the sample Getas Amblas I

Heat insulators
The temperature in the room
(10 minutes) Outdoor temperature (◦ C)
1 31.5 35
2 31.8 36
3 31.7 38
4 31.2 43
5 31.2 44

Average 31.4 39.2

Table 4.1.2 Test of heat insulation on the sample Getas Amblas I
Heat insulators
Time (10 minutes) The temperature in the room
(◦ C)
1 29 35
2 30.5 36
3 31.5 38
4 31 43
5 31 44

Average 30.6 39.2

Table 4.1.2 Test of heat insulation on the sample Getas Amblas III
Heat insulators
The temperature in the room
(10 minutes) Outdoor temperature (◦ C)

1 32 35
2 31.8 36
3 31.2 38
4 31.4 43
5 31.8 44

Average 31.6 39.2

Data from these observations, we can see that the average temperature in the room
-rata experimented with asbestos testing is 32◦C, while the outdoor temperature
reaches 39,2◦C, means the temperature difference between the outside temperature
and the temperature inside was 7, 2◦C and the clay tile obtained average
temperature - average in the tendency is 30.8 ℃ and the average temperature -
average outdoors are then obtained 39.2 ℃ 8.3 ℃ difference. While tile waste

paper and bagasse best samples had a mean temperature - average in the room is
30,6◦C and 39,1◦C outdoors temperature, mean temperature difference between
the outside and inside of the room is 8.5◦C. From these explanations,

1.1 Test kekutan Getas Collapsed

Table 4.2 strength test
Ketinggihan material Broken not broken
5m Asbestos ✓
Clay tile ✓
Getas Amblas ✓
sample I
Getas Amblas ✓
samples II
Getas Amblas ✓
samples III
Of these tests can be seen that, Getas Amblas which had samples I, II, III does not
break when dropped at a height of 5 meters, while asbestos and clay tile broke
when dropped at a height of 5 meters.
1.2 Solution to problem

From the above issues, we had the idea to create environmentally friendly tile
is basically a waste material that is not used, ie waste paper and bagasse, because
in the neighborhood madrassa or school and the place where we often found the
waste. In addition, the tile also includes items that are needed to complete the
building. So we combine some of the above issues and produce an idea in the
form of eco-friendly tile made from waste paper and bagasse.

1.3 idea Development

In this study, which needs to be developed is a tile-making process, namely
by extending bagasse, as bagasse can absorb heat more leverage, and this
requires further study.

The advantages of the use of tile waste paper and bagasse is able to reduce

paper waste and bagasse are circulating in the environment, in addition to the tile
waste paper and bagasse has the advantage that in the manufacture of roof tiles,
the material is very easy to find and how to manufacture that is not too
complicated other than that in making this tile is also not menmbutuhkan lot of
costs due to the materials used to use the waste contained in the neighborhood.
which is cheap and easily available, robust and not easily broken because of the
nature of the hard tile, can isolate the heat in the room.

Disadvantages of tile waste paper and bagasse is in the drying process, when
the sun is not too hot then the process needs a long time and if there was a slight
rift then the tile must be replaced in order not to leak

4.2 conclusion
1. paper waste and bagasse can be used as material to make roof tiles or a
particular building because bagasse containing lignin and cellulose that can
strengthen the tile.
2. SNI tile on the feasibility test, sample Getas amblas II meets the requirements
of national standard of Indonesia tile, either from nature seem moisture
absorption power and resistance to water infiltration, as well as strength.
3. The advantages of tile made us, is able to withstand the heat radiation, as is
evident when Getas Collapsed sample II tested using a space measuring
10x15 inches Made of cork in it are given a thermometer to measure sushu in
the room, and at the trial this time the temperature inside the room is lower
than the temperature that is outdoors.
4.3 Suggestion

1 For Communities and academic, should be able to better utilize the materials
around mainly unused waste to be of a higher quality product and helpful
and can add to the economic value of these materials.

2 For the author, this study should be used as a reference for further research
in developing knowledge acquired in school.


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