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‘’Students should not be required to take pysical education

‘’Physical fitness is not only one of the most important key to a healthy
body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.’’-John F.
Kennedy. Pysical education, sport in general is so important for your child’s
life to be long and healthy, whilist some people think that this is not so
important for kids to take these kind of courses in school.
Firstly, there are so many children who are obese and should take these
courses. Pysical education courses will give them that impulse for changing
their lifestyle. The teacher should be open-minded and also should give
advice for kids who are struggling with their weight. Children must be
taught in school that sport and eating healthy are more than necessary in
their life, for growing harmonious. Also, physical education is good for
physically, mentally and socially of the students. It prevents laziness in class
because the brain works better after an hour when you move your body.
Secondly, of course physical education is not just about sport and lose
weight but can develop a lot of things. These courses encourage teamwork
which is so important because you learn to give and receive advice, you
learn to dicuss and to work with your team. Also, it can bring to you new
friends and new abilities in sport.
In contrast, students shouldn’t be required because of other students that
are so mean. In general, kids are so mean with eachother. If one of them is
fat or acutually obese, the other children will make fun of him. Students
shouldn’t have to go through embarrassement of physical education. It is
wrong for someone that is physically fit, against someone who is not. This
can lead to depression, which is totally wrong.
Furthermore, students shouldn’t be required to take a physical education
course because is useless. There are children who are athlets and for them
these courses are a waste of time. Also, there are kids who has problems
and difficulties at other subjects, and physical education course is an
obstacle for them.
All things considered

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