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how to detect post-traumatic symptoms after the earthquake

Changes in mood following a phenomenon such as this affect self-esteem,

interpersonal relationships, and productivity. This is known as post-traumatic
stress and is often reflected hours or days after an event such as an
This disorder has a number of typical symptoms such as that the person reacts
to the experience with fear and despair, relives the event and tries to avoid by
any means that is remembered. Also, studies found that the prevalence time of
this syndrome is more common in women.
It should also be noted that these symptoms are normal the first two weeks after
a natural disaster. Symptoms include changes in mood, interpersonal
relationships, and productivity.

1.-Hypersensitivity to the environment: Any movement that before seemed

normal, now seems to us to be an earthquake or we have the constant
sensation of movement. Esto no es un acto consciente, pero estamos
prestando atención a cosas que normalmente no nos causan impresión

2.-Exacerbated anxiety. This is manifested in several physical signs, such as

difficulty in achieving or maintaining sleep, irritability or anger, difficulty
concentrating and exaggerated responses of startle. Anxiety after an
earthquake brings us many physical signs that are most evident when there
is muscle stiffness, headaches and prolonged insomnia

3.-Constant thoughts of desolation. Although it is normal to have uncertainty

following an earthquake of this nature, persistent thoughts of desolation and
sadness are indicative of acute stress. You constantly think about what is
going to happen or what is going to be of one in the possibility of a replica,
and you have constant memories of the event.

Treating Symptoms

should be treated with psychological first aid, as a brief therapy or with

talks with friends about how they feel and how they can help. The most
important thing is that the person feels secure with their environment, so
it is advisable to take therapies at a distance or attend with a specialist
Listen to soft music, paint, do mild physical activity that does not involve
going out into the street, avoid having contact with the images of
landslides after the earthquake and having talks with friends about how
they feel is important.

In addition, preparing and having emergency kits on hand can help the
person feel more confident about an eventuality, so it is recommended to
have the most important belongings in order.

Crying for the first two weeks is a normal symptom, according to the
psychologist, but care should be taken that the episodes are not
frequent, because in that case it is about the beginnings of depression,
which must be treated differently. On the other hand, even if there is
insomnia and headache the person should not self-medicate, but go to
the doctor to follow up.

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