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Date: March 2, 2020

Duration: One Hour
Section: 8 – Iroko (8:32-9:32)

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

A. Performance Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of: South and West Asian literature as an
expression of philosophical and religious beliefs; information flow in various text types; reality,
fantasy and opinion in listening and viewing materials; word decoding strategies; and use of
information, active/passive constructions, direct/reported speech, perfect tenses, logical
connectors and journalistic writing.

B. Content Standard
The learner transfers learning by composing a variety of journalistic texts, the contents
of which may be used in composing and memorized oral speech featuring use of properly
acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion and
emphasis and appropriate features, stance and behavior.

C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
a. define modifiers
b. identify the two types of modifiers
c. distinguish the difference between Adjectives and Adverbs

 Adjectives and Adverbs as Modifiers


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages – p.68
B. Other Learning Resources:
Internet (, LCD Projectors, Laptop, marker, IM’s


Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
 Good day class “Good day, Sir!”
 Kindly stand for the prayer (A student will lead the prayer)
 Please be seated.
 I’m going to check your attendance,
kindly say “present” as I call your

1. Review
 What was our previous lesson all “Our previous lesson was all about Journalistic
about? Writing.”
 What are the types of newspaper? “The two types of a newspaper are Tabloid
and Broadsheet”
B. Establishing a purpose for the Lesson

Task 1. Riddle
The teacher will post cut-out
letters that says “EMOULDIFYIERS” on the
board. Before having the entire class read the
riddle, the teacher will assign roles of the
characters in such piece and orient them as to
what they would need to do. Then, everyone in
the class reads the riddle in unison. The teacher
will stop the reading at certain point to give way
to the characters to do their task based on the
riddle. After that, the reading continues until all
characters were able to do their duty and the
outcome is achieved.
(The students will do the activity)
I was born with the name “EMOULDIFYIERS”.
When my father found out about it, he got mad
and took my “E”. Later that day, my father told
my aunt about my name and hurriedly removed
my “LY”. That left my mother upset. Finally, my
mother consulted my grandmother then gladly
took away my “UL” to make it better.

So, what is my name now?


The teacher will let the students read

the letters that remained on the board. Then “Yes!”
the teacher asks:
 Do you have now an idea about what is “Modifiers, sir!”
our topic for today?
 So, what is our topic for today?

C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New

(Students answer may vary)
The teacher will ask the students:

 Have you ever seen a photo of “The

Great Wall of China”? Or are you even
familiar with it?

The teacher will let the students formulate

sentences that describe “The Great Wall of

 Okay, very good! Now I have here

sentences that describe “The Great

‘The great wall of China is simply enormous. It’s

stony way across the mountains and valleys of
Asia, with beautiful towers standing tall every
couple of hundred feet.’

But without modifiers, “The Great Wall” would

simply be “The Wall”.

D. Discussing Concepts and Practicing Skills #1

The teacher will discuss about modifiers.

MODIFIER- is a word that modifies or describes

nouns, pronouns (adjectives) and
verbs (adverbs).

1. He is a cute baby.
2.Lisa is intelligent.
3.Sarah sings confidently.
4.He reads carefully.

1. Adjective - describes a noun or a pronoun. It
answers the questions: How many/How
much? Which one? and What kind?
1.Ten kilos of rice.
2.That is a beautiful view.
3.The brown dog is intelligent.

The adjective usually comes before the noun or

pronoun so that we are clear about what is
being described.

Likewise, a verb can also be modified.

1.I ran.
2.They ate.
3.Susie dressed.
4.We walk.

These verb modifiers are called adverbs.

1.I ran fast

2.They ate hungrily.
3.Susie dressed fashionably.
4.We walked lazily.

These adverbs modify the action, not the

subject, telling us in what way the activity is

Adverb - describes a verb, an adjective, or

another adverb. It answers the questions:
When?, Where?, How?, Why? and What extent?
1.We went down yesterday.
2.He ran quickly to the store.
3. I entirely deleted all the files.

ADVERB modifies the action.

*They ate hungrily.

*She played the harp beautifully.
(which refers to how she played the harp)

While ADJECTIVE modify the subject noun or

*They are hungry.
Or, Johnny and Janelle are hungry.
*She played the beautiful harp.
(modifier “beautiful” refers to harp itself)

E. Discussing Concepts and Practicing New Skills #2

The teacher will post sentences without any

modifiers and let the students read it.
1. She ran.
2. Lyla cooked.
3. I ate.
4. Myla dances. “Yes sir!”
5. She sings. “Yes sir!”
“Modifiers sir!”
(Students will raise their hands)
 Ok class, did you understand the given sentences?
 But they all sound so plain and simple, right? “Yes sir!”
 What do you think is absent in the sentences?
 Ok, who can add modifiers? (Students answer may vary)
 Ok! Very good.
 Ok class, after adding modifiers, did the sentence
now make sense?
 So why modifiers are important? Or how modifiers
help us recognize the point of the sentence?

MODIFIERS tell us more about the nouns, pronouns,

and verbs.

MODIFIERS enhance and brighten language.

Without them, we would not be as efficient or
effective in our reading and writing.

F. Developing Mastery

Task 2. Board work

The teacher will post sentences and let
the students identify the modifier by
underlining the adjective and encircle the

1. This is the best movie ever.

2. Jason suddenly left the party.
3. He tied red ribbons around the gift.
4. Sarah walked fast to the toilet.
5. I prayed silently.

G. Finding Practical Application of Concepts in

Daily Living

The teacher will divide the class into five

(5) groups. Each group will be given its
corresponding task about ‘Modifier’ that is
written on a manila paper. (Ten minutes) In
addition, each group must choose one or two
representatives to present and explain their

Group One – Describe the given picture by

constructing three sentences. Each sentence
should have modifiers in it.

Group Two – Construct a sentence using the

following adjectives:
1. dirty
2. good
3. seven

Group Three – Construct a sentence using the

following adverbs:
1. slowly
2. honestly
3. today
Group Four – Construct a sentence using the
following modifiers and identify its form:
1. politely
2. funny
3. always
“Modifier is a word that modifies or describes
Group Five – Describe your mother in three nouns, pronouns (adjectives) and verbs
sentences. Do not forget to use modifiers. (adverbs).”

H. Generalizations and Abstractions “The two types of modifier are Adjectives

The teacher asks the students: and Adverbs. Adjective describes a noun or a
 What is modifier? pronoun. It answers the questions: How
many/How much? Which one? and What
kind?. While, Adverb describes a verb, an
 Define the two types of modifiers. adjective, or another adverb. It answers the
questions: When?, Where?, How?, Why? and
What extent?”.

I. Evaluating Learning

I. Choose the correct form of modifier from the

given choices inside the parentheses and
write it down. Then, identify whether it is
Adjective or Adverb. Answer only. (Two
points for each number)

Example: She (quickly, quick) adjusted the

Answer: quickly – Adverb

1. James was a very (careful, carefully) worker.

2. She did not pass the exam (easy, easily) as
he thought he would.
3. Alice smiled (bright, brightly) at her
4. The (woolly, woollily) mammoth is believed
to be the ancestor of the modern elephant.
5. Leo tries too (hard, hardly) to win.

II. Determine whether the underlined modifier

is an Adjective or an Adverb. Write Adj. if it
is Adjective and Adv. if it is Adverb.

1. Yesterday was a very hot day.

2. The sweet strawberries tasted so good.
3. You have to be very careful around wild
4. Mary danced gracefully.
5. Mark and Jason greedily ate all the cake.

I. 1. careful – Adjective
2. easily – Adverb
3. brightly – Adverb
4. wooly – Adjective
5. hard – Adjective
II. 1. Adv.
2. Adj.
3. Adj.
4. Adv.
5. Adv.



Prepared by:

Leynard James M. Unciano

CMC Intern

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