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How Climate Change Affects URBAN AREAS

Visit the website: Urban Heat Island

Read the article on Climate Change Increases Poor Air Quality

1. Detroit experiences how many more 90 degree days than those in rural areas nearby?

2. What are some challenges the residents of Detroit might experience that those in rural areas may

3. Stagnant air is air that stands still and has very little circulation. The stagnant air increases the
amount of high pressure systems. What can these high pressure systems cause?

4. What are the two types of atmospheric pollutants? Give examples of each.

5. What specific part of the body does atmospheric pollutants affect? What are some particular
reactions atmospheric pollutants can trigger?

6. Why are people who live within cities more at risk of experiencing the effects of air pollution than
people who live outside the city? (Discuss weather events that need to take place?

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